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Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.

Publié le 29 mars 2008

Announces 2007 Financial Results and Review of Operations

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Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.
Friday, March 28, 2008

Ivanhoe Mines Announces 2007 Financial Results and Review of Operations

Mine development advancing at Oyu Tolgoi's Hugo Dummett North high-grade underground copper and gold deposit in Mongolia

Singapore, Singapore - March 28, 2008 - Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (TSX:IVN)(NYSE:IVN)(NASDAQ:IVN) today announced its results for the year ended December 31, 2007. All figures are in US dollars unless otherwise stated.


- A new NI 43-101 initial resource estimate at the Heruga Discovery in Mongolia has added 13.4 million ounces of gold and 8 billion pounds of copper to the Oyu Tolgoi Project's total inferred resources - and drilling is continuing to expand the discovery.

- Oyu Tolgoi's Shaft #1 has reached its total depth of 1,385 metres, allowing commencement of underground mine development of the copper- and gold-rich Hugo Dummett North Deposit.

- The Oyu Tolgoi Project is awaiting an approved Investment Agreement with Mongolia to begin full-scale construction.

- Ivanhoe's 81%-owned subsidiary, SouthGobi Energy Resources, has raised $117.9 million and is preparing to open its first coal mine in Mongolia.

- Ivanhoe Australia has significantly expanded its exploration program, targetting major copper, gold and uranium discoveries in northwest Queensland.

- Ivanhoe is advancing development plans to bring the Bakyrchik Gold Mine in Kazakhstan into commercial production.

- Ivanhoe's 42%-owned subsidiary, Jinshan Gold Mines, has started production from its first gold mine in China with an initial target of 120,000 ounces per year.

- Ivanhoe incurred $304 million in exploration and mine development expenses in 2007.


Underground development program advancing at high-grade Hugo Dummett North Deposit in preparation for production

On January 27, 2008, the Oyu Tolgoi team celebrated the completion of Shaft No. 1. The completed shaft is 6.7 metres in diameter, concrete lined, with a final depth of 1,385 metres. It is the deepest underground shaft in Mongolia. Lateral development activities on the 1,300-metre level have commenced, which will involve tunnelling into Oyu Tolgoi's Hugo Dummett North high-grade underground copper and gold deposit, facilitating access for exploration and initial production from the underground mine. The shaft eventually will help to ventilate the deep mine.

The Oyu Tolgoi site infrastructure was significantly expanded in 2007, including the construction of a centralized camp and the supply of power and other utilities. Site efforts also focused on the sinking of Shaft No. 1, completion of sub-surface works at Shaft No. 2 and the winterization of the camp.

Preliminary sub-surface work at Shaft No. 2 began in mid-2007 and, as planned, paused for winter in mid-December. Progress in 2007 included completing the concrete headframe to 14 metres below grade and extending the conveyor gallery and ventilation system. Shaft No. 2 is planned to be the initial, primary underground production and service shaft at Oyu Tolgoi.

At year end, engineering of the Oyu Tolgoi concentrator had reached 80% completion and site excavation work was approximately 25% complete. The focus for 2008 is to maintain procurement for the concentrator equipment.

Infrastructure engineering was completed or commenced on 27 different packages, including a diesel power station, operations water supply and a road to the border with China. The principal activities included engineering for the diesel power station, which will provide construction power to the project, and engineering on the Gunii Hooloi bore field, which will serve as a long-term water source for the mine. Engineering design is continuing in 2008 and implementation options will be assessed.

The design contract for a coal-fired power plant was awarded in 2007 and engineering is underway, with the first phase expected to be completed by May 2008. Operation of the power plant will support the concentrator schedule.

The Oyu Tolgoi Project posted an outstanding health and safety achievement, completing the entire year without a lost-time incident (LTI) at the site and extending the LTI-free period from December 18, 2006. Employees and contractors on site worked a total of 3.4 million hours during 2007.

Oyu Tolgoi Project awaiting an approved Investment Agreement to begin full-scale construction

During the fourth quarter of 2007, members of the Mongolian National Parliament's Standing Committee on Economics visited large-scale, international mining operations to gather information about mining issues and approval processes that guide mine developments in other countries. The committee had been given the responsibility to review and report to parliament on the draft Investment Agreement for Oyu Tolgoi that had been negotiated by Ivanhoe Mines and its strategic partner, Rio Tinto, with the Government of Mongolia's Working Group in April 2007. Mines owned or operated by Rio Tinto were among those visited by the MPs.

While the committee's travel and review was underway, the governing Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP) voted to replace its leader, resulting in the installation of a new Prime Minister and formation of a new cabinet. The new government assumed office on December 13, 2007. On the same day, new Prime Minister Sanjaa Bayar said that any review and evaluation of the draft Investment Agreement by the government would be more reliable if the government retained the services of an internationally recognized, independent financial organization to assist in concluding a "world standard" agreement for Oyu Tolgoi. He withdrew the draft Investment Agreement from Parliament to end what he said was a legislative stalemate - and said that finalizing an agreement to permit the construction of Oyu Tolgoi to proceed was one of his government's priorities before the national general election scheduled for June 29, 2008 (The MPRP currently holds a narrow majority in the parliament, with 39 of 76 seats).

The government subsequently declared that it intended to make a series of revisions to Mongolia's Minerals Law before attempting to complete an agreement for Oyu Tolgoi. It now appears likely that proposed amendments to the Minerals Law will be discussed in the coming spring session of parliament that is set to begin April 7.

Ivanhoe Mines is monitoring the deliberations of parliament and actions by the Government of Mongolia, and is continuing to assess the implications for the Oyu Tolgoi development schedule. A final Investment Agreement also remains subject to approvals by the respective Boards of Directors of Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto.

Ivanhoe Mines, with the encouraging support of its Mongolian employees, suppliers and contractors, has expressed its concern to all Members of Parliament, the government's Cabinet and the President about the potential adverse impacts on the cost of, and timing for, the Oyu Tolgoi Project that would result from any further delays in the parliamentary review and approval process. Without an approved Investment Agreement, further progress on the project remains uncertain.

New gold- and molybdenum-rich Heruga Deposit discovered by Ivanhoe on the Javkhlant concession of the Entree Gold-Ivanhoe Mines' joint-venture property adjoining the southern boundary of Oyu Tolgoi

Ivanhoe Mines completed approximately 64,000 metres of drilling on the Oyu Tolgoi Project during 2007. This included 37,500 metres specifically on the Heruga Deposit, located within the Javkhlant concession of the Entree Gold-Ivanhoe Mines' earn-in joint-venture property adjoining the southern boundary of Oyu Tolgoi. Heruga remains open at both ends and, in part, on the southeastern side; ongoing drilling is expanding the mineralization.

In March 2008, Ivanhoe Mines announced the first resource estimate for the Heruga Deposit. The deposit is estimated to contain an inferred resource of 760 million tonnes grading 0.48% copper, 0.55 g/t gold and 142 ppm molybdenum, for a copper equivalent grade of 0.91%, using a 0.60% copper equivalent cut-off grade. Based on this initial estimate, the Heruga Deposit is estimated to contain at least eight billion pounds of copper and 13.4 million ounces of gold. Using a higher cut-off grade of 1% copper equivalent, Heruga contains inferred resources of 210 million tonnes grading 0.57% copper, 0.97 g/t gold and 145 ppm molybdenum, totalling 2.6 billion pounds of copper and 6.4 million ounces of gold.

Thirty-four drill holes (including daughter holes) on nine sections spaced at 150-300-metre intervals, for a combined strike length of 1,800-metres, were used in the resource estimate. The deposit is open ended, with one rig currently drilling on the northern-most section of the deposit, 150 metres south of the Oyu Tolgoi boundary, in significant copper/gold mineralization.

Extending Heruga northward, the Induced Polarization (IP) data, which have been a good indicator for the mineralization, suggest that the mineralized block between the two Bor Tolgoi faults could extend an additional 500 metres northeast onto the 100% Ivanhoe-owned Oyu Tolgoi mining licence. Of even greater interest, there are three northeast-trending, post-mineral fault structures that cut across the northern end of the deposit. Ultimately, the deposit may extend approximately four kilometres further north, to the southern end of the Southwest and South Oyu deposits, which abut a similar-aged, east-west fault referred to as the Solongo Fault. The IP shows a broad zone of increased chargeability along the four-kilometre trend.

The discovery of this new deposit attests to the potential of the remaining Ivanhoe land area along the Oyu Tolgoi mineralized trend that has yet to be explored by deep drilling.

The Oyu Tolgoi structural trend, as currently defined, now has a total strike length in excess of 20 kilometres, encompassing Oyu Tolgoi in the centre and extensions onto the joint Entree/Ivanhoe Mines agreement area to the south and north. From the Heruga Deposit in the south, the trend now extends through the Oyu Tolgoi deposits to the Ulaan Khud, or Airport North Zone, located approximately 10 kilometres north-northeast of the Hugo Dummett Deposit.

The total Oyu Tolgoi Project resources, including those contained on the adjoining Shivee Tolgoi and Javkhlant properties, are as follows:

Total Oyu Tolgoi Project Resources March 2008(1)(2)
(based on a 0.60% copper equivalent cut-off)(3)

                                                  Contained Metal(5)
                                     CuEq                             CuEq
Resource               Cu   Au   Mo    (4)        Cu         Au         (4)
Category      Tonnes   (%)(g/t)(ppm)   (%) ('000 lbs)   (ounces) ('000 lbs)
 ed      101,590,000 0.64 1.10    -  1.34  1,430,000  3,590,000  3,000,000
 ated  1,285,840,000 1.38 0.42    -  1.65 39,120,000 17,360,000 46,770,000
 ed +
 ated  1,387,430,000 1.33 0.47    -  1.63 40,680,000 20,970,000 49,860,000
 ed    2,157,130,000 0.80 0.35   50  1.05 38,230,000 24,220,000 50,050,000

(1) Mineral resources are not mineral reserves until they have demonstrated economic viability based on a feasibility study or pre-feasibility study. Mineral resources are reported inclusive of mineral reserves.
(2) This table includes estimated resources on Entree Gold's Hugo North Extension Deposit and the Heruga Deposit. These Properties are owned By Entree Gold but are subject to earn-in rights by Ivanhoe Mines. The estimate includes indicated resources of 117,000,000 tonnes grading 1.8% copper and 0.61 g/t gold and inferred resources of 855,500,000 tonnes grading 0.53% copper and 0.52 g/t gold and a 142 ppm molybdenum at a 0.6% cut-off grade on the combined Hugo North Extension and Heruga deposits.
(3) The 0.6% CuEq cut-off has been used to enable comparison with previous disclosures.
(4) CuEq has been calculated using assumed metal prices ($1.35/lb. for copper and $650/oz for gold and $10/lb for molybdenum); %CuEq. equals Cu+((Au x 18.98)+(Mo x 0.01586))/29.76. Mo grades outside of Heruga are assumed to be zero for CuEq calculations. The equivalence formula was calculated assuming that gold and molybdenum recoveries would be 91% and copper recovery would be 72%.
(5) The contained gold and copper represent estimated contained metal in the ground and have not been adjusted for the metallurgical recoveries of gold and copper. Differences in measured and indicated totals relate to rounding associated with tonnes and grade.

The current inferred resource estimate is based on a wide-spaced pattern that Ivanhoe Mines believes has not fully delineated the higher-grade gold-rich core. This may allow for a significant increase in gold-rich resources as infill drilling is undertaken.

In March 2008, Ivanhoe Mines advised Entree Gold that it had incurred in excess of $27.5 million in exploration expenditures on the Entree Gold-Ivanhoe Mines JV agreement areas and therefore has earned a 60% interest in all minerals - including the Heruga Deposit - on the Javkhlant exploration tenement and the northern extension of the Hugo Dummett North Deposit on the Shivee Tolgoi exploration tenement. Ivanhoe Mines intends to continue incurring earn-in expenditures in accordance with the terms of the JV agreement to increase its participating interest in the project. Subject to Ivanhoe Mines spending a total of $35 million on exploration and/or development on the JV properties prior to November 2012, Ivanhoe Mines will earn a participating interest of 80% in all minerals extracted below a sub-surface depth of 560 metres on the optioned property and a 70% participating interest in all minerals extracted from surface to a depth of 560 metres.

Ivanhoe Mines directly held approximately 14.8% of the issued and outstanding share capital of Entree, in addition to the earn-in rights, at December 31, 2007.



1. SouthGobi Energy preparing to begin open-pit coal mining at its Ovoot Tolgoi mine in Mongolia

SouthGobi Energy Resources expects to begin mining at its Ovoot Tolgoi Coal Project in southern Mongolia in the second quarter of 2008. The first shipments of coal to markets in China are expected during the third quarter of 2008.

SouthGobi has taken delivery of a fleet of surface-mining equipment for the Ovoot Tolgoi Project. The equipment, valued at approximately $16 million, is being used for pre-development activities and will be used for mining at the open pit once operations commence.

On September 11, 2007, SouthGobi received official notification from the Government of Mongolia that it had been granted a mining licence for its open-pit coal mine at Ovoot Tolgoi, which is approximately 950 kilometres south-west of Ulaanbaatar and within 45 kilometres of the border with China. The mining licence for Ovoot Tolgoi covers an area of 9,308 hectares encompassing the West and Southeast pits, as well as the airport. A 30-year Mining Licence Certificate, dated September 20, 2007, was received on October 1, 2007. SouthGobi is expecting to receive the Permit to Mine in the second quarter of this year.

Capital costs to start production at Ovoot Tolgoi are estimated at approximately C$45 million. The engineering and design for a permanent camp, maintenance facilities and offices has been completed and construction is expected to start in the second quarter of this year.

2. Initial resource estimate for SouthGobi's Tsagaan Tolgoi coal project identifies a potential source of coal for a coal-fired power plant at Oyu Tolgoi

In February 2008, SouthGobi announced that it had received an initial, independent NI 43-101-compliant resource estimate for its Tsagaan Tolgoi coal project in southern Mongolia. The project contains initial measured plus indicated coal resources of 36.4 million tonnes, with an additional inferred coal resource of approximately nine million tonnes.

The exploration work supporting the Tsagaan Tolgoi resource estimate has successfully achieved its limited objective of identifying coal resources of sufficient quality and quantity (approximately 25 million tonnes) to support power generation for the Oyu Tolgoi Project, 115 kilometres to the east. Further exploration is planned in 2008.

SouthGobi Energy closes equity financings that have raised C$117.9 million in 2008

SouthGobi has completed three private-equity financings in 2008 to raise a total of C$117.9 million. The proceeds from these offerings will be used to finance initial development of an open-pit coal mine at the Ovoot Tolgoi coal project and to finance additional drilling and engineering focused on developing a potential underground coal mine at Ovoot Tolgoi. Proceeds also will be used to explore and develop SouthGobi's other coal and mineral projects, to identify and investigate new projects and for general corporate and administrative purposes.

Concurrent with the closing of the first and second placements, Ivanhoe Mines converted its 25.6 million preferred shares and convertible debt into common shares of SouthGobi. Ivanhoe Mines currently owns approximately 80.5% of SouthGobi's issued and outstanding share capital.


1. Ivanhoe Mines

Exploration resumed in Northern China, focusing on high-quality projects for acquisition

Reconnaissance field exploration re-commenced in March 2007, focused on the western Gobi region of China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and surrounding provinces, and continued until the end of the fourth quarter. The program consisted of the field geological assessment of more than 50 licenced intrusive-related and breccia-hosted gold, silver and copper deposits and involved detailed data reviews, field traverses and systematic rock-chip and channel sampling of all properties.

The aim of the program has been to identify high-quality, semi-advanced projects for acquisition through joint-venture formation with, or direct purchase from, the existing licence holders.

2. Jinshan Gold Mines (42.0% owned)

Gold production commenced in 2007 at CSH 217 Mine

In July 2007, Jinshan Gold Mines announced the pouring of the first 500-ounce gold dore bar at the CSH 217 Gold Mine in Inner Mongolia, China. The pouring marked the start of pre-commercial production at the mine.

Gold production totalled 29,900 ounces from the start-up on July 31, 2007, to the end of February 2008. During this period, gold sales totalled $22.3 million, at an average, unhedged price of $798 per ounce. The mine is operating at approximately 50% of its design capacity, with leaching slowed during start-up and through the first winter of operation.


Cloncurry IOCG Project expanding exploration

In 2007, Ivanhoe Mines spent $22.1 million on the Cloncurry Project (compared to $2.2 million in 2006), having steadily increased exploration efforts at the Cloncurry Project during the year. Ivanhoe Mines is continuing to assess financing alternatives for Cloncurry.

Styles of mineralization on the Cloncurry Project include iron-oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) at Mt. Elliott; IOCG mineralization with associated uranium at Amethyst Castle; and copper hosted in shales and siltstones at Mt. Dore. Results, particularly at Mt. Dore and Mt. Elliott, are very encouraging. Recent drilling has indicated that mineralization at the Swan and Swell zones, and the previously mined Mt. Elliott and Corbould zones, are all part of the same mineralized system now referred to as the Mt. Elliott system.

The Mt. Dore Project

Mt. Dore is the most advanced project on the property and provides the earliest opportunity for copper production. Significant non-NI 43-101-compliant mineral resources have been previously declared at the prospect and vertical infill drilling to re-establish a valid NI 43-101-compliant resource commenced in Q3'07. This drilling program initially was planned to comprise 19 holes, but in Q4'07 was extended to 27 holes totalling 9,750 metres. A total of 4,290 metres (11 holes) was completed by the end of 2007.

Secondary copper within this system is hosted within east-dipping shales and siltstones overlain by granites. The sediments are locally brecciated. Copper is mostly in the form of chalcocite and chrysocolla. The zone of mineralization (defined using a 0.25% copper cut-off) has a strike length of at least 600 metres and dips to the east at approximately 400. The central part of the mineralized zone is thicker, wider and defined for at least 400 metres down-dip. The mineralized zone at surface in the central part is generally from 25 to 50 metres thick, thickening to more than 100 metres at depth. Mineralization remains open along strike and at depth.

The Mt. Elliott Project

A total of 67 diamond drill-holes, totalling 59,029 metres, were completed on the Mt. Elliott IOCG project in 2007. Drilling in Q1'07 focused on extending the mineralization at the Swan Zone. By Q2'07, there were six rigs at Mt. Elliott; work during this quarter included testing the Swell Zone with a view to establishing its relationships to the Swan and Elliott zones. There currently are four rigs on site.

Extensive modelling of the Mt. Elliott drill data was carried out in Q4'07, constructing shells using 0.25%, 0.5%, 1% and 2% copper-equivalent cut-offs. This work indicated that the Swell Zone is a relatively planar, northwest-striking zone that dips steeply to the northeast. It is sub-parallel to, and located immediately southwest of, the Mt. Elliott Zone. The Swan Zone, west of Swell and about 750 metres west of the Mt. Elliott Zone, is flat-lying at surface and dips steeply to the north. The deeper, steeply-dipping section of the Swan Zone is northwest of, and along the projected strike of, the Swell Zone. Swell remains open to the southeast, while the steep-dipping Swan Zone remains open to the northwest. Both zones are open at depth. Drilling at the Swan Zone has indicated that the system extends to at least 1,200 metres below surface. The Mt. Elliott system has a strike of at least 1.3 kilometres and covers an area of more than one square kilometre.

In October 2007, Ivanhoe Mines announced the discovery of a significant high-grade (above 2% copper-equivalent cut-off) zone of copper and gold mineralization on the western margin of the Swan Zone. More recent drilling and modelling indicates the Swan high-grade zone (SHGZ) is an L-shaped feature comprising an eastern, upper vertical zone connected to a larger, flat-lying section of the high-grade zone. The flat-lying section of the SHGZ is more than 300 metres long (from west to east), 40 metres high in the central part and up to 70 metres across (north to south). The top of the flat-lying section is located at about 550 metres below surface.

The tenor and thickness of the high-grade mineralization at Swan appears to be superior to that previously mined at the former Mt. Elliott Mine and there is potential for further large, high-grade mineralized zones in and around the Mt. Elliott system. Ivanhoe Mines is conducting an aggressive drilling campaign to explore the immediate area around the SHGZ to expand the size and to better understand the structural controls of the mineralization. A pattern of infill vertical drilling to achieve a mineral resource on this zone is underway as a priority undertaking and will be completed in 2008.


Progress on large-scale rotary-kiln technology demonstration plant at Bakyrchik Gold Project

Ivanhoe Mines, which acquired a majority interest in the Bakyrchik Gold Project in Kazakhstan in 1996, has reached agreement with Kazakh partners, subject to government approval, to acquire additional gold assets in Kazakhstan and advance the mine to full-scale production. Ivanhoe Mines is continuing to assess financing alternatives for the Bakyrchik Project.

Construction of a rotary-kiln technology demonstration plant began in 2007 and is scheduled for completion early in Q3'08. The demonstration plant will be capable of processing 100,000 tonnes of ore per annum, using a 40-metre-long rotary kiln to oxidize the ore, followed by conventional grinding and cyanidation. Bakyrchik has a stockpile of approximately 100,000 tonnes of ore grading 8.17 grams of gold per tonne that will be run through the demonstration plant to confirm metallurgical parameters.

Construction of the plant currently involves seven major on-site contractors and 10 off-site equipment fabricators. Construction activities have commenced on all major areas and infrastructure. Most purchase orders for the major mechanical equipment have been placed. It is expected that the demonstration plant will be completed at the end of Q2'08, with commissioning commencing in Q3'08. This is due largely to the competition for contracting resources in Kazakhstan, which reflects strong economic growth and high levels of construction activity. The work plan was revised and submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in December for approval; the plan requested an additional year to achieve the goal of a 900,000-tonne-per-annum industrial plant.

Discussions were initiated with a contractor that specializes in underground mining. It is expected that the discussions will continue to analyze the most cost-effective and efficient way to commence mining activities in 2008.


Ivanhoe Mines is engaged primarily in exploration activities, although a significant portion of its expenditures relate directly to development activities at its Oyu Tolgoi Project. Exploration costs are charged to operations in the period incurred and often constitute the bulk of Ivanhoe Mines' operating loss for that period. It is expected that Ivanhoe Mines will commence capitalizing Oyu Tolgoi development costs once an Investment Agreement is finalized with the Government of Mongolia.

In 2007, Ivanhoe Mines recorded a net loss of $457.7 million (or $1.22 per share), compared to a net loss of $198.7 million (or $0.59 per share) in 2006, representing a $259.0 million increase. Included in the 2007 net loss is $304.0 million in exploration expenses, an increase of $91.0 million over 2006. Included in exploration expenses are shaft sinking and engineering and development costs for the Oyu Tolgoi Project that have been expensed and not capitalized. Results for the year also were affected by a $134.3 million write-down of an investment held for sale, a $24.5 million write-down of asset-backed commercial paper, offset by an $11.5 million increase in foreign exchange gains and a $12.3 million increase in income from discontinued operations.

At December 31, 2007, consolidated working capital was $65.7 million, including cash of $145.7 million, compared with working capital of $364.7 million and cash of $363.6 million at December 31, 2006.


This selected financial information is in accordance with U.S. GAAP, as
presented in the annual consolidated financial statements.
($ in millions of U.S. dollars, except per share information)
                                             Years ended December 31,
                                          2007          2006          2005
Exploration expenses                 $  (304.0)    $  (213.0)    $  (133.3)
General and administrative               (27.1)        (28.2)        (17.7)
Foreign exchange gains                    11.9           0.4           7.8
Share of income from investment
 held for sale                             0.4          18.5          23.0
Write-down of carrying value
 of investment held for sale            (134.3)          0.0           0.0
Write-down of carrying value of
 other long-term investments             (24.5)          0.0           0.0
Net loss from continuing operations  $  (489.6)    $  (218.3)    $  (125.7)
Net income from discontinued
 operations                               31.9          19.6          35.9
Net loss                             $  (457.7)    $  (198.7)    $   (89.8)
Net loss per share from
 continuing operations               $   (1.31)    $   (0.65)    $   (0.41)
Net income per share from
 discontinued operations             $    0.09     $    0.06     $    0.12
Net loss per share                   $   (1.22)    $   (0.59)    $   (0.29)
Total assets                         $   530.2     $   703.2     $   396.8
Total long-term financial
 liabilities                         $   142.9     $     5.1     $     5.1
($ in millions of U.S. dollars, except per share information)
                                     Quarter Ended              Year Ended
                       ---------------------------------------- ----------
                        Dec-31     Sep-30     Jun-30     Mar-31     Dec-31
                          2007       2007       2007       2007       2007
--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Exploration expenses    ($96.6)    ($74.8)    ($79.1)    ($53.5)   ($304.0)
General and
 administrative           (9.0)      (7.0)      (5.9)      (5.2)     (27.1)
Share of income
 from investment
 held for sale               -          -          -        0.4        0.4
Foreign exchange
 gains (losses)            2.3        2.1        6.7        0.8       11.9
Net (loss) from
 operations             (265.5)     (90.0)     (78.7)     (55.4)    (489.6)
Income from
 operations               11.9        6.8        4.6        8.6       31.9
Net (loss)              (253.6)     (83.1)     (74.2)     (46.8)    (457.7)
Net (loss) income
 per share
  operations            ($0.71)    ($0.24)    ($0.21)    ($0.15)    ($1.31)
  operations             $0.04      $0.02      $0.01      $0.02      $0.09
 Total                  ($0.67)    ($0.22)    ($0.20)    ($0.13)    ($1.22)
--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
                                     Quarter Ended              Year Ended
                       ---------------------------------------- ----------
                        Dec-31     Sep-30     Jun-30     Mar-31     Dec-31
                          2006       2006       2006       2006       2006
--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Exploration expenses    ($70.4)    ($67.3)    ($43.7)    ($31.6)   ($213.0)
General and
 administrative           (8.9)      (6.9)      (6.0)      (6.4)     (28.2)
Share of income
 (loss) from
 investment held
 for sale                  7.4        9.0       (2.4)       4.5       18.5
Foreign exchange
 gains (losses)           (3.7)      (0.4)       4.7       (0.2)       0.4
Net (loss) from
 operations              (73.5)     (68.0)     (45.7)     (31.1)    (218.3)
Income from
 operations                4.8        1.5        5.4        7.9       19.6
Net (loss)               (68.7)     (66.5)     (40.3)     (23.2)    (198.7)
Net (loss) income
 per share
  operations            ($0.21)    ($0.20)    ($0.14)    ($0.10)    ($0.65)
  operations             $0.01      $0.00      $0.02      $0.03      $0.06
 Total                  ($0.20)    ($0.20)    ($0.12)    ($0.07)    ($0.59)
--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

Ivanhoe Mines' results for the year ended December 31, 2007, are contained in the audited Consolidated Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, available on the SEDAR website at www.sedar.com and Ivanhoe Mines' website at www.ivanhoemines.com. Copies of Ivanhoe Mines' 2007 Annual Report containing the audited financial statements, the AIF and the 40F are available at www.ivanhoemines.com under the Investors Info page. Shareholders also may request a hard copy of the Annual Report free of charge by contacting our investor relations department by phone at +1-604-688-5755 or by email at info@ivanhoemines.com.

Ivanhoe Mines shares are listed on the Toronto, New York and NASDAQ stock exchanges under the symbol IVN.


Disclosures of a scientific or technical nature in this release and the Company's MD&A in respect of each of Ivanhoe Mines' material mineral resource properties were prepared by, or under the supervision of, the qualified persons (as that term is defined in NI 43-101) listed below.
                                                  Relationship to
Project                  Qualified Person         Ivanhoe Mines
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Oyu Tolgoi Project       Stephen Torr, P.Geo,     Employee of the Company
                         Ivanhoe Mines
Ovoot Tolgoi Project     Gene Wusaty, P. Eng,     Officer of SouthGobi

Certain statements made herein, including statements relating to matters that are not historical facts and statements of our beliefs, intentions and expectations about developments, results and events which will or may occur in the future, which constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking information and statements are typically identified by words such as "anticipate", "could", "should", "expect", "seek", "may", "intend", "likely", "plan", "estimate", "believe" and similar expressions suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. These include, but are not limited to, statements respecting anticipated business activities; planned expenditures; corporate strategies; proposed acquisitions and dispositions of assets; discussions with third parties respecting material agreements; the expected timing and outcome of Ivanhoe Mines' discussions with representatives of the Government of Mongolia for an Investment Agreement in respect of the Oyu Tolgoi Project; the estimated timing and cost of bringing the Oyu Tolgoi Project into commercial production; anticipated future production and cash flows; target milling rates; the impact of amendments to the laws of Mongolia and other countries in which Ivanhoe Mines carries on business; changes in mine plan contemplated thereunder; the timing of commencement of full construction of the Oyu Tolgoi Project; the completion of an updated mine plan for the Ovoot Tolgoi Project; and other statements that are not historical facts.

All such forward-looking information and statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by Ivanhoe Mines' management in light of their experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors management believes are appropriate in the circumstances. These statements, however, are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information or statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from these forward-looking statements include those described under the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" elsewhere in this release. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information or statements.

This release also contains references to estimates of mineral reserves and mineral resources. The estimation of reserves and resources is inherently uncertain and involves subjective judgments about many relevant factors. The accuracy of any such estimates is a function of the quantity and quality of available data, and of the assumptions made and judgments used in engineering and geological interpretation, which may prove to be unreliable. There can be no assurance that these estimates will be accurate or that such mineral reserves and mineral resources can be mined or processed profitably. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Except as required by law, the Company does not assume the obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements after the date of this document or to revise them to reflect the occurrence of future unanticipated events.

For more information, please contact
Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.
Bill Trenaman
(604) 688-5755


Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.
Bob Williamson
(604) 688-5755
Email: info@ivanhoemines.com
Website: www.ivanhoemines.com

View PDF Version of News Release:

Please click on the link below to read the news release:

Données et statistiques pour les pays mentionnés : Kazakhstan | Tous
Cours de l'or et de l'argent pour les pays mentionnés : Kazakhstan | Tous

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.

CUSIP : 46579N 103
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Ivanhoe Mines est une société développant des projet miniers d'or et de cuivre basée au Canada.

Ivanhoe Mines est productrice d'or, de cuivre, de fer au Kazakhstan et en Australie, en développement de projets de cuivre et d'or en Mongolie, et détient divers projets d'exploration en Australie.

Ses principaux projets en production sont SAVAGE RIVER en Australie et BAKYRCHIK au Kazakhstan, son principal projet en développement est OYU TOLGOI en Mongolie et ses principaux projets en exploration sont MONYWA au Myanmar et CLONCURRY en Australie.

Ivanhoe Mines est cotée au Canada, aux Etats-Unis D'Amerique et en Allemagne. Sa capitalisation boursière aujourd'hui est 12,7 milliards CA$ (9,3 milliards US$, 8,5 milliards €).

La valeur de son action a atteint son plus bas niveau récent le 29 janvier 2016 à 0,53 CA$, et son plus haut niveau récent le 11 septembre 2024 à 16,16 CA$.

Ivanhoe Mines possède 785 229 952 actions en circulation.

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Rapports annuels de Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.
Annual Report 2007
Financements de Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.
23/09/2013announces non-brokered private placement
27/07/2012closes successful rights offering yielding US$1.8 billion i...
27/07/2012Closes Successful Rights Offering Yielding US$1.8 Billion in...
08/06/2012Files Final Prospectus for Rights Offering
23/05/2012Files Preliminary Prospectus for Rights Offering and Amends ...
19/04/2012announces agreement to proceed with a US$1.8 billion rights ...
18/01/2012Negotiates an Additional US$1.8 Billion Bridge Financing as ...
Nominations de Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.
29/06/2012shareholders appoint two new directors and approve new compa...
11/05/2012appoints new chairman and additional director
08/05/2012Appoints Four New Directors and Accepts Resignation of Three...
02/05/2012Board of Directors appoints new chief executive officer and ...
27/01/2012Expects to Maintain a Majority of Independent Directors on t...
14/07/2011Announces Appointment of Rio Tinto Executive Dan Larsen to C...
Rapports Financiers de Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.
16/11/2015Announces Financial Results And Review Of Operations For The...
12/11/2013Announces Financial Results and Review of Operations for the...
16/05/2012announces financial results and review of operations for the...
20/03/2012Announces 2011 Financial Results and Review of Operations
16/08/2011Announces Financial Results and Review of Operations for the...
16/05/2011Announces Financial Results and Review of Operations for the...
29/03/2011Announces 2010 Financial Results and Review of Operations
15/05/2010Announces Financial Results and Review of Operations for the...
29/03/2008Announces 2007 Financial Results and Review of Operations
31/03/20072006 Financial Results
Projets de Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.
05/07/2016(Kamoa Copper)Excellent copper recoveries and concentrate grades confirmed...
20/06/2016June 20th, 2016 Exceptional grades and widths of mineralizat...
19/05/2016(Kamoa Copper)Kamoa Copper Project initiates major drilling program at the...
19/05/2016May 19th, 2016 Kamoa Copper Project initiates major drilling...
19/04/2016April 6th, 2016 Ivanhoe Mines announces an accelerated infil...
06/04/2016Ivanhoe Mines announces an accelerated infill drilling progr...
30/03/2016Ivanhoe Mines files NI 43-101 technical report for the indep...
25/01/2016Ivanhoe Mines’ exploration team makes major new copper disco...
25/01/2016Ivanhoe Mines’ exploration team makes major new copper disco...
25/01/2016Ivanhoe Mines’ exploration team makes major new copper disco...
09/09/2015Ivanhoe Mines, Laurentian University and the University of L...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
17/06/2015Ivanhoe Mines addresses concern of two D.R. Congo ministers ...
26/05/2015Zijin strikes deals with western miners
13/04/2015Ivanhoe Mines reports additional high-grade zinc, copper, si...
23/03/2015China-based Zijin Mining Group to acquire a 9.9% stake in Iv...
29/01/2015Ivanhoe Mines and Ivanplats expand challenge of errors and m...
12/01/2015Ivanhoe Mines backlashes report on its Platreef platinum min...
12/01/2015Ivanhoe Mines and Ivanplats challenge Globe & Mail story abo...
18/12/2013reports dewatering progress at historic Kipushi Mine in D.R....
30/10/2013reports ongoing dewatering at historic Kipushi Mine
16/10/2013reports unprecedented 90-metre intersection of 4.51 grams of...
09/09/2013to begin sinking bulk-sample shaft at its Platreef platinum-...
02/08/2012and Chalco Agree to 30-day Extension for Proportional Takeov...
02/04/2012Aluminum Corporation of China announces its intention to mak...
22/08/2011(Oyu Tolgoi)Gold and Silver to Generate up to 50% of Total Annual Revenu...
03/08/2011(Monywa)Receives Proceeds of US$103 Million from Monywa Trust
09/06/2011(Oyu Tolgoi)by Ivanhoe Mines Reports Construction of the Oyu Tolgoi Copp...
14/03/2011(Oyu Tolgoi)New copper-molybdenum-gold zone discovered on Ivanhoe Mines-...
03/03/2011(Oyu Tolgoi)Silver Production at Ivanhoe Mines' Oyu Tolgoi Project is Ex...
22/02/2011(Bakyrchik)Altynalmas Gold Announces a 50% Increase in Indicated Minera...
03/02/2011(Oyu Tolgoi)Successful Ivanhoe Mines rights offering yields US$1.18 bill...
12/03/2008(Oyu Tolgoi)Reports an Initial 760 Million Tonne Inferred Resource Estim...
31/03/2007(Oyu Tolgoi)Oyu Tolgoi Mineral Reserves and Resources March 2007
Communiqués de Presse de Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.
11/07/2016July 11th, 2016 Ivanhoe Mines receives second US$41.2 millio...
05/07/2016July 5th, 2016 Excellent copper recoveries and concentrate g...
24/06/2016June 24th, 2016 Ivanhoe Mines files NI 43-101 technical repo...
27/05/2016May 27th, 2016 Ivanhoe Mines files NI 43-101 technical repor...
20/05/2016May 19th, 2016 Ivanhoe Mines announces results of voting for...
19/05/2016May 19th, 2016 Ivanhoe Mines condemns promotion of false and...
12/05/2016May 12th, 2016 Ivanhoe Mines Announces Financial Results and...
02/05/2016May 2nd, 2016 Ivanhoe Mines announces a positive preliminary...
19/04/2016March 30th, 2016 Ivanhoe Mines files NI 43-101 technical rep...
19/04/2016March 24th, 2016 Ivanhoe Mines Issues 2015 Year-End Results ...
24/03/2016Ivanhoe Mines Issues 2015 Year-End Results And Review Of Ope...
27/01/2016Ivanhoe Mines reports Independent Mineral Resource estimate ...
27/01/2016Ivanhoe Mines reports Independent Mineral Resource estimate ...
27/01/2016Ivanhoe Mines Reports Independent Mineral Resource Estimate ...
25/01/2016Ivanhoe Mines' Exploration Team Makes Major New Copper Disco...
22/01/2016Ivanhoe Mines to release final tranche of locked-up shares
19/01/2016Ivanhoe congratulates Robert Friedland for his induction int...
10/12/2015Ivanhoe Mines and Zijin Mining Group complete deal for Zijin...
10/12/2015Ivanhoe Mines and Zijin Mining Group complete deal for Zijin...
10/12/2015Ivanhoe Mines and Zijin Mining Group complete deal for Zijin...
10/12/2015Ivanhoe Mines and Zijin Mining Group complete deal for Zijin...
10/12/2015Ivanhoe Mines and Zijin Mining Group complete deal for Zijin...
10/12/2015Ivanhoe Mines and Zijin Mining Group complete deal for Zijin...
10/12/2015Ivanhoe Mines and Zijin Mining Group complete deal for Zijin...
23/09/2015Ivanhoe Mines welcomes DR Congo Government's support for Iva...
22/09/2015Congo drops objections to Ivanhoe Mines' copper deal
31/08/2015Ivanhoe Mines, Fio Corporation and Chemonics International j...
12/08/2015Ivanhoe Mines Announces Financial Results and Review of Oper...
04/08/2015Ivanhoe Mines and Zijin Mining Group extend completion date ...
26/05/2015Ivanhoe Mines and China's Zijin Mining Group sign landmark a...
26/05/2015Ivanhoe Mines and China's Zijin Mining Group sign landmark a...
26/05/2015Ivanhoe Mines and China's Zijin Mining Group sign landmark a...
26/05/2015Ivanhoe Mines and China's Zijin Mining Group sign landmark a...
26/05/2015Ivanhoe Mines and China's Zijin Mining Group sign landmark a...
26/05/2015Ivanhoe Mines and China's Zijin Mining Group sign landmark a...
26/05/2015Ivanhoe Mines and China's Zijin Mining Group sign landmark a...
26/05/2015Ivanhoe Mines and China's Zijin Mining Group sign landmark a...
20/04/2015China-based Zijin Mining Group completes private placement a...
27/03/2015Ivanhoe Mines Issues 2014 Year-End Results And Review Of Ope...
27/03/2015Ivanhoe Mines Issues 2014 Year-End Results And Review Of Ope...
27/03/2015Ivanhoe Mines Issues 2014 Year-End Results And Review Of Ope...
27/03/2015Ivanhoe Mines Issues 2014 Year-End Results And Review Of Ope...
27/03/2015Ivanhoe Mines Issues 2014 Year-End Results And Review Of Ope...
27/03/2015Ivanhoe Mines Issues 2014 Year-End Results And Review Of Ope...
27/03/2015Ivanhoe Mines Issues 2014 Year-End Results and Review of Ope...
26/03/2015Ivanhoe Mines appoints Livia Mahler as an independent direct...
24/03/2015CANADA STOCKS-TSX futures up as weak U.S. dollar lifts commo...
23/03/2015China-Based Zijin Mining Group to Acquire a 9.9% Stake in Iv...
03/03/2015' Exploration Team Receives the 2015 Thayer Lindsley Interna...
03/03/2015Ivanhoe Mines' Exploration Team Receives the 2015 Thayer Lin...
17/02/2015Ivanhoe Mines Reports Additional High-Grade Zinc, Copper, Si...
11/02/2015Ivanplats Is Platinum Sector's Top Performer in South Africa...
28/01/2015Ivanhoe Mines and Ivanplats Expand Challenge of Errors and M...
26/01/2015Ivanhoe Mines comments on share price
26/01/2015Ivanhoe Mines Comments on Share Price
16/01/2015Ivanhoe Mines files NI 43-101 prefeasibility study technical...
16/01/2015Ivanhoe Mines Files NI 43-101 Prefeasibility Study Technical...
12/01/2015OPEN LETTER: Ivanhoe Mines and Ivanplats Challenge Globe & M...
08/01/2015Ivanhoe Mines Releases Positive Results of Independent Pre-F...
09/12/2014Total job creation exceeds 650 following the resumption of s...
18/11/2013announces updated independent
Preliminary Economic Asses...
03/09/2013The New Ivanhoe Mines begins trading under the symbol IVN on...
28/08/2013Ivanplats changes its name to Ivanhoe Mines
03/08/2012changes name to Turquoise Hill ResourcesNew trading symbol "...
16/07/2012Rights to Cease Trading on New York Stock Exchange and NASDA...
27/06/2012"Regular Way" Trading of Ivanhoe Mines Rights Begins in the ...
13/06/2012Trading in Ivanhoe Mines Rights Begins June 14, 2012
25/04/2012Chalco and Ivanhoe Mines Note Status Of SouthGobi Resources
18/04/2012Photobook of Operations 2011
27/02/2012Altynalmas Gold Announces a Feasibility Mineral Reserve Esti...
22/02/2012CEO Robert Friedland a Keynote Speaker At International Mini...
13/12/2011receives decision in arbitration with Rio Tinto
03/10/2011Joint response from Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto delivered to...
21/09/2011(Oyu Tolgoi)Challenges Unauthorized Remarks by Rio Tinto Representatives...
21/06/2011to Receive US$502 Million from Rio Tinto's Exercise of All O...
12/04/2011New Ivanhoe Mines Photobook of Operations
27/01/2011announces successful completion of rights offering
05/08/2008Australia Completes A$125 Million IPO
31/03/2008SouthGobi Energy Resources Receives Permit to Mine for the O...
02/08/2007issues clarification on Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement appr...
10/04/2007And Mongolian Government Reach Agreement In Principle On Dra...
19/03/2007Google Earth virtual tour of Ivanhoe's Oyu Tolgoi Copper & G...
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