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HudBay Minerals Inc.

Published : May 10th, 2007

Reports Strong First Quarter 2007 Results

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HudBay Minerals Inc.
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May 10, 2007
HudBay Reports Strong First Quarter 2007 Results

Record-setting Quarterly Revenue Performance Contributes to Strong Cash flow Generation

- Revenue increases 68% to $349.1 million

- Operating cash flow(1) nearly doubles to $142.5 million

- Cash of $517.8 million at March 31, 2007

- Earnings before tax increases 91% to $117.5 million

- Significant tax pools continue to shelter cash income taxes

- Net earnings of $63.1 million versus $76.0 million in Q1 2006

- 2007 $45.2 million exploration program well underway

- Overall production on plan for quarter; Balmat achieves commercial production Jan. 1, 2007

- Balmat operations certified to ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:1999

- Cash cost per pound of zinc sold, net of by-product credits "negative" US$0.33

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA--(CCNMatthews - May 9, 2007) - HudBay Minerals Inc. (TSX:HBM) (HudBay or the Company) today announced a 68% increase in revenue to $349.1 million, compared to the first quarter of 2006 (Q1 2006), contributing to earnings of $63.1 million or $0.50 per share while operating cash flow increased by 83% to $142.5 million, for the quarter ended March 31, 2007 (Q1 2007).

                                              Three months ended March 31
($000's except per share amounts)          --------------------------------
                                                         2007        2006
Revenue                                               349,142     207,963
Earnings before tax                                   117,515      61,643
Net Earnings                                           63,076      75,986
Basic EPS(2)                                             0.50        0.89
EBITDA(3)                                             144,770      77,727
Operating cash flow before changes
 in working capital                                   142,500      77,973
Cash and cash equivalents                             517,772     127,364
Total assets(4)                                     1,391,841   1,318,515

(1) Operating cash flow excluding changes in non-cash working capital. 
(2) Earnings per share
(3) Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization,
    loss/gain on derivative instruments, interest and other income and 
(4) 2007 at March 31st ; 2006 at December 31st.
The bracketed values that follow denote the comparative figures for Q1 2006.

Results for Q1 were firmly in line with our expectations, said Peter Jones, President & CEO. Production was on plan and higher metal prices and solid sales grew revenue by 68% and operating cash flow by 83% to $142.5 million, compared to Q1 last year.


($000's except per share amounts)              Three months ended March 31
Production                                            2007            2006
Zinc(5)                             tonnes          31,408          29,906
Copper                              tonnes          21,724          23,686
Gold                              troy oz.          24,213          26,511
Silver                            troy oz.         352,447         390,230
Metal Sold(6)
Zinc, including sales to Zochem(7)  tonnes          31,857          30,172
Copper                              tonnes          24,662          18,932
Gold                              troy oz.          29,716          14,846
Sliver                            troy oz.         383,919         232,456
Q1 2007 Financial and Operating Results


Earnings before tax in Q1 2007 increased strongly by 91% to $117.5 million compared with $61.6 million in Q1 2006. The Company continues to benefit from its significant tax pools and effectively no cash income taxes were paid in Q1 2007. The benefit of these losses is expected to continue for the balance of 2007, resulting in minimal cash income taxes for 2007. The Company does expect to pay Manitoba mining taxes in 2007.

Net earnings were $63.1 million for the quarter, or $0.50 per share, compared to $76.0 million for the same quarter in 2006, or $0.89 per share. Lower year-over-year net earnings is primarily attributable to the draw-down of the tax asset resulting in a non-cash tax expense of $41.9 million this quarter compared to a non-cash tax benefit of $15 million in the first quarter of 2006.

Adding back non-cash tax expense to net earnings recognizes the significant value of HudBay's tax pools. On this basis, net earnings were $105 million ($0.83 per share) compared with $61 million ($0.71 per share) in Q1 2006, which represents strong year over year growth of 72%.


Total revenue for Q1 2007 was $349.1 million ($208.0 million) from sales of 31,857 tonnes of zinc (30,172 tonnes), including sales of 6,505 tonnes (8,771 tonnes) to the Company's Zochem division for zinc oxide and 3,949 tonnes of zinc metal sales contained in concentrate from the Company's Balmat mine, 24,662 tonnes of copper (18,932 tonnes), 29,716 ounces of gold (14,846 ounces), and 383,919 ounces of silver (232,456 ounces).

(5) Production includes Balmat metal in concentrate and sales include Balmat payable metal in concentrate shipped (including to HBMS).

(6) Excludes inventory changes prior to the contractual change with HudBay's joint venture company Considar Metal Marketing.

Through the first quarter, the Company continued to receive attractive price premiums for its finished metals that were above LME averages.

                                                HudBay Realized Prices

                                Average      Three Months 
                                  Three            Ended        Year Ended
Realized Metal Prices             Month       Mar 31,  Mar 31,      Dec 31,
 & Exchange Rate                 Prices(7)      2007     2006         2006
Zinc                  US$/lb.       1.57          1.65    1.08        1.53
Copper                US$/lb.       2.69          2.81    2.33        3.15
Gold             US$/troy oz.        650           651     532         603
Silver           US$/troy oz.      13.31         13.44    9.29       11.13
 exchange rate                      1.17          1.17    1.15        1.13
Operating Expenses

Operating costs for Q1 2007 were $184.5 million compared with $121.8 million during the same period in 2006. The increase reflects a number of factors including higher metal sales volumes and the costs of Balmat being included effective January 1, 2007 coincident with the achievement of commercial production. In addition, generally higher costs associated with production, higher employee profit sharing expenses and increased concentrate purchase costs all contributed to the increase. HudBay's cash cost per pound of zinc sold, net of by-product credits was negative US$0.33 (positive US$0.05). A reconciliation of this non-GAAP measure is provided in the Company's Q1 2007 MD&A. Depreciation and amortization also increased in Q1 2007 to $21.9 million compared with $15.5 million in Q1 2006. This increase reflects the inclusion of Balmat beginning Q1 2007 and increased depreciation and amortization expense at the Trout Lake mine.

Tax Expense

Tax expense in the first quarter of 2007 was $54.4 million compared with a net tax benefit of $14.3 million in Q1 2006. The Q1 2007 tax expense is comprised of $38.6 million of income tax expense and $15.8 of mining tax expense. Importantly, the income tax portion is a non-cash expense due to the draw down of the Company's tax asset, which was established in 2006 and is associated with past losses.

(7) LME average for zinc, copper and gold prices, London Spot US equivalent for silver prices.


Exploration & Increased Land Position

In 2007, we've targeted $45.2 million for exploration, including $8.5 million on the Bur deposit, which is a significant increase from 2006. During the first quarter, approximately $7.7 million excluding capitalized expenses, was spent on exploration activities, compared to the $3.1 million spent in the first quarter of 2006.

Exploration work increased in the Snow Lake and Flin Flon area during the quarter. Land holdings at all locations continued to increase and now total 419,605 hectares, including 379,401 hectares in the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt.

The results of a new exploration discovery at Lalor Lake, close to our Chisel North mine property and our Snow Lake concentrator, were announced in early March 2007. Drill hole DUB 168 intersected massive sulfide mineralization that assayed 0.19% Cu and 17.26% Zn over a core length of 16.45 metres. The intersection is encouraging, and the mineralization is similar to that at the nearby Chisel North mine.

HudBay's $8.5 million Bur deposit project continues to advance. The Company is in the process of completing an underground decline, 10,000 tonne ore sample and feasibility study. The Bur deposit is only 22 kilometers from HudBay's Snow Lake concentrator and can be easily accessed. A production decision continues to be anticipated for late 2007.

A portion of our $45.2 million 2007 exploration program, is allocated to exploration drilling in our operating mines to potentially increase our ore reserves and extend the life of our existing mines.


Production for the year is expected to be on target with earlier guidelines.


Operating costs in 2007 are generally expected to be similar to 2006, with the exception of the Balmat and Trout Lake mines. As Balmat commenced commercial production on January 1, 2007, the Company will incur additional operating costs, which will be at a higher unit cost during the production ramp up. We also expect higher unit costs for the Trout Lake mine because a greater proportion of its 2007 production will be from the pillar extraction project. Other cost increases are expected from inflation on consumables and labour.

Capital Spending

The estimated capital spending for 2007 increased by $9.0 million due largely to the requirement for increased ventilation at the Balmat mine of $3.5 million, $4.5 million for an additional plant to increase the water treatment capacity of Chisel North mine and an increase of approximately $2.7 million associated with the expansion of the cellhouse, and installation of a solution control facility at White Pine Copper Refinery.


2007 Aggressive Exploration Program Underway

HudBay's $45.2 million 2007 exploration program is well underway. The program is targeting approximately $34 million for exploration in the prolific Flin Flon Greenstone Belt including $8.5 million for advanced exploration at the Bur deposit. During the quarter, exploration work increased with $7.7 million expended versus $3.1 million in 2006. Land holdings also continued to increase and now total 419,605 hectares including 379,401 in the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt.

In March 2007, HudBay announced results from its first Lalor Lake surface drill hole located 2.4 km from its Chisel North mine site and 15 km from its Snow Lake concentrator. Drill hole DIB 168 intersected massive sulphide mineralization that assayed 0.19% Cu and 17.26% Zn over a core length of 16.45 meters. The intersection is encouraging and the mineralization is similar to that at the nearby Chisel North mine.

Bur Deposit Progressing on Plan

HudBay's $8.5 million Bur Deposit project continues to advance. The Company is in the process of completing an underground decline, 10,000 tonne ore sample and feasibility study. During the quarter, a price protection program on the deposit was implemented and is approximately 80% complete. As previously disclosed, the program ensures the economic viability of the deposit above long-term prices. The program consists of 45,900 tonnes of zinc swaps with an average price of US$1.32/lb. and 14,400 tonnes of copper swaps at an average price of US$2.44/lb., protecting approximately 80% of the Bur expected production between 2008 and 2010. The Bur deposit is only 22 kilometers from HudBay's Snow Lake concentrator and can be easily accessed. A production decision continues to be anticipated for late 2007.

Rockcliff Option Agreements

In March 2007, HudBay's wholly-owned subsidiary, Hudson Bay Exploration and Development Company Limited (HBED), entered into agreements with Rockcliff Resources Inc. (Rockcliff) respecting seven properties covering approximately 15,800 hectares in the Snow Lake area of Manitoba. The agreements build on HudBay's own $45.2 million exploration program for 2007 and further leverage the Company's exploration opportunities in the prolific Flin Flon Greenstone Belt. HudBay has previously entered into several other option agreements to increase exploration spending in the Flin Flon Greenstone Belt.

A Focus on Safety and the Environment

Lost time accident frequency for the first quarter of 2007 of 1.3 is unchanged from the same quarter in 2006. There were no significant environmental non-compliances during the quarter.

Covenant Defeasance of Outstanding 9 5/8% Senior Secured Notes

On February 21, 2007, HBMS completed the covenant defeasance of HBMS outstanding 9 5/8% Senior Secured Notes due 2012 (the "Notes"). The covenant defeasance involved the irrevocable deposit in trust by HBMS with The Bank of New York, as trustee, of approximately US$3.3 million of U.S. government securities, such amount being sufficient to pay the principal of US$2.9 million, and interest and premium on the outstanding Notes to the redemption date of January 15, 2009. Pursuant to the terms of the indenture governing the Notes, the collateral securing the Notes was released.

Balmat Operation Receives Certification

In March 2007, HudBay's wholly owned subsidiary, St. Lawrence Zinc Company, LLC (the "Balmat operations") was certified to ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:1999 - internationally recognized standards and specifications relating to environmental and health & safety management systems. HudBay requires all of its operations to be certified to these important environmental and safety standards. The White Pine Copper Refinery, acquired by HudBay on January 1, 2006 is expected to be certified later in 2007, which will make HudBay certified at all of its operational facilities.

For further information, please see attached hereto selected financial information for the quarters ended March 31, 2007 and 2006. Please also see HudBay's financial statements together with Management's Discussion and Analysis of Operations and Financial Condition for the quarter ended March 31, 2007. A copy of HudBay's financial statements for the quarters ended March 31, 2007 and March 31, 2006 as well as its MD&A for the quarter ended March 31, 2007 are available under the profile of HudBay on SEDAR at and on the HudBay website at

About HudBay Minerals Inc.

HudBay Minerals Inc. is an integrated mining company operating mines, concentrators and a metal production facility in northern Manitoba and Saskatchewan. HudBay also owns a zinc oxide production facility in Ontario, the White Pine copper refinery in Michigan and the Balmat zinc mine operations in New York state. HudBay is a member of the S&P/TSX Composite Index.

Forward-Looking Information

This news release contains "forward-looking information", within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to HudBay's exploration program and plans with respect to the Bur deposit. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "seeks", expects , budget or variations of such words or state that certain actions, events or results may , could , "will , will be , would be or is expected to be. Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of HudBay to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including risks associated with the mining industry such as economic factors, government regulation and approvals, environmental risks, success of exploration activities, future commodity prices, capital expenditures, requirements for additional capital, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, conclusions of economic evaluations as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in HudBay's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2006, available on Although HudBay has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. HudBay does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


To view the Management's Discussion and Analysis, please click the following link:

To view the Financial Statements, please click the following link:

HudBay Minerals Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Earnings
(In thousands of Canadian dollars, except share and per share amounts)
                                                        Three months ended
                                                              March 31
                                                     2007             2006
Revenue (note 14)                             $   349,142      $   207,963
 Operating                                        184,508          121,782
 Depreciation and amortization                     21,874           15,542
 General and administrative                         4,573            3,677
 Stock-based compensation (note 10e)                4,709            2,251
 Accretion of asset retirement obligation             789              660
 Foreign exchange loss (gain)                       2,044           (1,268)
                                                  218,497          142,644

Operating earnings                                130,645           65,319

(Loss) gain on derivative instruments             (10,979)           4,331
Interest and other income                           5,962            1,172
Interest expense                                     (399)          (4,754)
Exploration                                        (7,749)          (3,134)
Other                                                  35           (1,291)

Earnings before income tax                        117,515           61,643

Tax expense (benefit) (note 9)                     54,439          (14,343)
Net earnings for the period                   $    63,076      $    75,986

Earnings per share:
 Basic                                        $      0.50      $      0.89
 Diluted                                      $      0.49      $      0.70

Weighted average number of common shares
 outstanding (note 10f)
 Basic                                        126,138,341       85,392,988
 Diluted                                      128,232,455      108,179,593

See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.

HudBay Minerals Inc.
Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings
(In thousands of Canadian dollars)

                                                        Three months ended
                                                              March 31
                                                     2007             2006

Retained earnings, beginning of period          $ 642,723      $    78,732

Net earnings for the period                        63,076           75,986

Transition adjustment   financial instruments      (1,005)               -

Retained earnings, end of period                $ 704,794      $   154,718

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
(In thousands of Canadian dollars)

                                                        Three months ended
                                                              March 31
                                                     2007             2006

Net earnings for the period                      $ 63,076      $    75,986
Other comprehensive income (loss),
 net of tax (note 11)                              (4,942)               -

Comprehensive income for the end period          $ 58,134      $    75,986

See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.

HudBay Minerals Inc.
Consolidated Balance Sheets
(in thousands of Canadian dollars)

                                          March 31, 2007 December 31, 2006


Current assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents                     $ 517,772        $  385,864
 Accounts receivable                             101,436           132,275
 Inventories                                     174,460           163,842
 Prepaid expenses                                  6,463             7,288
 Current portion of fair value of
  derivatives (note 12)                            6,127             2,579
 Future income and mining tax assets             118,393           154,063
                                                 924,651           845,911

Property, plant and equipment (note 4)           445,293           444,044
Other assets (note 5)                             21,897            28,560
                                              $1,391,841        $1,318,515

Liabilities and Shareholders Equity:

Current liabilities:
 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities      $ 151,170         $ 139,922
 Taxes payable                                    10,896            30,217
 Current portion of other liabilities (note 6)    34,100            28,087
                                                 196,166           198,226

Long-term debt (note 7)                           10,638            10,214
Pension obligations                               41,741            41,675
Other employee future benefits                    66,391            65,083
Asset retirement obligations                      34,337            33,548
Fair value of derivatives (note 12)               16,966                 -
Obligations under capital leases                   4,254             4,979
Future income tax liabilities                        577               582
                                               $ 371,070         $ 354,307

Shareholders  equity:
 Share capital:
  Common shares (note 10b)                       303,226           308,441
  Warrants (note 10c)                                  1                 3
 Contributed surplus (note 10e)                   17,281            13,098
 Cumulative translation adjustment                     -               (57)
 Retained earnings                               704,794           642,723
 Accumulated other comprehensive
  income (loss) (note 11)                         (4,531)                -
                                               1,020,771           964,208
                                              $1,391,841        $1,318,515

See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.

HudBay Minerals Inc.

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(in thousands of Canadian dollars)

                                                        Three months ended
                                                              March 31
                                                     2007             2006

Cash provided by (used in):

Operating activities:
 Net earnings for the period                   $   63,076       $   75,986
 Items not affecting cash:
  Depreciation and amortization                    21,874           15,542
  Future tax expense (benefit)                     41,859          (14,939)
  Unrealized foreign exchange gain                    472              518
  Amortization of deferred financing costs              -              362
  Accretion expense on asset retirement
   obligation                                         789              660
  Stock-based compensation                          4,709            2,251
  Unrealized portion of change in fair value
   of derivatives                                  12,483           (3,159)
  Other                                            (2,762)             752
                                                  142,500           77,973
Change in non-cash working capital (note 13)       13,391          (51,847)
                                                  155,891           26,126

Financing activities:
 Repayment of senior secured notes                      -           (1,168)
 Repayment of obligations under capital leases       (989)            (936)
 Proceeds on exercise of stock options              1,498            1,180
 Proceeds on exercise of warrants                      10            4,269
                                                      519            3,345

Investing activities:
 Additions to property, plant and equipment       (23,961)         (27,003)
 Acquisition of White Pine Copper Refinery,
  Inc., net of cash acquired                            -          (17,041)
 Additions to environmental deposits                    -               15
                                                  (23,961)         (44,029)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and
 cash equivalents                                    (541)             262

Change in cash and cash equivalents               131,908          (14,296)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of
 period                                           385,864          141,660

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period       $  517,772       $  127,364

Cash and cash equivalents is comprised of:
 Cash on hand and demand deposits              $   73,356       $  102,739
 Money market instruments                         444,416           24,625
                                               $  517,772       $  127,364

See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements
HudBay Minerals Inc.
Brad Woods
Director Investor Relations
(204) 949-4272

INDUSTRY: Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals

HudBay Minerals Inc.

ISIN : CA4436281022
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HudBay is a copper producing company based in Canada.

HudBay produces copper, gold, silver and zinc in Canada, and holds various exploration projects in Argentina, in Canada and in Peru.

Its main assets in production are 777 MINE, TROUT LAKE MINE and CHISEL NORTH in Canada and its main exploration properties are FENIX and WHITE PINE in Guatemala, BRAMPTON, REED LAKE, BUR, BALMAT, TOM, JASON, LALOR, WATTS RIVER, BACK FORTY, WINDSOR and NOME CASSIAR in Canada, CONSTANCIA in Peru and CORCOVADO PROPERTY in Argentina.

HudBay is listed in Canada, in Germany and in United States of America. Its market capitalisation is CA$ 3.0 billions as of today (US$ 2.2 billions, € 2.0 billions).

Its stock quote reached its lowest recent point on March 13, 2020 at CA$ 1.66, and its highest recent level on October 10, 2024 at CA$ 12.70.

HudBay has 237 270 000 shares outstanding.

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2/11/2015to Attend BMO Capital Markets 24th Global Metals & Mining Co...
1/27/2015Hudbay to Attend Upcoming January Investor Conferences
1/27/2015Hudbay to Host Conference Call for Fourth Quarter 2014 Resul...
1/27/2015Hudbay to Host Conference Call for Fourth Quarter 2014 Resul...
1/22/2015Hudbay Announces 2015 Production Guidance and Capital and Ex...
1/21/2015Hudbay to Attend Upcoming January Investor Conferences
1/16/2015Canada Stocks to Watch: Bombardier, Iamgold, HudBay and more
1/15/2015Hudbay Announces 2015 Production Guidance and Capital and Ex...
1/14/2015Canada Stocks to Watch: Suncor, Magna, Shaw, Cogeco and more
12/18/2014VMS Provides Reed Mine Update
12/3/2014VMS Provides Reed Mine Update
11/26/2014Hudbay to Attend Upcoming December Investor Conferences
10/30/2013to Host Conference Call for Third Quarter 2013 Results
10/15/2013to Attend Canaccord Genuity Global Resources Conference
9/12/2013to Attend Upcoming September Investor Conferences
7/2/2013to Host Conference Call for Second Quarter 2013 Results
6/26/2013Receives US$125 Million Deposit Payment from Silver Wheaton
6/10/2013Announces Offering of US$150,000,000 Senior Unsecured Notes
6/10/2013Announces Offering of US$150,000,000 Senior Unsecured Notes
5/28/2013to Attend Upcoming June Investor Conferences
5/14/2013to Attend 2013 Bank of America Merr =?ISO-8859-1?Q?ill=20Lyn...
4/15/2013to Host Conference Call for First Quarter 2013 Results
3/12/2013to Attend Upcoming March Investor Conferences
2/19/2013to Present at the BMO Capital Markets 22nd Global Metals & M...
1/24/2013to Host Conference Call for Fourth Quarter 2012 Results
1/17/2013to Present at Upcoming January Investor Conferences
1/17/2013to Present at Upcoming January Investor Conferences
1/9/2013Announces 2013 Production Guidance and Capital and Explorati...
11/12/2012to Present at GMP Latin American Mining Conference
10/12/2012to Host Conference Call for Third Quarter 2012 Results
9/28/2012Announces Closing of Precious Metals Stream Transaction
9/13/2012Completes Offering for US$500,000,000 Senior Unsecured Notes
9/6/2012Announces Offering of US$400,000,000 Senior Unsecured Notes
7/9/2012to Host Conference Call for Second Quarter 2012 Results
5/19/2012Discontinues Planned Offering of US$4 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?00,000,...
5/14/2012Announces Offering of US$400,000,000 Senior Unsecured Notes
4/17/2012to Host Conference Call for First Quarter 2012 Results
3/8/2012Makes Investment in Panoro Minerals
2/24/2012Aligns All Operations Under Hudbay Brand to Support Growth a...
2/16/2012to Present at the BMO Capital Markets 2012 Global Metals & M...
2/10/2012to Host Conference Call for Fourth Quarter 2011 Results
2/10/2012to Host Conference Call for Fourth Quarter 2011 Results
2/2/2012Makes Investment in Northern Shield
1/12/2012to Present at Upcoming January Investor Conferences
12/19/2011Announces 2012 Production Guidance and Capital and Explorati...
11/28/2011to Present at Upcoming Investor Conferences
10/6/2011to Host Conference Call for Third Quarter 2011 Results
9/16/2011to Present at the Credit Suisse Global Steel and Mining Conf...
9/9/2011(Fenix)Announces Completion of Sale of Fenix Project and Key Manage...
9/1/2011to Present at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch 17th Annual ...
8/4/2011to Present at Jefferies 2011 Global Industrial and A&D Confe...
7/18/2011to Host Conference Call for Second Quarter 2011 Results
7/5/2011(Lalor)Announces Results of Lalor O =?ISO-8859-1?Q?ptimization=20St...
6/30/2011Makes Investment in MacDonald Mines
6/20/2011to Present at RBC Capital Markets' 2011 Global Mining & Mate...
5/4/2011Announces Commencement of Compulsory Acquisition of Remainin...
4/21/2011Makes Investment in CuOro Resources
3/17/2011Announces Expiry of Offer and Additional Take-Up of Norsemon...
3/14/2011to Exercise Compulsory Acquisition Rights After Expiry of Of...
3/2/2011Announces Take-up of Over 90% of Norsemont Mining Inc=2E's S...
2/16/2011Makes Investment in Aquila Resources
2/14/2011Makes Investment in VMS Ventures
1/27/2011Hudbay Minerals Makes Investment in Copper Reef Mining Corpo...
1/25/2011Hudbay and Norsemont Mining Announce Mailing of Offer and Ta...
1/10/2011Announces Agreement to Acquire Norsemont Mining
8/24/2010Makes Investment in Augusta Resource Corporation
7/28/2010to Help Establish Northern Manitoba Mining Academy
7/6/2010Joint Venture With VMS Ventures
4/1/2010New Resource and Significant Increase in Nickel Grade at Fen...
3/4/2010Enters Into Letter of Intent With VMS Ventures
2/3/20102009 Production and 2010 Outlook
1/8/2010Provides Update on Polar Star Holdings
12/22/2009Announces Option Agreement with Halo Resources Ltd.
10/8/2009$85 Million Production Ramp to Lalor Deposit
9/29/2009Files Normal Course Issuer Bid
9/29/2009Provides Update on CGN
8/6/2009Announces Subscription, Option and Joint Venture Agreement w...
6/22/2009CEO Unveils Strategic Plan at AGM
6/19/2009Expects to Close Flin Flon Copper Smelter by July 2010
2/27/2009Urges Shareholders to Vote Against SRM Nominee Slate
2/24/2009 Agree to Terminate Arrangement Agreement
2/16/2009Sets Record Date for March 25, 2009 Shareholders' Meeting
2/4/2009Announces That Unions Ratify Collective Agreements
1/27/2009Reaches Tentative Collective Agreements With Unions
1/26/2009Announces Superior Court Hearing Adjourned
1/23/2009OSC Sets Aside TSX Decision
1/13/2009to Defend Application Vigorously
1/9/2009Discovers New Gold Zone at Lalor
1/8/2009Notified of Request for OSC Hearing and Review
12/30/2008Schedules Meeting of Shareholders for March 31, 2009
12/23/2008Announces Lundin Mining's Receipt of Interim Order
12/19/2008Receives Meeting Requisition From Shareholder
12/11/2008Reports Progress in Lundin Acquisition
12/9/2008Responds to the Concerns of Certain Shareholders
12/2/2008Media Advisory: HudBay Launches Special WebSite Section With...
11/26/2008Recommends Shareholders Take no Action in Response to Jaguar...
11/21/2008and Lundin Announce Friendly Business Combination
8/26/2008Completes Business Combination With Skye Resources; Announce...
8/22/2008Announces Closure of Balmat Zinc Mine
8/21/2008Announces $1 Million 80th Anniversary Fund to Support Commun...
8/19/2008Skye Resources Securityholders Approve Business Combination ...
6/23/2008and Skye Resources AnnounceProposed Business Combination
6/2/2008Reports on U.S. Mine Fatality
2/15/2008 Announces 2007 Production and 2008 Outlook
2/12/2008Announces Updated Mineral Reserves and Resources
1/25/2008Announces Allen J. Palmiere as New President and CEO
1/21/2008 Celebrates 80 Years of Mining Success
12/14/2007 Share Buy Back Program Approved-Normal Course Issuer Bid
12/12/2007Announces Share Buy Back Program-Normal Course Issuer Bid
12/11/2007 Plans $42.8 Million for 2008 Exploration
11/5/2007Announces Exploration Drilling in South West Ontario
10/24/2007Announces Significant New Zinc Discovery at Lalor Lake
10/16/2007First Half 2007 Exploration Update
8/23/2007Confirms No Investments in Asset-Backed Commercial Paper
6/1/2007President & CEO Peter R. Jones to Appear on BNN TV
5/24/2007to Hold Annual & Special Meeting of Shareholders
5/2/2007Renews Shareholder Rights Plan
3/3/2007Second half exploration update
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10/10 17:00 0.360
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12.29 12.74
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Last updated on : 6/23/2010
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