Northgate Minerals Corporation

Published : July 18th, 2008

Additional Drill Results for the Young-Davidson Project

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Attention Business Editors:

Northgate Announces Additional Drill Results for the Young-Davidson Project

     Deposit Continues to Expand

     VANCOUVER, July 17 /CNW/ - Northgate Minerals Corporation (TSX: NGX,
AMEX: NXG) is pleased to report drill results for 34 surface and 59
underground Diamond drill holes totalling 33,000 metres, which were completed
during the first half of 2008 at the Young-Davidson project near the town of
Matachewan in northern Ontario. The purpose of the ongoing Diamond drill
program is to increase the measured and indicated resource base at
Young-Davidson in preparation for completion of a Feasibility Study and to
increase the total resources on the property.

                              Drilling Highlights

     -   Diamond drilling in 2008 has confirmed that the four previously
         established resource zones (the Upper Boundary, Lower Boundary, Lucky
         and Lower YD zones) form a near continuous gold system of overlapping
         lenses cut by numerous post mineral dykes.

     -   A new area of mineralization has been discovered adjacent to the
         historic Young-Davidson workings.

     -   Holes 75 and 75A, drilled down dip on the Upper Boundary zone to test
         grade continuity of that zone, intersected 4.17 grams per tonne (g/t)
         gold over 123.5 metres (m) and 4.12 g/t gold over 350.0m,

     -   Hole 62 (Upper Boundary zone) intersected 3.79 g/t gold over a broad
         width of 73.9m (56.6m true thickness) including 6.05 g/t gold over

     -   Hole 56A (Lower Boundary zone) intersected 3.51 g/t gold over an
         exceptional width of 130.2m (94.1m true thickness).

     -   Hole 78 (Lower YD zone) intersected 7.90 g/t gold over 28.1m (19.7m
         true thickness).

     -   A cross cut driven in the upper portion of the Upper Boundary zone to
         collect a bulk sample for metallurgical testing averaged 5.0 g/t gold
         over a true thickness of 41m. Grinding testwork indicates that this
         material is amenable to low cost autogenous grinding.

     -   Underground definition drilling has confirmed the continuity and
         geometry of the upper portion of the Upper Boundary Zone.

     Ken Stowe, President and Chief Executive Officer, remarked, "This year's
drilling program at Young-Davidson has been highly successful. The various
zones have now essentially been joined into one large continuous gold bearing
system. Although the focus of this year's drill program has been mainly on
converting inferred resources to measured and indicated, the drilling we have
completed to date has also identified areas of previously unknown
mineralization, which will increase the total resource base when the next
resource update is completed later this year in conjunction with the project's
feasibility study. Also of note, pilot plant testing of a bulk sample taken
from the Upper Boundary Zone has confirmed that the ore is amenable to low
cost autogenous grinding (i.e. no steel balls required). All of these factors
will have a positive impact on the final economics of the Young-Davidson


     Diamond Drill Program

     The purpose of the 2008 Diamond drill program at Young-Davidson is to
increase the indicated resource base to a level that will support a
Feasibility Study and to increase the total measured, indicated and inferred
resources on the property. The results of this drilling will be incorporated
into an updated resource estimate that will be completed in the fourth quarter
of 2008. The 2008 drill program has already established the horizontal and
vertical continuity, grade and thickness of the primary gold mineralization at
Young-Davidson and has filled in several large areas between previously known
resource zones.
     Year-to-date, a total of 35 holes have returned grades of at least 4.0g/t
gold over 5m of true thickness. Twenty-one of these holes have true
thicknesses of at least 10m. Collectively, the results of the drilling
confirms that mineralization is near continuous between the various zones and
the zone names are simply to identify areas between cross cutting dykes rather
than breaks in the primary gold mineralization. Selected surface and
underground holes are listed in Table 1 below and the complete list of holes
reported herein are posted on the company's website at and filed on SEDAR at All surface
holes are plotted on Figure 1, a longitudinal section of the deposit.
Underground holes (MR and YR prefixes) are plotted on Figure 2, a more
detailed view of the longitudinal section.

     Table 1 - Selected Young-Davidson Surface and Underground Holes

                                  Core       True         Gold -      Gold -
     Hole ID     From     To     Length    Thickness     Cut 20g      Uncut
                  (m)     (m)      (m)        (m)         (g/t)       (g/t)
     YD08-75    369.5    493.0    123.5                    3.92        4.17
     -----------------------------------    drilled     ----------------------
     incl       483.0    493.0     10.0    down dip        7.79        7.79
     -----------------------------------                ----------------------
                514.5    522.0      7.5                    6.34        8.81
     YD08-75A   432.5    782.5    350.0                    4.01        4.12
     -----------------------------------                ----------------------
     incl       453.0    462.0      9.0     drilled       10.30       10.30
     -----------------------------------   down dip     ----------------------
     incl       742.5    782.5     40.0                    7.17        7.17
     -----------------------------------                ----------------------
     incl       753.0    774.0     21.0                   10.65       10.65
     YD08-62    515.8    589.7     73.9      56.6          3.79        3.79
     incl       554.5    564.0      9.5       7.3          6.05        6.05
     YD07-56A  1041.0   1171.2    130.2      94.1          3.11        3.51
     incl      1148.4   1171.2     22.8      16.6          5.07        5.07
     incl      1162.1   1171.2      9.1       6.7          7.15        7.15
     YD08-67   1091.1   1098.5      7.4       5.6          5.23        5.23
     YD08-78    844.0    872.1     28.1      19.7          7.21        7.90
     MR-04       46.7     75.0     28.3      20.3          6.81        7.33
     YD08-71    630.0    635.3      5.3       2.8          7.88       10.62
     YD07-58    954.7    966.0     11.3       5.8          4.31        4.31
     YD08-68    210.5    217.4      6.9       4.9          9.40       11.54
     YD07-57    858.0    877.2     19.2      16.4          4.44        4.44
     YR-50       67.5     89.4     21.9      19.3          5.86        6.41
     YR-16       55.2    101.8     46.6      30.1          5.96        5.96
     YR-12       34.1     65.5     31.4      31.4          3.93        3.93

     Holes YD08-75 and 75A were drilled in close proximity to the cross cut
through the Upper Boundary zone in order to test the down dip grade
continuity. The main body of the Upper Boundary zone in hole 75 returned
4.17 g/t gold over 123.5m. Hole 75A returned 4.12 g/t gold over 350.0m. Both
holes intersected a hanging wall zone: 3.00 g/t gold over 71.7m in hole 75 and
2.55 g/t gold over 49.8m in hole 75A. Hole 75 also intersected a footwall
zone, which returned 7.5m of 8.81 g/t gold. Hole YD08-62 was drilled in the
central portion of the Upper Boundary zone and returned 73.9m (56.6m true
thickness) grading 3.8 g/t gold. These three holes validate and increase
confidence in the resource estimation and suggest that the grade shell used in
the February 2008 resource estimate is conservative.
     To date, underground drilling (Figure 2) from the ramp has been confined
to the upper portions of the deposit. Drill holes MR-01 to MR-07 were drilled
to define the upper east area of the Upper Boundary zone. Six of the seven
holes intersected significant results, which will expand this zone. This
includes hole MR-04, which returned 7.3 g/t gold over 28.3m (20.3m true
     Underground drilling in the central part of the Upper Boundary zone
indicates that the zone is thicker than previously interpreted. YR-50 in the
lower part of the Upper Boundary zone intersected 6.4 g/t gold over 21.9m;
YR-16, a mid-tier hole, intersected 5.96 g/t gold over 46.6m; and, YR-12, an
upper tier hole, intersected 3.93 g/t gold over 31.4m (these three intercepts
are true thickness).
     Holes YD08-56A and 67 tested the western and eastern areas, respectively,
of the Lower Boundary zone. Hole 56A returned an extremely wide intersection
of 130.2m of 3.11 g/t gold (94.1m true thickness) and pierced the zone near
the western extent of the indicated resource block. The results from this hole
will expand the indicated block westwards. Hole 67, drilled near the eastern
extent of the zone, returned an intersection of 7.4m of 5.23 g/t gold (5.6m
true thickness).
     Hole YD08-78 on the western edge of the deposit (Lower YD zone)
intercepted 28.1m of 7.9 g/t gold (7.21 g/t gold cut and a true thickness of
19.7 m) within an inferred resource. Hole YD08-57, in the same zone on the
east flank, intersected 19.2m of 4.44 g/t gold (16.4m true thickness) and is
expected to increase tonnage in this part of the deposit. Holes YD08-58 and
71, both within the Lucky zone, intersected 11.3m of 4.3 g/t gold (5.8m true
thickness) and 5.3m of 10.62 g/t gold (7.88 g/t gold cut and 2.8m true
thickness), respectively. These holes were drilled to convert inferred
resources to the indicated category.
     Five drill holes, in close proximity to the old Young-Davidson workings,
have discovered a new area of gold mineralization above the cut-off criteria
of 2.3 g/t gold. The most significant of these holes is YD08-68 that
intersected 6.9m of 11.54 g/t gold (9.4 g/t gold cut and 4.9m true thickness).
This discovery of a previously unknown area of mineralization will increase
the current total resource base when the updated resource estimate is
completed in the fourth quarter of 2008.

     Underground Drilling Program

     A single underground drill completed 57 Diamond drill holes from 15 drill
stations in the new ramp. Most of the drilling was necessarily concentrated on
the upper levels of the Upper Boundary zone with the objective of detailed
definition of the ore zone.

     Overview of Young-Davidson Exploration Area

     Gold mineralization on the Young-Davidson property is present primarily
in an intrusive syenite host rock dipping at approximately 70 degrees to the
south. Figure 1, shown below, presents known resource areas (as defined in the
legend), historic mine workings, simplified geology and the pierce points for
the holes drilled. Elevations in the longitudinal section are based on an
artificial mine grid where the surface is defined as 10,355 metres.

     Figure 1 - Young-Davidson Property (Vertical, North Looking, Longitudinal
     Section with Metric Grid)

     Figure 2 - Underground Long Section (Vertical, North Looking,
     Longitudinal Section with Metric Grid)

     Underground Cross-Cut

     A 90m-long 4.8m X 4.8m cross cut was driven due south from the ramp on
the 10125 Level on line 23270mE. The purpose of the cross-cut was to obtain a
bulk sample from the upper portion of the Upper Boundary zone to determine
grinding characteristics to size the grinding circuit. A total of 50 tonnes
were shipped for processing through an off-site test facility. The test work
confirmed that the mineralization is amenable to low cost autogenous grinding.
     Both the east and west walls of the cross-cut were chip sampled in 2m
intervals. The zone in this area is dipping about -65 degrees to the south.
The chip samples returned 5.0 g/t gold (4.8 g/t gold cut) over 45m, or 41m
true thickness. The gold bearing portion of the cross-cut looks much the same
as in drill core, brick red, coarse grained syenite with quartz and carbonate
stringers and 1% to 8% pyrite. This unit is distinctive and easy to map.
Figure 3 illustrates the location of the samples in the cross-cut.
     Drilling completed to date, combined with the mapping and sampling of the
cross cut, validate and enforce the understanding of geological controls of
gold mineralization at Young-Davidson. The results are positive and suggest
that the original grade shells are conservative. Once the 2008 drilling
program is complete in September 2008, a new resource estimate will be
completed in the fourth quarter of 2008.

     Figure 3 - No. 9 Cross Cut Plan (plan view with Metric Grid)

     For a complete list of assay results for the surface and underground
drill holes reported herein, click on the following link:
The complete list is also available on the company's website at

     Quality Control - Analyses and Sample Location

     Details of quality assurance/quality control procedures for sample
analysis and drill hole survey methodology are reported in detail in the
National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) Technical Report filed on SEDAR
( on May 16, 2008. A summary of these procedures may also be
found in a press release dated April 10, 2006.

     Qualified Persons

     The program design, implementation, quality assurance/quality control and
interpretation of the results is under the control of Northgate's geological
staff that includes a number of individuals who are qualified persons as
defined under NI 43-101. Overall supervision of the program is by
Carl Edmunds, PGeo, Northgate's Exploration Manager.

     Note to US Investors:

     The terms "Mineral Reserve", "Proven Mineral Reserve" and "Probable
Mineral Reserve" are Canadian mining terms as defined in accordance with NI
43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects under the guidelines set
out in the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (the "CIM")
Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Definitions and Guidelines
adopted by the CIM Council on August 20, 2000. The terms "Mineral Resource",
"Measured Mineral Resource", "Indicated Mineral Resource", and "Inferred
Mineral Resource" used in this news release are Canadian mining terms as
defined in accordance with NI 43-101-Standards of Disclosure for Mineral
Projects under the guidelines set out in the CIM Standards.

     Northgate Minerals Corporation is a mid-tier gold and copper producer
with mining operations, development projects and exploration properties in
Canada and Australia. The company is forecasting 400,000 ounces of unhedged
gold production in 2008 and is targeting growth through further acquisitions
in stable mining jurisdictions around the world. Northgate is listed on the
Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol NGX and on the American Stock Exchange
under the symbol NXG.

     Forward-Looking Statements:

     This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements" and
"forward-looking information" as defined under applicable Canadian and U.S.
securities laws. Forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the
use of forward-looking terminology such as "may," "will," "expect," "intend,"
"estimate," "anticipate," "believe," or "continue" or the negative thereof or
variations thereon or similar terminology. Forward-looking statements are
necessarily based on a number of estimates and assumptions that are inherently
subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and
contingencies. Certain of the statements made herein by Northgate Minerals
Corporation ("Northgate") including those related to future financial and
operating performance and those related to Northgate's future exploration and
development activities, are forward-looking and subject to important risk
factors and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Corporation's ability
to control or predict. Known and unknown factors could cause actual results to
differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Such
factors include, among others: gold price volatility; fluctuations in foreign
exchange rates and interest rates; impact of any hedging activities;
discrepancies between actual and estimated production, between actual and
estimated reserves and resources and between actual and estimated
metallurgical recoveries; costs of production, capital expenditures, costs and
timing of construction and the development of new deposits; and, success of
exploration activities and permitting time lines. In addition, the factors
described or referred to in the section entitled "Risk Factors" of Northgate's
Annual Information Form (AIF) for the year ended December 31, 2007 or under
the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" of Northgate's 2007 Annual Report, both
of which are available on SEDAR at, should be reviewed in
conjunction with this document. Accordingly, readers should not place undue
reliance on forward-looking statements. The Corporation does not undertake any
obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to forward-looking
statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this document
or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except in each case as
required by law.

For further information: Ms. Keren R. Yun, Director, Investor Relations, Tel:
(416) 216-2781, Email:, Website:

Data and Statistics for these countries : Australia | Canada | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : Australia | Canada | All

Northgate Minerals Corporation

ISIN : CA6664161024.
CUSIP : 666416102
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Northgate Minerals is a gold and copper producing company based in Canada.

Northgate Minerals develops gold, copper and silver in Canada, and holds various exploration projects in Canada.

Its main assets in production are STAWELL MINE and FOSTERVILLE MINE in Australia and KEMESS SOUTH in Canada, its main asset in development is YOUNG - DAVIDSON in Canada and its main exploration properties are BOULEVARD, KEMESS UNDERGROUND, MATACHEWAN MINE and AWAKENING GOLD in Canada.

Northgate Minerals is listed in Canada. Its market capitalisation is CA$ 943.3 millions as of today (US$ 928.4 millions, € 655.4 millions).

Its stock quote reached its lowest recent point on January 28, 2000 at CA$ 0.60, and its highest recent level on May 12, 2006 at CA$ 5.29.

Northgate Minerals has 254 245 479 shares outstanding.

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