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IMX Resources NL

Publié le 17 décembre 2015

Update on gold exploration at Nachingwea

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Update on gold exploration at Nachingwea


30 November 2015



  • Further exploration confirms Kishugu and Naujombo as significant, large scale gold targets

  • Test pitting program at Kishugu finds strong gold anomalism, consistent with results of previous soil sampling

  • Extensional soil sampling at Naujombo identifies gold anomaly likely to extend to over 5km by 1km

  • Exploration work provides valuable information to support definition of drill targets

IMX Resources Limited (ASX: IXR) ('IMX' or the 'Company') is pleased to provide an update on recent exploration activities to advance the Kishugu and Naujombo Gold Prospects ('Kishugu' and 'Naujombo') located on its Nachingwea property in south-east Tanzania (see Figure 1).

Both Kishugu and Naujombo are extensive coherent gold anomalies, Kishugu covering 6km by 600m, with up to 0.9g/t Au within the main trend (ASX announcements 14 October 2014 and 26 November 2014)1 and Naujombo measuring greater than 5km by 1km with maximum values of up to 131ppb (0.1g/t) Au in the main anomaly (ASX announcement 7 May 2015)2.

Figure 1 below illustrates that Kishugu and Naujombo are associated with the same structural corridor and both anomalies exhibit very similar multi-element signatures (arsenic, bismuth and silver). Given that these two targets are located 35km from one another, the potential exists to identify a significant gold camp should the anomalies confirm the presence of economic gold mineralisation.

Whilst the Company has been focussed on delivery of the Chilalo graphite project which has emerged as a world class flake graphite project, low-cost exploration programs have recently concluded at both Kishugu and Naujombo. The exploration programs have involved test pitting at Kishugu and extensional soil sampling at Naujombo, with highly encouraging results, further confirming Kishugu and Naujombo as outstanding gold targets. The Company believes that this work represents an efficient use of limited funds given the very large scale of these two prospects and the imperative to focus on the world class Chilalo graphite project.

IMX Managing Director Phil Hoskins said that whilst the development of Chilalo remained the Company's focus, the results of the exploration at Kishugu and Naujombo demonstrate the optionality afforded to the Company by its large and prospective Nachingwea landholding.

1 Since announcing these exploration results on 14 October 2014 and 26 November 2014, IMX confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in those announcements.

2 Since announcing these exploration results on 7 May 2015, IMX confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects

the information included in that announcement.

"The geophysical, geochemical and geological characteristics, together with their structural setting, highlight both Kishugu and Naujombo as excellent gold exploration opportunities. The sheer scale of these anomalies has presented some exploration challenges and the recently completed work is critically important in dictating our approach at Kishugu and Naujombo going forward.

While our focus of effort this year has been on advancing our Chilalo graphite project, the low-cost exploration work carried out at these gold prospects has enhanced the Company's understanding of their potential, provided valuable information to assist in determining appropriate and cost-effective drilling techniques and will enable identification of drill ready targets", Mr Hoskins said.

Figure 1. Location of Kishugu and Naujombo within the broader Nachingwea property


The Kishugu gold prospect was identified as a large gold-in-soil anomaly following soil sampling programs in 2014. The Company has recently completed an exploration program that comprised seven test pits, dug to a depth of 7m to 9m, six of which were situated on different targets within the anomaly and a seventh control pit that was located outside the anomaly (see Figure 2).


Figure 2: Kishugu Prospect showing IP Conductivity, gold in surface soils and location of test pits

The depth of the cover (4- 5m) indicates that trenching would be too expensive and logistically ineffective as an exploration tool, leaving test pitting as the logical option. Downhole channel samples were taken at 1m intervals in each pit and assay results show strong gold anomalies in all holes except the control pit (Pit 7). The results shown below in Table 1 confirm the strong anomalism indicated by the previous soil sampling program.

Table 1: Gold (ppb) in channel samples from test pits

From (m)

To (m)

Pit 1

Pit 2

Pit 3

Pit 4

Pit 5

Pit 6

Pit 7
















































































The Naujombo gold prospect was identified as a large gold-in-soil anomaly following soil sampling programs in 2014 and 2015. It was initially targeted because it exhibited a similar geophysical signature and stream sediment gold anomaly to Kishugu. The extent of previous regional reconnaissance soil sampling left the anomaly open to the north-east and south-west. Recent soil sampling to close off the Naujombo anomaly was analysed by a Niton X-Ray Fluorescence analyser ('Niton'). The Company uses the Niton on all soil samples collected on the Nachingwea property as a low-cost pre-screening tool before submitting samples for the more expensive laboratory analysis.

Although the detection limits on the Niton are too high to detect gold directly, there are other proxy elements which can infer anomalism associated with gold. Consistent with Kishugu, the Naujombo arsenic levels most closely correlate to existing laboratory analysed gold data and the Niton results of recently completed soil sampling has extended the anomaly further to the south-east for more than 1km, extending the anomaly to over 6km (see Figures 3 and 4).

Figure 3. Previous results of soil sampling at Naujombo

Figure 4. Arsenic results from Niton testing at Naujombo

Next steps

While the Company's main priority is on developing the world class Chilalo graphite project, it continues to consider the best means of realising value for shareholders from the highly prospective Nachingwea Property, which includes Kishugu, Naujombo and the substantial Ntaka Hill nickel project. This may involve either exploration under a joint venture or a restructure of assets into more suitable vehicles where investors can benefit from a commodity-focussed approach and strategy.

At Kishugu, the recently completed exploration has prepared the Company for a more cost-effective shallow drill program to test parts of the anomaly which, dependent on funding and the overall strategy, would ideally commence in May 2016 following completion of the wet season.

At Naujombo, further work is planned including continued Niton analysis of soil samples; ground truthing and geological mapping to determine amenability to trenching/pitting; and gradient array induced polarisation surveys that should advance Naujombo to a point where it can be assessed for drill testing.


Reporting of mineral resources in the 2015 annual report

The Company reported its maiden Mineral Resource at Chilalo on 7 April 2015. The Ntaka Hill Mineral Resource was last reported on 15 August 2013. As a result of the annual review of the Company's Chilalo and Ntaka Hill mineral resources there has been no change to these resources since they were previously reported as at the date of the Company's annual report.

The Company engages external consultants and Competent Persons to prepare and calculate estimates of its mineral resources. These estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed by the Board and Management for reasonableness and accuracy. The results of the mineral resource estimates are then reported in accordance with the JORC Code and other applicable rules. Where material changes occur during the year to a project, including the project's size, title, exploration results or other technical information, then previous resource estimates and market disclosures are reviewed for completeness. The Company reviews its mineral resources as at 30 June each year and where a material change has occurred in the assumptions or data used in previously reported mineral resources, a revised resource estimate will be prepared as part of the annual review process.

Phil Hoskins Managing Director

For further information, please contact: Phil Hoskins - Managing Director

Tel: +61 8 9388 7877


Michael Weir/Richard Glass - Citadel-MAGNUS Telephone: +61 8 6160 4903

Stuart McKenzie - Commercial Manager and Company Secretary

Tel: +61 8 9388 7877

Competent Person's Statement

Information relating to exploration results at the Kishugu and Naujombo Prospects, located on the Nachingwea Property, is based on data collected under the supervision of Mr Nick Corlis, in his capacity as Executive Director, Exploration. Mr Corlis, BSc (Hons) MSc, is a registered member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person in terms of the 2012 edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves ('JORC 2012'). Mr. Corlis has verified the data underlying the information contained in this presentation and approves and consents to the inclusion of the data in the form and context in which it appears.

About IMX Resources Limited

IMX Resources is an Australian minerals exploration company that holds a 5,400 km2 tenement package at the Nachingwea Property in south-east Tanzania. The Nachingwea Property hosts the Chilalo Graphite Project, the Ntaka Hill Nickel Project and the Kishugu and Naujombo Gold Prospects. IMX's primary focus is on developing the high-

grade and coarse flake Chilalo Graphite Project. The Pre-Feasibility Study ('PFS') released on 23 November 2015 outlined a low cost, high margin operation, with attractive project economics and confirmed the potential viability of a small scale open pit mining and conventional flotation processing operation. The PFS is based on a high-grade Indicated and Inferred JORC Mineral Resource of 9.2 Mt grading 10.7% Total Graphitic Carbon ('TGC'), comprised of an Indicated Resource of 5.1 Mt grading 11.9% TGC for 613,800 tonnes of contained graphite and an Inferred


Resource of 4.1 Mt grading 9.1% TGC for 370,300 tonnes of contained graphite. Chilalo is located approximately 220 km by road, from the deep water commercial Mtwara Port, the majority of which is a sealed main road. IMX aims to become a respected supplier of high quality graphite.

To find out more, please visit www.imxresources.com.au.


APPENDIX A. JORC 2012 Table 1 Reporting

Section 1. Sampling Techniques and Data

Sampling techniques

  • Channel samples collected vertically down the face of the shaft were sampled as each meter was dug by the supervising geologist.

  • The one metre samples were sent for gold analysis. (Fire Assay Fusion with Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) analysis)

  • Bottom of Hole (BOH smples were collected for whole rock analysis

  • Grade standards (Certified Reference Materials - CRM's) and field duplicate samples were used to monitor analytical accuracy and sampling precision.

  • Sampling is guided by IMX Resources' standard operating and QA/QC procedures.

  • The shaft was geologically logged and sampled to 1m.

Drilling techniques

  • No drilling was conducted, shafts were sunk vertically by hand using picks and shovels

Drill sample recovery

  • No drilling was conducted, sample recovery from the hand sunk shafts was was greater than 90%


  • Detailed logging of all 1m samples captured various qualitative and quantitative parameters such as mineralogy, colour, texture and sample quality.

  • Logging data is collected via ruggedised laptops. The data is subsequently downloaded into a dedicated Datashed database for storage, hosted by a database consultancy.

Sub-sampling techniques and sample preparation

  • Samples are collected from the face of the shaft and sent directly to the laboratory for analysis. One of each control samples (blank and standard) is inserted into the sample stream every twentieth sample with a minimum of one type of standard per batch

Quality of assay data and laboratory tests

  • Samples were submitted to ALS for both the sample preparation and analytical assay.

  • Samples were sent to the ALS laboratory in Mwanza (Tanzania) for sample preparation. Samples are crushed so that >70% passes -2mm and then pulverised so that >85% passes -75 microns.

  • For all samples a split of the sample are analysed using a Fire Assay Fusion

  • BOH samples were analysed using a complete sample characterisation

  • QC insertion rates will be every 20th sample (1 standard, 1 blank, 1 site duplicate). A minimium of one standard of each was sent with every batch which was below 20 samples.

with Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) analysis (ALS Minerals Codes PGM_ICP23)

package (CCP-PKG01). This package combines the whole rock package ME- ICP06 plus carbon and sulfur by combustion furnace (ME-IR08) to quantify the major elements in a sample. Trace elements including the full rare earth element suites are reported from three digestions with either ICP-AES or ICP-MS finish: a lithium borate fusion for the resistive elements (ME-MS81), a four acid digestion for the base metals (ME-4ACD81) and an aqua regia digestion for the volatile gold related trace elements (ME-MS42).


APPENDIX A. JORC 2012 Table 1 Reporting (cont.)

Section 1. Sampling Techniques and Data



Quality of assay data and laboratory tests (cont.)

  • Prior to submission to the laboratory each sample from Naujombo undergoes XRF analysis using a Handheld Niton unit.

  • Certified Reference Materials are read at the start of each day and analytical results were examined to make sure that the readings obtained were within the accepted range. The certificated reference materials were read at the end of the day to confirm that the results were still acceptable.

  • XRF procedures consist of standards, blanks and site duplicates (coarse blank) used in a ratio of 1:20.

  • QAQC results are reported weekly to confirm that the results are within acceptable levels of accuracy and precision.

  • Elements reported are Ag, As, Au, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hf, Hg, K, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, Pb, Pd, Rb, Re, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sn, Sr, Ta, Th, Ti, U, V, W, Zn and Zr

Verification of sampling and assaying

  • Senior IMX geological personnel supervise the sampling, and alternative personnel verified the sampling locations and external oversight is established with the contracting of an external consultant to regularly assess on site standards and practices to maintain best practice.

  • Assay data is loaded directly into the Datashed database which is hosted by and managed by an external database consultancy.

  • Below detection limit values (negatives) have been replaced by half detection values for each element.

Location of data points

  • Sample points have been surveyed utilising hand held Garmin GPS

  • Grid system is UTM WGS84 Zone 37 South datum and projection

Data spacing and distribution

  • For sampling at Naujombo, the original survey data spacing is 400m x 200m, with infill survey data spacing is 100m x 50m

Orientation of data in relation to geological structure

  • All shafts have been orientated towards an azimuth so as to be able intersect the graphitic mineralisation in a perpendicular manner.

  • Soil grids are orientated east-west orthogonal to the interpreted strike of the geology

Sample security

  • Labelling and submission of samples complies with industry standard.

Audits or reviews

  • No audits have been completed on this data.


APPENDIX A. JORC 2012 Table 1 Reporting (cont.)

Section 2. Reporting of Exploration Results



Mineral tenement and land tenure status

  • The exploration results reported in this announcement that relate to Kishugu are from work carried out on granted prospecting licence PL 6635/2010, which is owned by Warthog Resources Limited, a subsidiary of IMX.

  • The exploration results reported in this announcement that relate to Naujombo are from work carried out on granted prospecting licence PL 5977/2009, which is owned by Ngwena Limited, a subsidiary of IMX

  • The prospecting licences PL 6635/2010 and PL 5977/2009 are in good standing

  • The tenements are the subject of a joint venture agreement with MMG Exploration Holdings Limited which holds an interest in the Nachingwea Property of approximately 14%.

Exploration done by other parties

  • Exploration has been performed by an incorporated subsidiary company of IMX, Ngwena Limited


  • The regional geology is thought to comprise late Proterozoic Mozambique mobile belt lithologies consisting of mafic to felsic gneisses interlayered with amphibolites and metasedimentary rocks

Drill hole information

  • Not applicable, no drilling conducted

Data aggregation methods

  • Not applicable, no drilling conducted

Relationship between mineralisation widths and intercept lengths

  • Not applicable, no drilling conducted


  • A diagram showing the location of the test pits is included in this announcement.

  • Diagrams of soil locations and the location of IMX held tenements are included in this announcement

Balanced reporting

  • All assay results received are reported in the diagrams included in this announcement

Other substantive exploration data

  • Not applicable, all substantive exploration data has been reported.

Further work

  • Refer to the announcement.


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IMX Resources NL

ISIN : AU000000IXR2
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IMX Resources NL est une société développant des projet miniers de nickel et de cuivre basée en Australie.

IMX Resources NL est en développement de projets de nickel, de cuivre et de fer en Australie, et détient divers projets d'exploration en Australie et en Tanzanie.

Son principal projet en développement est CAIRN HILL en Australie et ses principaux projets en exploration sont MT WOODS, MUSGRAVE, BLACK HILL et MT PAISLEY en Australie, KANGAROO au Canada et LUWUMBU, NTAKA, MIBANGO et NYATI en Tanzanie.

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Financements de IMX Resources NL
15/08/2016$0.94 million Placement and SPP to follow
Nominations de IMX Resources NL
16/10/2013: Resignation of Managing Director
26/08/2013: Resignation of Non-Executive Director
Projets de IMX Resources NL
17/12/2015Update on gold exploration at Nachingwea
24/09/2015Exceptional results from infill drilling at Chilalo
03/09/2015Update on Ntaka Hill joint venture
29/06/2015IMX receives US$1.7 million under Ntaka Hill joint venture
23/04/2015FCC approves Ntaka Hill joint venture with Fig Tree
07/04/2015Maiden graphite mineral resource
24/03/2015IMX agrees revised terms for Ntaka Hill joint venture
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21/05/2013(Mt Woods): Mt Woods Exploration Work Plan Agreed
17/02/2013(Mt Woods)Mt Woods Copper-Gold JV With OZ Minerals to Remain in Place
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23/07/2009(Mt Woods)Drilling Commences at Mt Woods
16/07/2009(Ntaka)Maiden Resource at Nachingwea
19/09/2008Additional High Grade Nickel, Copper and Cobalt Intersection...
05/06/2008(Cairn Hill)Trial Mining Commences at Cairn Hill
09/01/2008(Cairn Hill) COMMITS TO CAIRN HILL DEVELOPMENT and Continental Nickel Co...
Communiqués de Presse de IMX Resources NL
30/08/2016Change of Director’s Interest Notice
02/08/2016Appendix 3B
28/07/2016Becoming a substantial holder
28/07/2016Assay results increase size of Naujombo gold anomaly
08/07/2016Corporate presentation July 2016
21/06/2016IMX completes share consolidation and name change
16/06/2016Expiry of Options and Share Appreciation Rights
31/05/2016Completion of Chilalo sale clears way for Graphex listing
27/05/2016Change of Auditor
10/05/2016Replacement Prospectus approved, Graphex IPO to proceed
09/05/2016Update to record date for in-specie distribution
27/04/2016Update on Graphex prospectus
21/04/2016Graphex IPO – reminder of closing date for IMX shareholders
20/04/2016Chairman’s address and EGM presentation
15/04/2016Update on Termite Resources
04/04/2016Graphex Mining Limited Prospectus now available
22/03/2016Presentation to Perth Graphite Conference
22/03/2016Further testwork confirms high quality of Chilalo graphite
01/02/2016IMX places shortfall from entitlement offer
01/02/2016IMX agrees MOU for development of Chilalo Project
29/01/2016Trading Halt
27/01/2016Change of Director’s Interest Notice
27/01/2016World class expandable graphite results for IMX
21/01/2016Closing of Non-Renounceable Entitlement Offer
18/01/2016Update on Termite Resources – Liquidator agrees Standstill
29/12/2015Non renounceable 1 for 3 entitlement offer
21/12/2015Proposed Demerger of Chilalo Graphite Asset
17/12/2015Chairman’s Address and AGM Presentation
30/10/2015September 2015 Quarterly Report and Appendix 5B
20/10/2015Appointment of Managing Director
19/10/2015Notice of General Meeting/Proxy Form
15/10/2015Appendix 3B
13/10/2015Indicated Resource grading 11.9% Total Graphitic Carbon
13/10/2015Becoming a substantial holder
02/10/2015Update on Termite Resources
01/10/2015Annual Report to shareholders
01/10/2015Appendix 4G
21/09/2015Appendix 3B
21/09/2015Update on liquidation of Termite Resources NL
21/09/2015Trading Halt
15/09/2015Appendix 3B and Section 708A(5)(e) Cleansing Statement
15/09/2015Expiry of listed options
11/09/2015Change of Director's Interest Notice
11/09/2015Appendix 3B and Section 708A(5)(e) Cleansing Statement
08/09/2015Testwork delivers 67.6% large and jumbo flake graphite
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02/09/2015Potential for significant resource growth at Chilalo
25/08/2015Results of Meeting
25/08/2015Shortfall from Share Purchase Plan to be underwritten
14/08/2015Consistent coarse flake graphite at Chilalo
10/08/2015Confirmation of delisting from TSX
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28/07/2015Potential for high grade extensions to Shimba resource
24/07/2015Application to delist from Toronto Stock Exchange
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16/07/2015Trading Halt
13/07/2015Fig Tree review highlights Ntaka Hill potential
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27/06/2015Expiry of unlisted options
27/06/2015Chilalo marketing and offtake update
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20/04/2015First stage of Chilalo Project permitting process completed
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15/04/2015Appendix 3B
15/04/2015Allotment of shares
15/04/2015Section 708A Notice
15/04/2015IMX signs MOU for sale of 25,000 TPA of Chilalo graphite
14/04/2015Grant of Retention Licence over Ntaka Hill tenement
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