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Sundance Resources Inc.

Publié le 04 janvier 2016

Change of Directors Interest Notice

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Change of Directors Interest Notice


Form 604

Corporations Act 2001

SKtlon 871B

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

Ill Company NamalS


1. Detail$ of substantial noldar (1)


ACN ARSN (itapplicable)

Sundance Resources Limited

ACN 055 719 39,t

Slof its related bodies corporoto!hot are nam!l

l""'d S,>dy °"'J)ora!e)


There was a chang• In tho lntan;sts ofthe

&.Ub$tantial hokier on 30/12/2015

The pvlous notice was given to the company. on 07/12/t012

The previous notice Wis dated 07/12/2012

  1. Prwlou;s an:d pre3ent vottng power

  2. Changes In re1ev1ml lnteret..

  3. Pro:tint telavant iotaresb

The total_ number of votes attached to an the voting shares In the company or voting interests In tho sIha substantial holder or an associate (2) had a

ralevc1nl interest

Partlc::uh,::11·$ l)f ll!i.h ch115Je-- in, Qr ch1nge In the nature of. relevant Interest (If the ,ubstantlal hQfder or an associate in voting &&CUritiE'l:S Of the company or scheme, since the substantial holer was laist q1,.1ire fu gl " e1.1betotial h:oJdlng nob·to the company ot $ufollowa.;

Particulars of each relevant Interest of the substanUel holder in voting seourttles after Iha ehang• am a follows:

Holder of relevant interest

Reistered holdor of securttles

Person entWed

to be reglsl•fl!d

•• holder (8)

Nature of relevant interest (8)

Class.and number of ei::uriUes-

Parson's votes

Hanlong (Africa) Mining Investment Limited

Hanlong (A&lea) Mining Investment Llmtted

Honlong (Afrtce) Mining Investment Limited

Relevant iliterest under section 808(1) olth& Co,porations Ao! 2001 (Cth)

Act) as the mgisten;d holdor of thuhares


ordinary •han;s


aoh Related Body Corpo"rate. Ms Xue YANG, Mr WMLIU.

Ms Xlaoplng LIU, Mr Geng LIU

Hanlong (Af(ico.)

Mining 1':l'.'esttnent


Hanlong (Africa) Mining estment Limited


Eac: person Is an associate of andlor controls. Hanl011g (Africa)Mlning Investment Limited and aecordlngly.

h'"' • relevant lnlo..,st In tho sama snares aa Hanlong

(Africa) Mining lovestment Llmi!Ed llndor saotlon_s 608(3)(a) or 606(3)(b),

,.pectlvely. of lhe Aol.


ordinary shares




(3) in when last required, and when l"low r@qui, to give , MitMtlal holding no1!.ca tothe coropany or scheme, .litre as foltow.s:

Class ¢1secunties (4)

PreviOU!i r\011C$

Present notice

Pmon's votes

Voting power (5)

P$l'S(ln's VC)1:e$

VoMg power (6)

Fully paid ordinary sha,es


14.15% (or 13.95%before the Issue of shares to Hanlong (Afl>ica) Mining Investment Llmlled o'n 30 December 2015 .



Oate- of


Person who5e relevant 1111eres1 changed

.Nature of

ctiange (6)

ConSideration glvan In .-eiaon to change (7)

Class and

number of sooulitles affected

Person's votes



Hanlong (Allica) Mining lnVt!lslmant Umltod

Issue of shares upon

conversion ot


ordinary .shares


2,S00,000 oonvertlble

notes hald by

Hanlong (Africa) Mioing ln'l{es.tmant Limited




5. Changao in aaaoclatlon .

The peroono who have become ossaclotes (2) of. ceased to bo associates of. or have Cl'langed the nature of their association (9) with. tho substantial hOldar in

relatlon to voting Interests In tha company or $Chern ere NfiJUQW5·:

Name and ACNIARSN (W opplicable)

Nature of association



6. Addresses

The ·addresses of pel'lilQnt named in this form are as follows:

I Name

See Annexure A

I Address

See Annexure A


print oame Nele:on Feng Chen capacity Author,sad Qff,i;er

:tJign here date :llif.!OW


(1} If there are a numl)$r of .s.U;bl$1ial tlOJdera with simirar g,r related relevant lnteresls- {eg. a CO,-PQTStiQn iand it@ related corporations, or the manager. aod trustee of an equity bust), tho namos could be included in an annexure to the fomi. I the relevant lntarosts of a gmup of paraona are.easet1tially simi ar, thay may be rerred tolhroughform as a speclllcany named group W the mamberahiP of each Qroup, with the names and addresses of member• Is dearly set out In paragraph 6 of tho form.

(:2:) e thA defil'liti(ll'I of "asaociate" in sed.lon 9 of the Corporations Aet 2001.

(J) Sa• th• dllflnlllon of "relevaiit interest" in seetiOns 608 and 6718(7) of th• Corpo,eUo"• Aet 2001.

(4) Tho voting shares of • company oonMnute ona ciass unlellli divided Into saparata cla•=·

() The parson·a votes divided by the to.tal .votes In the body corporate or sCl'leme multiplied by 100.

  1. Include details or,

  2. any relevant agraement or othr t:ll'CUm&tanoes: because of which the changa, In. «ikmtrrt inl'$$t o¢eurred. If subsection 6719(4) appliefi, $ eop:y of any document 2iietli11!iJ out the terms of any relevant agreement. and a statement by the person. QI.vine fu,lt and a tlet$i1$ Qf any contract.

    •Cherne or arrangomen must accompany lhio ronn, togothor with • wntten statement certifying this contract, sCl'leme or arrangemem: and

  3. any quliflcation of the pa person to oxorcls•.con1ro1 the axeroise of, or intluence mo.oDrcls• of. Iha voUng POWGra or ,:r,sposal of the securities to which the relevant lntaresl relates (indiOOtinij cleany the particular securities to which lhe qualification applies).

  4. See the definition of 11relevant agreement'' in section 9 of U1e Corporations ACI 2001.

    (7) Details of the consideration must includo any and all bonafil$. money and other, that any person from whom • ralovanl1.nteresl was acquired has, or may, become entitled to rcalv& In rla6on to Ihat llcqUlsltlon. Details must bo lncludod """" the benefit i• conditional on the happanlng or not of a contingency. Details must be Included on &!\,' banal paid on tieMlf of the substanllal holder or 11$ associate in reiauon to the oequlsttlons, ovon W they are not paid diracUy to the person from whom the relevant lntamst was acquired,

    () tho substantial holder is unable to delBITTJlne tha Identity of tho paraon (es. if the relevant Interest arises becau•• of on optJon) write '\Jnkoown'".

    (9) Give details, if appmpate, of Iha presont assodation and any change In that association sinco the lost substantial holding notice.




    This is the annexure marked 'A' of 1page referred to in Form 604 ('Notice of change of interests of substantial holder').

    Name: Nelson Feng Chen Capai;:ity; Authorised Officer Date:3/1/2016



    Sichuan Hanlong Group Co., Limited

    20/F Hongda Building, 2 JingIi East Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

    S.ichuan Hanlong High Technology Development Co., Ltd

    cl- Sichuan Hanlong Group Co., Limited (20/F Hongda Building, 2 Jingli East Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China)

    Hanlong Shiye Investment Co., Ltd

    cl- Sichuan Hanlong Group Co., Limited (20/F Hongda Building, 2 Jingll East Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China)

    Hanlong Mining Investment Pty Limited

    Level 29, 9 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

    Hanlong (Australia) Resources Ply Ltd

    Level 29, 9 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW2COO, Australia

    Jiuzhaigou Natural Medicine Group

    cl- Slchuan Hanlong Group Co., Limited (20/F Hongda Building, 2 Jingli East Road, ChenQdu, Sichuan, China)

    Sichuan Jiuding Electricity Production co., Ltd

    cl·Slchuan Hanlong Group Co., Limited (201F Hongda Building, 2 Jingli East Road, Chengdu, Slchuan, China)

    Shanghai Hanglong Investment Co., Ltd

    cl- Slchuan Hanlong Group Co., Limited (20/F Hongda Building, 2 Jlngli East Road, Chengdu, Sii;:huan, China)

    Sichuan Hanxln Mining Development Co., ltd

    cl Sichuan Hanlong Group Co., Limited (20/F Hongda Building, 2 Jingli East Road, Chengdu, Slchuan, China)

    Yunnan Jinwel Mining Investment Co., Ltd

    c/·Sichuan Hanlong Group Co., Limited (20/F Hongda Building, 2 Jingli East Road, Chengdu, S!chuan, China}

    Hanlong Resources Limited

    Suite 4310, 43/F China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road. Wanchal, Hong Kong

    Hanlong (Canada) Mlnihg lnve1,trnent Ltd

    Suite 1300, 777 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver. BC canada V7Y 1K2 T

    Hanlong (USA) Mining Investment lhc

    21038 Commerce Pointe Drive, Walm1t: CA91789, United States of America

    Hanlong (Africa) Mining Investment Ltd

    Suite 4310, 43/F China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

    Hanlong Management Limited

    Suite 4310, 43/F China Reso1.1rces Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

    Hanlong Energy Limited

    Suite 4310, 43/F China Re!iources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

    Hanlong Commodities Holding Pty Limited

    Level 29, 9 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

    Hanlong Metals Pty Limited .

    Level 29, 9 Castlereagh street. Sydney NSW 2000, Australia


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Sundance Resources Inc.

ISIN : AU000000SDL6
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Sundance Resources est une société développant des projet miniers et de pétrole basée aux Etats-Unis D'Amerique.

Sundance Resources détient divers projets d'exploration au Chili.

Son principal projet en exploration est MANTOS GRANDE au Chili.

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Communiqués de Presse de Sundance Resources Inc.
31/01/2016Trading Halt
27/01/2016Quarterly Cashflow Report
27/01/2016Quarterly Activities Report
17/01/2016Reinstatement to Official Quotation
12/01/2016Suspension extension
05/01/2016Suspension Extension
04/01/2016Appendix 3B - Lapse of Performance Rights
04/01/2016Change of Directors Interest Notice
30/12/2015Appendix 3B
30/12/2015Cleansing Notice
24/12/2015Litigation update
23/12/2015Trading Halt
15/12/2015Extension and part Conversion of Convertible Note
06/11/2015Performance Rights lapsing
05/11/2015Waiver Granted
30/10/2015Appendix 4G Corporate Governance
30/10/2015Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form
30/10/2015Annual Report to shareholders
28/10/2015Quarterly Cashflow Report
28/10/2015Quarterly Activities Report
27/10/2015Con Note and Funding update
30/09/2015Full Year Statutory Accounts
30/09/2015Funding and Convertible Notes update
29/09/2015Trading Halt
04/09/2015ADU Presentation
28/08/2015Appeal Court decision
27/07/2015Quarterly Cashflow Report
27/07/2015Quarterly Activities Report
07/07/2015Satisfaction of Conditions Precedent
07/04/2015UK High Court Litigation update
15/03/201531 December 2014 Half Year financial statements
05/03/2015S&P DJ Indices Announces March Quarterly Review
25/02/2015Quarterly Activities Report
25/02/2015Amended Quarterly Cashflow Report
25/02/2015Quarterly Cashflow Report
25/02/2015Appendix 3B - Issue Shares STI
23/12/2014SDL 2014 Review and 2015 BRR Webcast
17/12/2014Ceasing to be a substantial holder
16/12/2014Becoming a substantial holder
16/12/2014Cost Reduction Program and Board Changes
12/12/2014Hanlong Convertible Note Extension
09/12/2014Appendix 3B - Issue of Performance Rights
28/11/2014Final Director's Interest Notice - Michael Blakiston
28/11/2014Final Director's Interest Notice - George Jones
28/11/20142014 Annual General Meeting BRR Webcast
28/11/2014Results of Annual General Meeting
27/11/2014Incoming Chairman's Address to Shareholders
27/11/2014Chairman's Address to Shareholders
13/11/2014Minor Corrections to Notice of Annual General Meeting
10/11/2014ASX Grants Listing Rule Waiver
30/04/2010Quarterly Activities Report For The Period Ended 31 March 20...
22/03/2010Minister Launches 2010 Drilling Program At Nabeba
16/03/2010Drilling & Development Update: Mbalam Iron Ore Project
10/03/2009A$5M Placement to Talbot Group Investments and Share Purchas...
04/12/2008Mbalam Project & Market Update
04/11/2008Delivers 2.2 Billion Tonne Itabirite Resource at Mbarga
11/09/2008delivers 50% increase in itabirite Inferred Resource
13/07/2007Option Agreement For Sale of Mantos Grandes Copper Project, ...
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