Rex Minerals Ltd.

20160728 Hillside Project Update

On August 25 2016

ASX and Media Release: 25 August 2016 ASX code: RXM

Hillside Project Update

The Board of Rex Minerals (Rex) advises that the South Australian Government's Department of State Development (DSD) has approved a 12‐month extension for the submission of its Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR). The extension will also encompass the Social Management Plan (SMP) for the Company's Hillside Project on the Yorke Peninsula.

As a result of changed commodity prices, Rex undertook an Extended Feasibility Study (EFS), the findings of which were announced to the market in May 2015. The EFS focused on a smaller start‐up project to produce copper‐gold, allowing for expansion of operations as economic conditions permit.

On 3 June 2016, Rex provided the DSD with additional information regarding the revised project to ensure consistency with the granted Mining Lease and lease conditions. During this process, Rex has been advancing its community engagement work through its Community Engagement Plan (CEP), a key part of which is ongoing engagement through the work of the Hillside Mine Community Voice (HMCV) group which comprises representatives of landowners, business owners, interest groups, regional groups and Rex.

The Company will provide the revised project information to the HMCV on completion of the government's adequacy check, and it is expected that this information will assist this group in its engagement and liaison activity with the local and regional community.

Rex requested, and the government has agreed, that a 12‐month extension is appropriate to allow adequate time for engagement with all stakeholders.

As a result of receiving approval for this extension, and in accordance with Regulation 65(10) of the Mining Regulations 2011 (Mining Regulations), Rex is now required to submit a PEPR for approval to the DSD that fully complies with the Mining Act 1971 (Mining Act) and Mining Regulations by 16 September 2017.

In addition, we are pleased to advise that Mr Ross Sawers has been engaged to lead this community engagement process. Ross has been involved in key stakeholder engagement roles in South Australia with companies such as Oz Minerals and Santos. With a long track record in agriculture, training and regional development, Ross is well‐credentialed to assist the Company to engage with all stakeholders in a meaningful and respectful way.

For more information about Rex and its projects, please visit our website at '' or contact:

Richard Laufmann Media and Investor Relations:

Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director Gavan Collery

T: +61 8 8299 7100 T: +61 419 372 210

E: [email protected]' E: [email protected]'

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