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The Gold Standard gets another look

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Publié le 29 août 2012
1060 mots - Temps de lecture : 2 - 4 minutes
( 8 votes, 4,4/5 ) , 3 commentaires
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SUIVRE : 1971 Nixon Vietnam
Rubrique : Editoriaux





As Republicans convene in Tampa to nominate Mitt Romney and hammer out their party platform, one of the planks that could attract the most attention is the Party's official position on the gold standard. As it is now being considered, the platform stops short of recommending a return to the gold standard, but does advocate a commission to consider the possibility. However, judging by the reaction with which many Republicans have greeted the idea, one would think that the platform might as well have called for the return of slavery.

The fact that so many supposed conservatives liken a belief in a gold standard as the monetary equivalent of membership in the Flat Earth Society shows just how far the American public has come from a true understanding of how money works within an economy. But, if there were a parallel to be made between gold enthusiasts and flat earthers, then it should strike many as curious that the world's top central bankers, who can be seen as the equivalent to the most advanced astronomers, continue to hold so much gold in their vaults. If gold were so obsolete, why would these bankers hedge their positions?

The general idea among most economists is that gold would be a step backward for our modern monetary system -- the equivalent of trading in an automobile for a horse and buggy. However, paper money is not new. It's been around for centuries, and has been tried many times, on many continents. But every time it has been used, it has led ultimately to economic disaster.

At the time of America's founding, the uses and abuses of paper money were well understood. The Founding Fathers could have empowered the Federal Government to print paper money, a power enjoyed by the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation. However, the Constitution represented an improvement on that system. The framers, having just experienced the horrors of the Continental currency (which had been used to finance the War of Independence) opted to limit Federal monetary powers to coining money, which for legal tender purposes they defined as gold and silver.

As a result of that wise choice, our national economy thrived, and eventually became the richest on earth. In contrast, since the time that the standard was abandoned in 1971, America has become the world's largest debtor nation and is now teetering on the brink of financial ruin. It's ironic that gold standard critics look back to Nixon's decision to close the gold window as proof that the standard does not work. In reality, it was precisely because the gold standard was working so well that Nixon felt he had no choice but to abandon it.

In 1971, adherence to the gold standard meant the Nixon administration faced a politically difficult decision. Big increases in government spending associated with the Great Society programs, the war on poverty, the Vietnam War, and the Space Race, resulted in large deficits (by 1971 standards of course). This led the government to print lots of money, thereby hitting Americans with large doses of inflation. As a result, general prices had by then tripled from the levels seen in 1932. But the price of gold had been held at 35 dollars per ounce. This led America's foreign creditors to exchange their paper dollars for gold (It was illegal for American citizens to do likewise). This created a drain on our gold reserves, and if something were not done, it was likely that the U.S. would lose all of its reserves.

Staying on the gold standard left the government with only two options. One was to devalue the dollar and raise the price of gold consistent with the increase in the CPI. That would have required a gold price of over 100 dollars per ounce. Alternatively, the government could have removed the excess dollars from circulation, bringing consumer prices back in line with 35 dollar gold. In other words, the choice was devaluation or deflation. Neither was politically appealing, and both would have brought deficit spending to a halt.

The gold standard forced the government to responsibly confront irresponsible fiscal policy. At first Nixon tried devaluation, but the amounts were far too small to stop the gold drain. As an escape hatch, he instead abandoned the gold standard (although he said that the move was temporary). Without this "relic", government could continue to finance its spending with ever larger deficits without losing any more gold. So instead of devaluation or deflation, we chose inflation instead. Many consider the impossibility of running perpetual deficits under the gold standard as proof of its unsuitability to the modern economy. As I see it, this is precisely why the gold standard is so desirable and so badly needed today.

Proponents of the centrally planned pump-priming, deficit-spending welfare state see the gold standard as the enemy of a healthy economy. However, if you believe in individual liberty and limited government, then the gold standard is your best ally. Had Nixon made a more responsible decision, the initial pain might have been worse, but we would have ended the decade in much better shape. And had we stayed that course, our nation would be far wealthier today as a result. We would not have been enabled to bleed away our wealth through two generations of deficit spending.

Many people also look badly on the gold standard because it prevents central banks from using monetary policy to manage the economy. This, of course, may be its greatest attribute. Under a gold standard, the free market determines money supply and interest rates. Under our current system of paper money a few politically connected bankers make those determinations. The results have been disastrous, with the recent housing bubble and financial crisis being just the latest iterations.

In a market economy, prices must be discovered by supply and demand. Interest rates, which can be described as the price of money, are arguably the most important prices of all. The only way to get it right is to let the market do its work. Empowering politically motivated central bankers to fix the price instead is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately, we have now all had a good taste, and a return to the gold standard is the only way to refresh the palate. I hope the Republicans have the stomach to see it through.



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I found a few flaws in your argument, #1 by the end of the Roman Empire they had debased the gold & Silver in each coin to a very low level. #2 the reason that the American Economy flourished for 200 years is because of all of the free land and resources that the Country had, for the taking. Lumber, Coal, Oil, Fishing, Game, free Water and a growing population via immigration. remember Homesteading? by the end of the 60's that was all gone. The Government lost it, when we as a Country stated to try to dominate the World, By giving the rich people in poor Country's Money. and Military hardware. I do agree that discipline was and is lacking. as far as Gold & Silver being abused. that is why we have Fort Knox. so we can expand the Money supply when needed and take money out of the Economy when needed.
Evaluer :   2  1Note :   1
S., thanks for your reply. The supposed flaws you found in no way take away from my agrument. With regard #1, you make it seem as though had the Romans not debased their currency, we would still be paying our taxes to Rome. What you have done is to mistake effect for cause. Like Nixon, the Romans were forced to do something about their money if they wished to continue persuing dreams of empire. First they cut the corners off coins and then they lowered the content (as a per centage) of the precious metal in each. It was their lack of fiscal discipline that led them to do so. My point on this was that using a gold standard did not prevent the Roman Empire from experiencing economic disaster. It is fiscal policy that makes our money sound or unsound. There is absolutely nothing about what we use for our currency that gives it either of those attributes. So then, as you agree that Rome experienced economic disaster and that Rome used precious metals as money, we can see that their use did not prevent disaster. It was not the debasement of their currency that led to their problems, but rather it is that they misallocated resources in the first place that led directly to the debasement of their money.

As for your second supposed flaw, i stated that there were a number of factors that led to America becoming an economic powerhouse. i did not state that the one reason i supplied was the only one. The factors you gave were all good ones too. Incidently, not one of them
was that America was on a gold standard and indeed, you gave my point further credence by stating that it was the policies of the government that led to the economic problems.

As for your comment about Fort Knox, it made no sense. It did not lead to the good times any more than it could prevent fiscal mismanagement. It was merely the place where the reserves were kept.

Again, it is how we manage our financial affairs that leads us to either prosperity or ruin, not what we choose to use as our currency. To believe otherwise is to ignore history; mistaking effect for cause.
Evaluer :   0  4Note :   -4
This article by Mr. Schiff would seem to have been plagerized from a first year economics student who was about to flunk out, so shoddy is his reasoning. To begin with, it is not a litmus test among conservatives that they must be in favor of a gold standard; but rather it is the belief of Libertarians that gold and only gold makes for sound money.

Mr. Schiff correctly points out that the use of paper money has led to economic disaster time and time again. Unspoken is the fact that using gold as money has not saved the nations that used it from the very same fate, ancient Rome being but one example.

The author then makes a very important point, though i doubt he realized it and it is that the framers of the Constitution decreed that only gold and silver be legal tender. That is to say that just like paper, gold and silver are fiat currencies. And just like paper which can be abused by its over-issuance, money based on gold can be abused by arbitrarily changing the amount of gold equalling a dollar. Indeed, America saw that happen several times when using a gold standard.

Mr. Schiff then makes the statement that it was precisely that wise choice by the framers that led to a thriving economy. That is a huge leap of faith with absolutely no logic behind it. There were a number of factors that led to America's prosperity, none of which had anything to do with what was being used as the coin of the realm. The most important factor leading to America's prosperity is that it made things that the rest of the world wanted to buy. For the most part it did not run up large trade and budget deficits. But it certainly did so in the years leading up to 1971 and that is what led Nixon to sever the last remaining link to gold....As for his claim that neither devaluation or deflation was viable politically, i would remind Mr. Schiff that Hoover got himself elected promising to bring back the 5 cent cigar.

The author claimed that Nixon chose inflation and that is true. But by his own admission, under the gold standard, prices had tripled during its final 38 years. So, Nixon was really choosing to continue along the same path. And he chose to do so because America was engaged in both a hot and cold war at the time and if the nation was to prevail, gold would have to go. It was just too limiting. Schiff sees this limitation as being a good thing for the fiscal discipline it imposes. But in truth it is not gold that imposes that discipline. As we know, trade and budget deficits were the order of the day during the final years of the gold standard. And as we are finding out yet again, running up huge deficits no matter what we are using for money is a prescription for disaster. What matters is having fiscal discipline; that is living within one's means. It can be done using paper or gold just as one can run up debt using either. It is the discipline that matters, not what is being used as money.

If paper does have an advantage over gold, it would be the added flexibility it provides. That is to say that it enables the government to raise an army should it find itself being attacked by a foreign enemy or to provide relief to victims of natural disasters.

The long and short of it is that no matter what is being used as money, fiscal discipline is what keeps it sound, for in truth, all money is fiat and there is no escaping that fact.
Evaluer :   0  9Note :   -9
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I found a few flaws in your argument, #1 by the end of the Roman Empire they had debased the gold & Silver in each coin to a very low level. #2 the reason that the American Economy flourished for 200 years is because of all of the free land and resources  Lire la suite
sparrow - 29/08/2012 à 14:34 GMT
Note :  2  1
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