Balmoral Resources Inc.

Published : June 20th, 2012

The Equedia Report Coverage On Balmoral Resources

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Balmoral Special Report
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Best Discovery Team Interview          

The management team at Balmoral, our most recently featured gold junior, just received the Best Discovery Record Award at this year's World Resource Investment Conference.

Watch the video as President & CEO Darin Wagner speaks with Mike Niehuser on their success and why they are an unmatched exploration team in the junior mining sector.  


Dear Readers,       

There are certain time tested business models which have a high probability of leading to major rewards for early shareholders. But not everyone can do it. As a matter of fact, few people do. 


That's why I am about to introduce a company whose management team was able to turn their $0.13 stock to a $3.00 buyout in less than 12 months - a potential return of 2215%.


A $10,000 investment could have returned you $221,500.


That same team is giving investors another opportunity. Only this time they are even bigger...and better.  


Their newly formed company now owns one of the largest land positions in the Abitibi - home to the second largest accumulation of gold in the world.


They continue to hit high grades everywhere and are right next to what will become Canada's largest gold mine.  


I have no doubt they will soon be a prime takeover target - especially considering that one of Canada's most significant mining events is about to take place right beside them.   


That's why analysts are calling this company the next potential takeover target and have 12-month target prices fetching more than 150% from where they trade today.


More on this story in a bit.


Gold Stocks Set to Explode 


Many junior and mid-tier explorers watched their companies bleed market value alongside continued market uncertainty and global volatility in 2011. Despite having record growth and strong growth prospects, many of the gold mining shares are now trading at or near 52- week lows.


We're in a period where the market has become extremely irrational and shares of strong quality gold miners and explorers are falling every day, despite record gold prices and strong outlook. But if you look at history - especially the 1973/1974 bear market - you will know that fundamentals will eventually win.


A Scary Similarity  


What's happening now is eerily reminiscence of what happened nearly 40 years ago: Devaluation of the Dollar, extreme rise in oil prices, UK in a recession, real GDP growth decline, rise in inflation, and money printing (as a result of converting the dollar into a full fiat currency backed by nothing more than a promise by the government.) In the year prior to the 1973 crash, stocks were doing incredibly well with the DJIA gaining 15% in twelve months.   


We're seeing the same thing now.


As stock markets peaked in 1972, the bears kicked in and stocks fell dramatically during that time. While stock markets rebounded eventually, the recovery was a slow process. The United States didn't see the same level in real terms until August 1993: over twenty years after the 1973-74 crash began.


While stocks lost nearly half their value during that time, many gold mining shares easily quadrupled in value - some of them far more than that. The surge in the gold and silver sector was dramatic and it changed the lives of the investors who took the risk to participate when no one else would.


Recent market events are pointing to a major surge in gold mining stocks in the next few years and as a result, this year may be one of the best opportunities in the last decade to own them.


And that's what makes the next company I am about to introduce so special.


One of the Biggest and Best 


Balmoral Resources Ltd.





Let me tell you why.


Balmoral Resources (TSX-V: BAR) (OTC: BALMF) currently owns one of the largest land packages in a belt which hosts one of the largest accumulations of gold in the world. That gives it one of the biggest and best land packages on the planet.


The Abitibi Greenstone Belt  


Outside the Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa no other area on Earth has produced more gold than the Abitibi Greenstone Belt of Quebec and Ontario, Canada.   


The belt has been home to more than 100 mines producing over 180 million ounces of gold. It's no wonder that new exploration tools, new geological understanding and new investment capital is starting to produce even greater results in this prolific area.   


But lots of gold isn't the only thing that makes the Abitibi so special. It's the extremely high grades it produces.  


The average historic grade of gold deposits of the Abitibi is more than 8 g/t - that's more than 8 times the average grade of the current gold reserves of the world's major gold producers.


Over the past 5 years a number of major gold discoveries in the Abitibi have made investors hundreds of millions of dollars. These include Osisko Mining, Detour Gold, Lake Shore Gold, Virginia Gold, and none other than West Timmins Mining - the company Balmoral's team sold less than two and a half years ago for a potential return of 2215% in less than a year. 


Balmoral's management has a great chance of doing it again.  


A Second Opportunity 


Not only does Balmoral own one of the largest land packages in the Abitibi with over 82km to explore, it owns almost all of it right beside what will become Canada's largest gold mine next year: Detour Gold's 15.6 million ounce Detour Lake Mine.  

Literally, Balmoral is right next door.  


Balmoral Properties Map
Yellow Zones are Balmoral's Properties


Click Here to Watch Balmoral's Corporate Video


When you consider that the Abitibi is already one of the largest producers of gold, that's a big deal. But a large land package isn't enough. It takes great drill results and a team that knows how to expand and market their story to the right people.  


Balmoral is consistently hitting even higher grades than their next door neighbour Detour Gold, so you can bet they are telling the story to everyone in the area - not just the market. If you're in the mining space, you know what that means...


It's no wonder why analysts are calling for such a high price target on Balmoral.


But that's not all. I think these target prices will soon have to be raised.


First let's go back to how Balmoral started so you can see why I am placing a large bet on these guys.   


How it All Began


The Balmoral story begins a few years back when it's management team, led by CEO Darin Wagner, were part of the discovery of the high-grade Thunder Creek gold deposit in Timmins.  


As a result their company West Timmins Mining was acquired by Lake Shore Gold Inc. in a deal valued at $424 million, making a wealth of money for their shareholders.  


(As I mentioned earlier, their management team took their $0.13 stock when the market crashed in 2008 to over $3.00 in 2009 when it was finally bought out. This all happened in less than 12 months.)

Balmoral's shares fetched a premium when they first started as a result of their management's success and replicated business model. But with recent market conditions waning, Balmoral's shares fell and have lingered at these levels for some time.  

But that now makes it an extremely attractive investment proposition for me.

When management and CEO Darin Wagner first started Balmoral, they started by doing exactly what they did with West Timmins - they built a company based on the premise of, "Who will buy their project?"


The West Timmins Success


The West Timmins management team quickly recognized significance of a high-grade discovery made by Lake Shore in west end of the Timmins camp - an area which had always been a bit of a dog with a big fault separating it from the main part of the 71 million ounces Timmins camp.


The Timmins mine discovery by Lake Shore was the first in the West Timmins area of significance.

Shortly after Lake Shore Gold announced their discovery, and with Goldcorp moving into Timmins and beginning to make it their camp Darin and his team saw opportunity. This new discovery of Lake Shore was such high grade that it would be stupid not to build a company around it.

So Darin moved in and put together a district scale land position immediately surrounding Lake Shore, making Lake Shore's land position a hole in West Timmin's donut.

His logic was simple: Either Goldcorp will take over Lake Shore - and swallow them in the process - or Lake Shore will want to grow and the only way will be to buy West Timmins.  

Darin and his team were putting together a project that someone was going to want. It was that simple.  

When West Timmins had acquired all the land, it also took Thunder Creek - the discovery that would soon be the prime focus of their success.

In mid 2007 (in a scenario very similar to Balmoral's) in joint venture with Lake Shore they drilled the first discovery hole at Thunder Creek. For nearly two years, Darin and his management team tried to convince the market that they had something really special - something that both Lake Shore or Goldcorp would want.  

But the market didn't care. Up until the bottom of 2008, West Timmins shares did nothing but go backwards, falling to a low of $0.13 in November 2008 - despite hitting significant grades over and over again.


(As I mentioned last week, the best time to buy stocks is when sentiment is negative and fundamentals are astoundingly positive.)   


Still Darin and his team knew what they had and wouldn't quit. They weren't about to let Lake Shore bully them out of the joint venture. So they kept drilling and marketing their story.  


Their result?  


West Timmins outperformed Lake Shore shares on a percentage basis on every news release for a year coming out of the 2008 crash.

As a result of their persistent efforts, it was one of the first companies out of the bottom in 2009. While many companies hid in the sand, they didn't.  


From that point, it's shares never looked back. 


Why is this important?


Practically the same thing is happening to Balmoral right now. The similarities between the West Timmins story and Balmoral are so vivid, they're scary.  


Balmoral has a very significant high grade system discovery at their Martiniere site that is very similar to what management was seeing early on in the West Timmins story with Lake Shore. It has a potential buyer in Detour, or any of a number of other nearby Quebec gold producers, who has already publicly announced - even in their AGM - that their number one desire is high grade within 50km of their new mine.   


Take a look at where La Martiniere's high grade discoveries are: 

Detour Gold Balmoral Radius
click to enlarge

Last year, Detour Gold said it wouldn't be looking to acquire other companies until production begins at Detour Lake in 2013. Shortly after that in late September, Detour announced that it was acquiring Trade Wind Ventures.


As you can see, Balmoral already has a readymade buyer that wants exactly what they are finding. It is producing great results on practically every hole drilled.  


Balmoral is repeating a path that is so very similar to West Timmins it's unbelievable. The geology, the grades, and the thickness of the intercepts management is finding from Martiniere West and East are very similar to what they saw in West Timmins.


The Comparison 


Right now, Thunder Creek has an average grade of 5.64 grams per tonne (gpt) for 521,600 contained ounces of gold ("Au") in the Indicated category and 2,693,000 tonnes at an average grade of 5.89 gpt for 510,000 ounces Au in the Inferred category.*  


*Based on Lake Shore Gold's Technical 43-101 Report on Thunder Creek, 12/29/2011


When you compare Thunder Creek to Balmoral's Martiniere, you will easily see what makes Martiniere so special.


With Thunder Creek, there is no ore above 350 vertical metres. The deposit starts 350 metres below surface.


On the other hand Martiniere West starts at surface.  

My back-of-the-napkin calculation suggests Martinere West alone has probably drilled out 200-225k ounces at 11 gpt from surface to 250m.


That's not only twice the grade of Thunder Creek, but the discoveries at Martiniere are already exceeding Thunder Creek at shallow depth and is open in all directions.


Balmoral is more advanced than the West Timmins story ever was.


Balmoral also has a historic resource (non 43-101 compliant)* of nearly a million ounces of gold and in addition to the Detour area projects has an exciting new opportunity on its Northshore Property in Ontario that continues to expand in size.  


West Timmins never had either as a backstop.


Balmoral also has over 82km to explore and is right next to what will become Canada's largest gold mine next year.  


West Timmins never had that either.


Balmoral was built on the same concept as West Timmins - only its built bigger and better than before. For anyone that missed the West Timmins deal, Balmoral may be that second chance. 


Now that you know the story, let's get into the more technical stuff.


Balmoral Project Overview


The majority of Balmoral's project portfolio is located in the province of Quebec -- a jurisdiction which combines an extraordinary mineral endowment with one of the most mining friendly legislative frameworks in the world.  


So friendly, in fact, that Balmoral will be receiving over $2 million in rebates from the Quebec government for the money it has put into the ground. The more Balmoral spends, the more money it gets back.  


Martiniere Gold System


Balmoral's discovery of a large new high-grade gold system at Martiniere represents one of the first new gold systems discovered in the Abitibi in 10 years.


Like the discovery of the Long Canyon Trend in Nevada which led to a double takeout (AuEX by Frontier and Frontier by Newmont - a double whammy for shareholders), Balmoral's discovery is opening new avenues to exploration and attracting significant industry attention.  


Late last year, powerhouse Osisko Mining saw what was happening in the area and optioned to acquire up to 65% of Midland Exploration Inc.'s Casault property - right next to Balmoral's Detour East and Martiniere properties. (see picture below)  


Balmoral Properties Map 




New Large Scale Gold Bearing System Open in All Directions

  • Expanding High-Grade Gold Resource - West Zone
  • 7 New Gold Discoveries Open for Resource Development
  • New VMS System and Associated Bonanza Grade Gold-Silver Breccia Zone
  • Already the Largest Gold System in the Belt Outside Detour Lake

martiniere gold system 

Martiniere West


After 12 months of drilling the Martiniere gold system remains open in all directions and is the home of no fewer than 6 high grade zones including the West Zone.

matiniere west main zone
click to enlarge


  • Expanding, shallow, high-grade gold discovery with significant resource potential
  • Greater than 75% "hit ratio"
  • Open in all directions; drilling to resume June 2012
  • Currently the most advanced of the Martiniere gold system discoveries
  • Shallow, high grade zone located 45 km from Detour Gold Deposit
  • Has moved from discovery to resource definition in less than 8 months

2011/2012 Drill Highlights

  • 4.24 g/t gold over 22.59 metres 
  • 13.01 g/t gold over 12.00 metres 
  • 10.51 g/t gold over 9.72 metres 
  • 11.13 g/t gold over 7.10 metres 
  • 5.60 g/t gold over 24.92 metres 
  • 44.97 g/t gold over 2.33 metres
  • 23.57 g/t gold over 3.74 metres
  • 20.99 g/t gold over 2.30 metres
  • 67.67 g/t gold over 1.36 metres
  • Intercepts currently extend for 410 metres along strike, to 120 metres down dip - OPEN IN ALL DIRECTIONS

Martiniere East

  • Recent New High-Grade Discoveries
  • 12.93 g/t gold over 9.33 metres
  • 18.72 g/t gold over 2.10 metres
  • 76.40 g/t gold, 1390 g/t silver over 0.50 metres
  • New zone of massive sulphide intersected; open in all directions;
  • 4 New Gold Discoveries in December 2011
  • 300 x 300 metres corridor of gold mineralization which is open in all directions
  • All within approx. 1 km of the West Zone and at shallow depth

There's no doubt in my mind that Balmoral will continue to hit. But as I mentioned before, Balmoral also has strong backstops that West Timmins never had.   


Bigger and Better Backstops  


While the main focus for me is Martiniere, Balmoral also has:

  • Grasset Gold discovery: a "Classic" Abitibi setting with first positive I.D. of "Timiskaming-style" gold mineralization along Detour Trend
  • High Grade Fenelon Project: A historic resource of high grade gold, with a positive pre-feasibilty (pre 43-101) at $350 gold in the upper zone. Multiple high-grade veins with local "bonanza-grades" including 2011 intercept of 97.33 g/t gold over 6.19 metres. Most recent historic grade estimate is 17.5 g/t gold (cut) - 33. 80 uncut - for intercepts above the 150 vertical metre level. It also already has a mining lease in place
  • Northshore Property, Ontario: JV property with GTA Resources that is large gold-bearing system centered around a high-grade core. Drilling continues to expand and hit strong numbers with the most recent results hitting 240.00 metres grading 1.41 g/t gold.
  • Detour East: 20 kilometre, early stage property directly adjacent to the 16 million ounce Detour Gold deposit development project
  • N2: A historic resource of 18.3 mT @ 1.48 g/t gold - 775,000 ounces* Project hosts 5 known zones of gold mineralization which contain an aggregate historic geological resource* of 18.2 mt grading 1.48 g/t gold for an in-situ resource of 775,000 ounces of gold. All known zones open to depth in a "gold-soaked" environment indicative of the presence of a large gold-bearing system typically of the most productive regions of the Abitibi.

*The N2 property contains a historical geological resource estimate defined by Cyprus Exploration in 1994 based on near surface drilling of approximately 230 Diamond drill holes. The estimate is historical and not in compliance with NI 43-101, and the category of "geological resource" does not conform to current CIM definitions. The historical estimate is not supported by a technical report. A qualified person has not done the work necessary to verify the historical estimate as a current estimate under NI 43-101 and the estimate should not be relied upon.  


More technical information and highlights can be found below.


The End Game 


When Detour Gold begins production in 2013, it will have only two things left to please shareholders:  

  1. Increase production
  2. Increase ounces
Detour has already publicly stated their intentions:

"The Company's (Detour Gold) strategy is to focus on high-grade mineralization found within a 50 km radius of its processing plant" - Gerald Panneton, CEO and President of Detour Gold - January 25, 2012

Balmoral is walking into a very promising position in the next 6 months in that as they continue to grow these zones out, especially with the grade profile, they will get to the point where it will make sense for somebody to make an offer.  


With all of the drilling, Balmoral could soon have enough for someone to come and say, "I'll take that."   


I am not the only one who thinks so:


"In the next 12 months, we believe Balmoral's aggressive exploration program may attain milestones that will provide a threshold into which the eastern extensions of the Sunday/Detour Lake structural belt emerge as a growing and recognized World-class gold district. We highlight that Balmoral's portfolio of properties could be the target of a take-over with an acquirer that searches for district-scale control." - Eric Lemieux, Laurentian Bank Securities, January 18, 2012   


Eric also has a CDN$1.50 price target for Balmoral as of January 2012, while Marc Johnson of M Partners has a target price of CDN$1.75 as of September 12, 2011.   


Balmoral is trading at CDN$0.57 per share. 


The Big Guys are Watching  


I am confident that someone will knock on Balmoral's door before their projects get even bigger and becomes expensive. 


There's some very big players in Balmoral's immediate area and they all have tons of cash to spend. You can bet they are watching Balmoral's progression and you can bet Balmoral's management is telling them the story. 


The big guys are watching Balmoral hit high grades on practically every hole.  


They know Balmoral's gold disoveries are open in every direction and continue to grow.  


They know Balmoral has been making new discoveries in record time.  


They know Balmoral is right beside what will become Canada's largest gold mine next year.


They know Detour Gold has every intention of focusing on high-grade mineralization within 50km of its processing plant. 


They know Balmoral has the largest land holdings in the area.


They know that Martiniere is the largest known gold system in the belt outside Detour Lake. 


They know Balmoral's team has done it before.


If you were one of the big guys, would you make an offer?   



Balmoral Resources Ltd. 


Cdn Symbol: (TSX.V: BAR)

US Symbol: (OTCQX: BALMF)   


*Please note that this report was originally published on May 13, 2012

We're biased towards Balmoral Resources Ltd. because they are an advertiser and we will be buying shares. You can do the math. Our reputation is built upon the companies we feature. That is why we invest in every company we feature in our Equedia Reports, including Balmoral Resources Ltd. It's your money to invest and we don't share in your profits or your losses, so please take responsibility for doing your own due diligence. Remember, past performance is not indicative of future performance. Just because many of the companies in our previous Equedia Reports have done well, doesn't mean they all will. Furthermore, Balmoral and its management have no control over our editorial content and any opinions expressed are those of our own.    




Until next time,


Ivan Lo

Equedia Weekly  


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Balmoral Corporate Summary       

Well financed, with a solid resource base and district scale exploration opportunities in one of the richest gold belts in the world, Balmoral has emerged as a significant new player in the gold exploration and development business.

The Abitibi Gold Belt of Ontario and Quebec is the second most prolific gold belt In the world. The average grade of deposits in the Abitibi is approx. 8 g/t gold Quebec, and the Ontario border region, are home to the three largest gold development projects in Canada - Detour, Osisko, and Eleonore.

Key Points:
  • Experienced and Successful Management that has the uncanny ability to build projects that return their shareholders numerous multiples in little time 
  • Canadian Company in One of the Best Jurisdictions for Exploration and Development on the Planet
  • Largest Land Position in the Emerging Detour Gold Trend directly adjoining what will be Canada's largest gold mine in 2013
  • 8 Gold Discoveries Open for Expansion/Resource Development - 85 km of Upside!
  • Extremely high grade drilling intercepts - practically every hole drilled has hit high grade numbers 
  • Exciting New Results from Northshore Project
  • 1.02 Million Ounce Historic Resource* and 2 New Resources in 2012
  • $10 million+ Treasury  
  • Under Coverage By Two Firms, "Watched" by 3 Others
  • Balmoral's Martiniere represents one of the first new gold systems discovered in the Abitibi in 10 years.   
  • New drill results are expected asap  

Property Map Overview

Balmoral Properties Map
click to enlarge
Balmoral Management and Directors 

Darin Wagner, President, CEO and Director 

Mr. Wagner is a Professional Geologist with 20 years of exploration and corporate development experience. Mr. Wagner spent the first 10 years of his career with two of Canada's largest and most successful exploration and mining companies (Noranda (now Xstrata) and Cominco (now Teck)) as a project geologist and manager in North and South America.

In 1999 Mr.. Wagner became Vice-President, Exploration for New Millennium Metals Corp.. which was successfully merged with Platinum Group Metals Ltd. in 2002. Mr. Wagner served as Exploration Manager for TSX listed Platinum Group Metals through the acquisition, discovery and initial delineation of the multi-million ounce West Bushveld PGE deposit in South Africa - which is now moving into production.

Mr. Wagner became President of Sydney Resource Corp., in September 2005 and helped engineer the successful merger between Sydney and Band Ore Resources to form West Timmins Mining Inc. in 2006. He then served as a President, CEO, Director and Qualified Person for West Timmins Mining through the discovery of the high-grade Thunder Creek Gold Zone in Timmins, Ontario and the acquisition of West Timmins by Lake Shore Gold in an all share deal valued at $424 million which was completed in November of 2009.

Ross McDonald, CFO 

Mr. McDonald is a Chartered Accountant, and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia since 1968. He has a broad range of experience in public company accounting and finance, providing accounting, audit and tax services to small and medium-sized businesses. The majority of his clients were related to the resource industry and include public companies, mining professionals, exploration service companies and consultants. Mr. McDonald was a director of Corriente Resources acquired by Chinese interest in a deal valued at $649 million and currently serves on the board of directors of Fjordland Exploration Ltd. and Miranda Gold Corp.

Richard Mann, Exploration Manager 

He has over 12 years experience in the mineral exploration industry and until recently worked for Barrick Gold Corporation, where he was Senior Geologist leading exploration efforts on and around the world-class Porgera gold deposit in Papua New Guinea. Prior to working at Porgera, Mr. Mann was a key component of Barrick Gold's Canadian project development and exploration team for five years and held exploration positions in Canada with Cominco Ltd. and the Hope Bay/Miramar joint venture. Mr. Mann will assume responsibility for day to day management of Balmoral's exploration programs in Quebec and Ontario and join the Company's project evaluations team.

Lawrence Talbot, Director

Mr. Talbot is a mining lawyer with over 23 years experience representing a wide range of clients in the mining industry, from individual prospectors and junior and mid-size explorers and producers through to major mining companies, in both the hard-rock and industrial mineral fields. He has extensive experience acting for public natural resource companies and providing advice on all aspects of their businesses, including corporate finance, securities and regulatory matters, corporate governance and shareholder issues, and all aspects of corporate acquisitions, takeovers, divestitures and reorganizations.

He is a director and/or officer of a number of public natural resource companies, including Cardero Resources Corp., International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. and, Wealth Minerals Ltd., Pedro Resources Ltd. and Remstar Resources Ltd. Prior to July 1, 2006, he was a partner in one of Canada's largest law firms, and now acts as general counsel to a select group of public companies.

Henk van Alphen, Director

Mr. van Alphen has been in the mining business for 24 years. He began his career as a successful exploration/drilling contractor, and then became the President of Pacific Rim Mining Corp. ("Pacific Rim") where he laid the foundation for Pacific Rim to become a successful South American based resource company. He served as Vice-President of Corriente Resources Inc. from 1994 to 1999, following which he became the President of Cardero Resource Corp. ("Cardero") in 1999, the cornerstone of the Cardero Group of companies which currently includes 9 publically listed resource companies.

Mr. van Alphen also holds directorships with the following companies; International Tower Hills Mines Ltd.., Ethos Capital Corp. and Wealth Minerals Ltd.

Gordon Neal, Director

Mr. Neal has more than twenty-five years experience in advising public companies and providing corporate finance services.

After serving as a Senior Associate at Vickers and Benson Advertising where he developed communication programs for Petro-Canada, Computerland, Wang Computers and others, Gordon founded Neal McInerney Investor Relations in 1991. Through marketing more than $4 billion in debt and equity financings, the company grew to be the second largest full service Investor Relations firm in Canada. Clients included; BCE, Nortel, Bell Canada International, Bell Mobility, Intrawest, Canaccord Capital, BMO Nesbitt Burns, and TVX Gold.

In 2002, Mr. Neal was appointed to the position of Vice President, Investor Relations at Pivotal Corporation, a Vancouver based software company, and assisted the board with the sale of Pivotal to in 2003.

Mr. Neal is currently the Vice President Corporate Development at MAG Silver Corp. He was also an advisor on corporate finance and investor relations to West Timmins Mining. He has assisted in raising more than $450 million for mining and resources companies since 2004. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Rockgate Capital Corp., Dorato Resources Inc. and Druk Capital Partners Inc.

Advisory Board  

Robert Duess

Mr. Robert Duess is a professional geologist and was previously Canadian project manager for West Timmins Mining Inc. prior to its acquisition by Lake Shore Gold in the fall of 2009 in an all share deal valued at $424 million. In his role with West Timmins Mining, and predecessor Band-Ore Resources Inc., Mr. Duess was responsible for the discovery of the Golden River Trend and the acquisition of the Thunder Creek Property which now hosts the high-grade Thunder Creek gold deposit in Timmins, Ontario. Mr. Duess is a 25 year veteran of the Abitibi gold province and provides technical advisory services to the Company.

Daniel MacInnis

Mr. MacInnis has over thirty years experience in worldwide mineral exploration - including Mexico. He has managed and directed multi-million dollar exploration programs for Noranda Exploration, Battle Mountain Gold/Hemlo Gold, and Sargold Resources. Mr. MacInnis has extensive global experience in property acquisitions and joint venture negotiations and operation. A significant number of mineral discoveries have been made under the guidance of Mr. MacInnis. Discoveries include gold and base metal deposits in the US, Canada and Mexico. Mr. MacInnis is a Registered Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo) and is a graduate of Saint Francis Xavier University with a BSc. in Geology. Mr. MacInnis provides technical advisory services to the Company.

He is also the current CEO and President of MAG Silver.

Kenneth Strong 

Mr. Strong serves as President of Technology Development Corporation and Chairman of Environmental Capital Corporation which are engaged in investment in and development of technology based businesses. Since 2005, Mr. Strong has been the President and Chief Executive Officer of S3 Holdings, Inc. of Ottawa, Canada. S3 Holdings was created to develop, primarily through its affiliate, Cosmos International Inc., business opportunities and provide strategic services to Chinese and international companies in the technology, mining and metals, health care, real estate, transportation, and energy sectors. Earlier in his career, Mr. Strong served for three years as Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Canada. Mr. Strong will provide corporate advisory services to the Company focused primarily on business development and M&A opportunities. 

More Details and Opportunities
Fenelon Discovery Zone
  • Multiple high-grade veins with local "bonanza-grades" including 2011 intercept of 97.33 g/t gold over 6.19 metres.
  • Drill confirmed continuity to 250 vertical metres in latest round of drilling.
  • Most recent historic grade estimate is 17.5 g/t gold (cut) - 33. 80 uncut - for intercepts above the 150 vertical metre level
  • Existing positive pre-feasibility level studies (pre-43-101) at $350 gold developed for upper portion of deposit.
  • Resource Update Q2 - 2012

Fenelon Drilling  

fenelon high grade core  

Fenelon Discovery Zone Model 
  • Developed ramp to 35 metres below surface
    2001 and 2004 test milling indicated recoveries of 97% - run of mill
  • Mining Lease in Place
  • Zones remain open to depth, down plunge and locally along strike
  • Additional vein zones indicated by deepest drilling

 Fenelon underground

Fenelon 2 

Detour East Option 
  • 20 kilometres of two gold-bearing trends less than 30 kilometres from the Detour Gold Project
Detour East
click to enlarge
Northshore Property, Ontario
Large gold-bearing system centered around high-grade core

Located in the Hemlo-Schreiber greenstone belt of Northwestern Ontario Balmoral's Northshore Property hosts a number of high-grade gold occurrences including the former producing Northshore Mine. Acquired by the Company in late 2010 the Property hosts a near-surface historic resource and numerous prospective targets with affinities to the Archean aged gold deposits of the Kirkland Lake and Timmins camps. The Property includes patented surface and mineral rights as well as unpatented claims. The property is located within the municipal limits of the town of Schreiber and the traditional territory of the Pays Plat First Nation peoples.

On July 27, 2011 Balmoral announced the signing of an Option Agreement with Ontario based GTA Resources and Mining Inc. (TSXV:GTA; "GTA") whereby GTA can earn up to a 70% interest in the Northshore Property by spending $5.5 million dollars on the Property over 5 years, issuing 3.5 million shares to Balmoral and making cash payments totalling $150,000. GTA will become the operator of the Property during the Option Agreement.
  • Multiple bonanza-grade vein systems all open for expansion
  • Bulk tonnage potential (Afric Zone) with cut intercepts of 1.20 g/t gold over 149 metres, 1.04 g/t gold over 150 metres from fall 2011 program
  • Balmoral currently controls 7.2% of GTA common shares
  • Currently Drilling 
  • Afric Zone: Bulk Tonnage Target 3 deep holes average north of 1 g/t over > 145 metres  
  • High-grade Audney and Caly Veins: 12.35 g/t gold over 33.20 metres and 14.35 g/t gold over 4.50 metres
  • New high-grade vein discoveries  
  • Expansion potential on all fronts. 
Northshore Property - Afric and Vein Zones February 2012 Results
Northshore Feb 2012
click to enlarge

N2 Project: Historic Resources + Near Term Potential
  • Advanced Exploration - Gold - Casa Berardi - Joutel Region, Quebec
  • Vezza Deposit Headframe adjacent to N2 Property
  • Wholly owned property located in the Noyon Township, Quebec, 25 kilometres south of Matagami.
  • Eastern extension of North American palladium's 460,000 ounce Vezza deposit on the Casa Berardi Break..
  • Project hosts 5 known zones of gold mineralization which contain an aggregate historic geological resource* of 18.2 mt grading 1.48 g/t gold for an in-situ resource of 775,000 ounces of gold.
  • All known zones open to depth in a "gold-soaked" environment indicative of the presence of a large gold-bearing system typically of the most productive regions of the Abitibi.
  • Road accessible with nearby infrastructure.  
click to enlarge
*The N2 property contains a historical geological resource estimate defined by Cyprus Exploration in 1994 based on near surface drilling of approximately 230 Diamond drill holes. The estimate is historical and not in compliance with NI 43-101, and the category of "geological resource" does not conform to current CIM definitions. The historical estimate is not supported by a technical report. A qualified person has not done the work necessary to verify the historical estimate as a current estimate under NI 43-101 and the estimate should not be relied upon.

Capital Structure and Ownership   


Issued & Outstanding: 72,155,888


Warrants outstanding       

  • 120,000 @ $1.25 Expiry 13 Mar 2013  
  • 12,574,877 @ $0.94 Expiry 9 Nov 2012 

Stock Options outstanding       

  • 100,000 @ $1.25 expiry June 6, 2014
  • 885,000 @ $1.25 expiry June 6, 2015
  • 2,920,000 @ $1.00 expiry November 18, 2015  

Fully Diluted: 88,755,765    


Cash and Receivables: ~$11.5 Million


52 Week High: $1.88

52 Week Low: $0.50


Balmoral Share Ownership 



Forward-Looking Statements and Corporate Disclosure from Balmoral

Darin W. Wagner, P.Geo is a non-independent Qualified Person and has compiled this presentation from publicly available industry information, NI43-101 compliant technical reports and new releases with specific underlying Qualified Persons as set out in the releases and reports. Industry Information has been compiled from publicly available sources and may not be complete, up to date or reliable. Forward looking statements may differ materially from actual events. Please see complete information on Sedar (

This presentation is for information purposes only and is not a solicitation. Please consult the Company for complete information and a Registered Investment Representative prior to making any investment decisions. This presentation reports on the technical details of the company's projects up to March 12, 2012 and provides a guide to the company's potential future activities and use of funds. There can be no assurance that the company objectives will be achieved.

Inferred Resources are reported. The US Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize the reporting of Inferred Resources. These resources are reported under Canadian National Instrument 43-101 and have a great amount of uncertainty and risk as to their existence and economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of Inferred Resources will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian Rules estimates of Inferred Mineral Resources may not form the sole basis of feasibility studies or pre-feasibility studies. INVESTORS ARE CAUTIONED NOT TO ASSUME THAT PART OR ALL OF AN INFERRED RESOURCE EXISTS, OR ARE ECONOMICALLY OR LEGALLY MINEABLE.

This presentation also refers to historic geological resources - identified by an asterik * in the text - these resources are historic in nature and pre-date the implementation of Canadian National Instrument 43-101. Neither the Canadian nor the US Securities and Exchange Commission recognize the reporting of historic resources they are considered conceptual in nature. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of geological resources will ever be upgraded to a higher category. INVESTORS ARE CAUTIONED NOT TO ASSUME THAT PART OR ALL OF GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES EXISTS, OR ARE ECONOMICALLY OR LEGALLY MINEABLE. They are included herein solely for historic context and completeness.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of this presentation, which has been prepared by management. There can be no assurance that any of the assumptions in the resource estimates will be supported by a Pre-feasibility or Feasibility Study or that any forward looking event will come to pass. The data is incomplete and considerable additional work will be required to complete further evaluation, including but not limited to drilling, engineering and socio-economic studies and investment.

This presentation contains information with respect to adjacent or similar mineral properties in respect of which the Company has no interest or rights to explore or mine. Readers are cautioned that the Company has no interest in or right to acquire any interest in any such properties, and that mineral deposits on adjacent or similar properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on the Company's properties. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance and all investors are urged to consult their investment professionals before making an investment decision. Investors are further cautioned that past performance is no guarantee of future performance

The Company may access safe harbor rules.

In This Issue
A Recipe for Success: Balmoral Resources (TSX.V: BAR) (OTCQX:BALMF)
Balmoral (TSX.V: BAR) (OTCQX:BALMF) Corporate Summary
Balmoral Management and Directors
More Details and Opportunities
Fenelon Discovery Zone: Multiple high-grade veins with local "bonanza-grades"
Detour East: 20 kilometres of two gold-bearing trends less than 30 kilometres from the Detour Camp
Northshore Property: Large gold-bearing system centered around a high-grade core
N2 Project: Historic Resources + Near Term Potential
Capital Structure and Ownership
Forward-Looking Statements
Balmoral Resources Links
Balmoral Resources News

balmoral links


Casey Summit Presentation April 27-29, 2012

Balmoral Corporate Flyer  


Balmoral in Business Excellence Magazine  


Balmoral Corporate Video Overview 

balmoral news

May 2, 2012 


Balmoral Reports 71% Increase in Vertical Extent of High Grade Martiniere West Gold Zone  


April 25, 2012


Balmoral Continues to Expand Martiniere Gold System  


April 18, 2012   


Balmoral and GTA Intersect 1.41 g/t Gold Over 240.00 Metres at Northshore, Ontario  


April 16, 2012   


Balmoral Added to S&P/TSX Venture Select Index  


March 29, 2012


Balmoral Intersects 11.42 g/t Gold Over 9.30 Metres at ME-16 Target; Confirms Additional High Grade Gold Discovery at Martiniere  


March 19, 2012 


Balmoral Exploration Update 


February 14, 2012 


Balmoral and GTA Intercept 149.50 Metres Grading 1.20 g/t Gold (Capped) on Northshore Property, Ontario


December 5, 2011     


Balmoral Intersects 12.93 g/t Gold Over 9.33 Metres from One of Four New Discoveries at Martiniere East  


November 30, 2011  


Balmoral Intersects 4.24 g/t Gold Over 22.59 Metres at Martiniere West-Expands High Grade Zone to Over 380 Metres Along Strike

November 21, 2011       

Balmoral Intersects 44.97 g/t Gold Over 2.33 Metres; Extends High-Grade Martiniere West Gold Zone, Detour Gold Trend, Quebec

More Balmoral News     




Quick Links

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Projects & res.
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Contact Cpy

Balmoral Res is a gold development stage company based in Canada.

Its main asset in development is FENELON in Canada and its main exploration properties are MARTINIERE and NORTHSHORE in Canada.

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6/30/2016Announces Closing of $7.1 Million Bought Deal Private Placem...
5/25/2016Enters into Agreement to Receive Minimum $3.6 Million throug...
10/9/2013Increases Private Placement to $6.0 Million
10/4/2013Announces $5.0 Million Private Placement
10/17/2011Increases Flow-Through Private Placement to $4,015,000
10/14/2011Announces $3,025,000 Flow-Through Private Placement
Nominations of
2/6/2014Announces Appointment of Mr=2E DanMacInnis as a Director of ...
1/14/2014Announces Appointment of Mr=2E Graeme Currie as a Director o...
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Project news of
6/27/2016Launches Summer 2016 Drill Program
2/11/2014(Northshore)s Progress on Northshore Property, Ontario
1/29/2014Set to Resume Drilling on Detour Gold Trend Project
1/9/2014Intersects 27=2E05 g/t Gold Over 6 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=2E22=20Me...
12/18/2013(Martiniere)Intersects 10=2E62 g/t Gold Over 21 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=2E44=20M...
12/10/2013(Northshore)Reports 9=2E47 g/t Gold Over 9=2E00 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=20Metres...
10/10/2013Files Early Warning Report With Respect to Holdings in GTA R...
7/18/2013(Northshore)Reports 6=2E00 Metres Grading 5=2E23 g/t Gold from New Targe...
7/16/2013Acquires New Property Along Casa Berardi Gold Corridor
5/13/2013Balmoral Extends Bug Lake Gold Zone by 350 Metres-Doubles St...
5/9/2013Balmoral Reports Further Expansion of Afric Gold Zone, North...
3/19/2013(Northshore)Reports Resumption of Drilling at Northshore Property
1/28/2013(Martiniere)Reports More High Grade Intercepts =?ISO-8859-1?Q?From=20the...
1/15/2013(Martiniere)Completes Acquisition of 100% Inter =?ISO-8859-1?Q?est=20in=...
1/8/2013Balmoral Reports Further Expansion, New High Grade Discoveri...
11/9/2012(Martiniere)Intersects 7=2E94 g/t Gold Over 19 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=2E70=20Me...
10/5/2012(Martiniere)Resumes Drilling on Martiniere Property, Quebec
9/24/2012Balmoral Intersects 8.08 g/t Gold Over 7.95 Metres in Deepes...
9/24/2012Intersects 8=2E08 g/t Gold Over 7=2E95 Metres in Deepest Hol...
6/20/2012The Equedia Report Coverage On Balmoral Resources
6/13/2012(Martiniere)Reports More High Grade Results From Martiniere West; Initia...
6/6/2012(Northshore)Provides Northshore Property Update
6/4/2012Receives "Best Discovery Record" Award
6/1/2012(Martiniere)Reports More Broad Gold Interceptsat Martiniere East Detour ...
5/23/2012Announces Nickel-Copper-PGE Discovery a =?ISO-8859-1?Q?t=20G...
5/2/2012(Martiniere)Reports 71% Increase in VerticalExtent of High Grade Martini...
4/18/2012(Northshore)and GTA Intersect 1=2E41 g/t Gold =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=20Over=202...
3/29/2012Intersects 11=2E42 g/t Gold Over 9=2E30 Metres at ME-16 Targ...
3/19/2012Exploration Update
3/12/2012(Northshore)Announces Resumption of Drilling on =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=20Norths...
2/28/2012Update on Neighbouring Detour Gold Mine Development Project
2/14/2012and GTA Intercept 149=2E50 Metres G =?ISO-8859-1?Q?rading=20...
1/26/2012Commences 2012 Winter Drill Program on Detour Gold Trend Pro...
1/2/2012Balmoral Reviews 2011 Exploration Results; Plans for 2012
12/5/2011Intersects 12=2E93 g/t Gold Over 9=2E33 Metres from One of F...
11/30/2011(Martiniere)Intersects 4=2E24 g/t Gold Over 22=2E59 Metres at Martiniere...
10/14/2011BTV Feature Article on Balmoral Resources Ltd.
8/24/2011Intersects 8=2E14 g/t Gold Over 21=2E47 Metres in Shallow An...
7/14/2011Grasset Gold Discovery Leads to Further Expansion of Balmora...
6/1/2011(Fenelon)Balmoral Continues to Intersect High Grade G =?ISO-8859-1?Q?...
4/15/2011Balmoral Intersects 10=2E51 g/t Gold Over 9=2E72 Metres and ...
3/4/2011BTV Feature on Balmoral Resources - Saturday March 5 @ 8:00p...
3/2/2011Balmoral Intersects 11=2E18 g/t Gold Over 12=2E00 Metres in ...
2/28/2011Balmoral Continues to Expand Detour Trend Land Position
Corporate news of
1/14/2016Testing Only
1/14/2016Balmoral - Letter from the President
11/3/2015Balmoral Confirms New Gold Bearing Fault System on Martinier...
10/16/2015Balmoral Announces $4.5 Million Flow-Through Private Placeme...
9/8/2015Balmoral Extends Grasset H3 Zone to Depth with Intersection ...
8/27/2015Balmoral Updates Expansion and Delineation Programs on H3 Ni...
4/20/2015RETRANSMISSION - Balmoral Intersects 19.55 G/t Gold Over 44....
4/20/2015Balmoral Intersects 19.55 g/t Gold Over 44.45 Metres, Bug La...
4/9/2015Balmoral Extends Grasset Horizon 3 Ni-Cu-PGE Discovery by 20...
4/9/2015Extends Grasset Horizon 3 Ni-Cu-PGE Discovery by 20% to Over...
2/24/2015Balmoral Appoints Vice President, Corporate Development
2/2/2015Balmoral Options N1-N2 Project to Wealth Minerals
1/19/2015Balmoral Commences Winter 2015 Program on Detour Trend Proje...
12/18/2014Balmoral Continues to Expand Grasset Ni-Cu-PGE Discovery
12/11/2014Balmoral Identifies Over 50 Conductors Along Grasset Trend
1/15/2014Upcoming Events
11/14/2013Named Prospector of the Year in Quebec
10/30/2013Closes Second and Final Tranche of
10/30/2013Extends Bug Lake Gold Trend to Over 1,000 Metres
10/23/2013(Northshore)Reports Resumption of Drill Program =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=20on=20N...
9/5/2013(Martiniere)Outlines Large, New I.P. Anomaly at Martiniere, Quebec
8/15/2013Balmoral Hits the Big Board
8/15/2013Announces Final Approval for Graduation to TSX
8/6/2013(Martiniere)Reports Resumption of Expansion Drill =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=20Prog...
7/30/2013Receives Conditional Approval for Graduation to TSX
6/19/2013Mid-Day Breaking News From Archer Petroleum, Balmoral, and G...
6/19/2013Reports Results From 2013 Annual General Meeting
5/30/2013Balmoral Reports Final Results of Winter 2013 Drill Program ...
5/30/2013(Martiniere)Reports Final Results of Winter 201 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?3=20Drill...
5/28/2013Balmoral Reports 196.50 Metres Grading 0.66 g/t Gold, Includ...
5/28/2013Reports 196=2E50 Metres Grading 0=2E6 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?6=20g/t...
5/13/2013(Martiniere)Extends Bug Lake Gold Zone by 350 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=20Metres-D...
5/9/2013(Northshore)Reports Further Expansion of Afric =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gold=20Zon...
4/16/2013Balmoral Adopts Advance Notice Policy
4/5/2013Balmoral Completes Winter Drill Program at Martiniere
4/5/2013(Martiniere)Completes Winter Drill Program at Martiniere
2/7/2013Grants Stock Options
1/31/2013Join us at Our Upcoming Events
1/28/2013Balmoral Reports More High Grade Intercepts From the Martini...
1/18/2013Balmoral Commences 2013 Drill Program on Detour Gold Trend
1/18/2013Commences 2013 Drill Program on Detour Gold Trend
1/15/2013Mid-Day Breaking News From Silver Bear, Balmoral, TomaGold, ...
11/9/2012Balmoral Intersects 7.94 g/t Gold Over 19.70 Metres BL Footw...
10/31/2012Balmoral Confirms and Expands Three High-Grade Gold Zones in...
10/31/2012(Martiniere)Confirms and Expands Three High-Grade =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=20Gold...
10/15/2012(Martiniere)Continues to Expand Martiniere Gold =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=20System...
10/4/2012Mid-Day Breaking News From Mountain Boy, Balmoral , and Abz...
10/4/2012Balmoral Intersects 15.09 g/t (0.44 oz/t) Gold Over 5.18 Met...
10/4/2012Announces Closing of $8,004,000 Flow-Through Offering
9/21/2012Mid-Day Breaking News From Commerce, Balmoral, Novadx, and M...
9/12/2012Announces Increase to Previously Announced Equity Financing
9/12/2012Mid-Day Breaking News From Prophecy Platinum, Balmoral, Canc...
9/12/2012Announces $5=2E0 Million Bought Dea
8/29/2012Mid-Day Breaking News From Balmoral, Great Atlantic, Lomiko,...
8/29/2012(Martiniere)Discovers Three More Broad Areas of =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=20Gold=2...
8/20/2012(Northshore)Drilling Resumes on Balmoral's Northshore Property, Ontario
8/16/2012Balmoral Intersects 273 g/t (8 oz/ton) Gold Over 3.88 Metres...
8/13/2012The Abitibi Knows No Boundaries: Balmoral Sets Out to Prove ...
7/12/2012(Northshore)Afric Zone Continues to Expand on Balmoral =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=2...
4/25/2012(Martiniere)Continues to Expand Martiniere Gold System
4/16/2012Added to S&P/TSX Venture Select Index
3/13/2012Announces Closing of $3 Million B
3/2/2012at PDAC; New Corporate Video
2/23/2012Joins OTCQX
2/21/2012Balmoral Announces $3=2E04 Million Bought De
10/14/2011CORRECTION FROM SOURCE: Balmoral Increases Flo
9/12/2011Ltd=2E: Notification to Investors of Research Coverage by MP...
9/8/2011attending Precious Metals S =?ISO-8859-1?Q?ummit,=20Colorado...
7/7/2011Announces Significant Gold Discoveryon Detour Gold Trend in ...
6/6/2011Balmoral Grants Stock Options
6/6/2011Passing of Mr. Wayne O'Connor; Advisor to the Company
5/4/2011Balmoral Reports Multiple High-Grade Gold Intercepts from Co...
5/2/2011Balmoral Commences Geophysical Program at Detour East
4/20/2011Balmoral Announces Closing of $3 Million Flow-Through Offeri...
3/22/2011Balmoral Announces $2.0 Million Flow-Through Private Placeme...
2/15/2011Website Launched
2/10/2011participating at the World Outlook =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Financial=...
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