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Jared got a gun

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Publié le 10 janvier 2011
1143 mots - Temps de lecture : 2 - 4 minutes
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Did anyone else notice that Speaker of the House John Boehner did not shed a tear when issuing his statement about the massacre in Arizona that killed, among others, a nine-year-old girl and left Congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords maimed? The new Speaker notoriously weeps when recounting his own youthful travails rising to fortune in business and power in government. He handled this incident like a news-caster at a Midwestern TV station reporting rush hour traffic.

     I doubt that the young shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, will turn out to be affiliated with the Tea Party or any other established political faction. The evidence he left in a few YouTube videos evinces the thought disorder typical of post-adolescent onset schizophrenia, but with a remarkable twist. He was preoccupied with thoughts about currency, money, in particular how money is created. In the text-and-music video available here at  YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGRCEIxU96A&feature=related), Loughner writes:

Every human who's mentally capable is always able to be treasurer of their new currency.... 

If you create one new currency then you're able to create a second new currency.

If you're able to create a second new currency then you're able to create a third new currency.

You create one new currency.

Thus you're able to create a third currency.

     Does this begin to sound sickeningly like the policy of the Federal Reserve and the thinking of its chairman, Ben Bernanke? Is the monetary behavior of top US officials now so disordered that it is showing up as mental illness in young people?

    You are wrong if you think I'm being facetious.

    Loughner had a few other obsessions: control, sleepwalking, the "scam" of higher education, and terrorism.

    For more than one generation it has been difficult for young American males to develop successfully into men. They even dress like babies at 25. Their vocational options these days tend toward corporate slavery of one kind or another. Flipping burgers for a despotic fast food chain. A job in a cubicle. At best, a job in a cubicle making a lot of money by swindling fellow Americans. If they manage to get through college, many face a lifetime of tuition loan debt slavery. 

    The rewards of entering the realm beyond college are paltry-to-miserable. Solitary cab rides to the mall. A burrito and a Big Gulp. Later, back home, an hour in the virtual company of the Kardashian sisters via the E-Network on your parents' cable TV. Where are the initiations into manhood? (Try the channelized dry-wash, courtesy of the Barrio Blue Moon boyz.) I'm convinced that the reason video games and movies aimed at young males in America are devoted almost solely to fantasies about super-heroes and supernatural power (especially the power to kill) is because adolescent boys feel so impotent, so powerless, so unlike real men. The adults in this culture do not furnish any meaningful alternative scripts. That's the market's job, I guess.

     When confused and disturbed young men do act, they sometimes act out the scripts of violent retribution that the video game and movie business so lavishly supply to them. This is a culture, lately, with no room whatsoever for tenderness. Look for a moment of tenderness in the popular video game, Carmageddon. The Speaker of the House's moments of tender reminiscence are reserved for himself. This used to be known as a condition called feeling sorry for yourself. It was considered, if anything, un-manly.

     I don't know if the ambient political mood of the USA is any more poisonous now than it was for about a decade starting in the 1960s, when all those assassinations changed history: John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, George Wallace, plus Lennon and the attempts on Ford and Reagan. The Baby Boomers produced more than their share of lost souls. Myth still shrouds the doings of Lee Harvey Oswald, since he was bumped off so quickly, but other shooters have been around for decades. Surely plenty of people from FBI agents to forensic psychiatrists have plumbed the depths of Sirhan Sirhan and Arthur Bremer over their many years of incarceration, and all they find are a couple of human black holes yielding nothing that illuminates their acts.

     I doubt that the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords and the many others who attended her meet-and-greet will lead to anything like more civility in politics. The country faces grave problems and most of the political noise rises not from the agony of facing them, but from the desperate efforts to avoid or deflect them. The deliberations at the highest level in Washington sound these days like the tortured reasoning of Jared Lee Loughner - for instance the hiring of William Daley from JP Morgan to run a White House that is hostage to JP Morgan.

     One thing the shooter surely accomplished: it will now cost elected officials hundreds of millions of dollars more every year to imagine they can protect themselves with new layers of security. Not just the assignment of federal marshals, but the deployment of all sorts of "high-tech" equipment and procedures, since we are now in the techno-rapture phase of the long emergency, which features massive amounts of magical thinking. 

      Will history notice that Jared Lee Loughner was struggling to puzzle through the mysteries of currency and of who controlled what in this world, even while he was being tossed out of a community college that he was extremely conscious of being scammed to pay for - a government-supported school that affected to prepare young people for a career spent in a corporate cubicle in order to fork over the weekly paycheck to pay back college loans.

     From their website:

At Pima Community College you have access to an affordable, high-quality education. Our Costs and Payments section will familiarize you with tuition for credit and non-credit classes, as well as with payment methods.

Don't let a lack of funds keep you from reaching your goals! There are options available to help you cover tuition, including:

Federal Financial Aid - you should apply, don't assume you're not eligible!

Veteran's Benefits

Scholarships and Grants

Work Study Programs

     The shootings of Congresswoman Giffords and all the others took place in front of a Safeway Supermarket in a strip mall in a city of strip malls and housing subdivisions - many of them failing financially. It must be unbelievably difficult for a young person to make sense of such an incoherent environment and such cruel swindling culture. A society that habitually and incessantly lies to itself is apt to choke to death on its internal contradictions. Jared Lee showed an unusual concern for language and literacy. His videos were all words, no pictures. I wonder if the word SAFEWAY flashed through his brain when he pulled the trigger.

James Howard Kunstler

James Howard Kunstler’s new novel of the post-oil future, World Made By Hand, is available at all booksellers.




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Jim C:

I'm going to have to disagree with you again, I'm afraid. Although I agree that Boehner's crying, as it relates to the shooting rampage, is a bit irrelevant, the article on the whole is pretty spot on.

Culture matters, and ours is collapsing. I think that it is not outrageous to postulate that the symptoms of that collapse would first make themselves felt in males.

Kunstler certainly is a bit left of center for my taste, but he is right when he points out that materialism, or at least our particular brand of it, is destroying the soul of the country.

I think the subtext of his article points to the possibility that Loughner's reaction, schizophrenic though it may have been, was in some ways a coherent response to the vacuousness of modern global culture. (If anyone thinks that the rest of the world is more mature or spiritually satisfied than Americans, I would hold that they are extremely naive, but it is a point that I cannot prove). As is al-Qaeda's, as backwards and sick as that is.

The problem is not the Right or the Left. It is not even mental illness in the clinical sense. The problem is a civilization and an age careening out of control. One that can no longer offer definitions for the most basic terms of life, like "human", "man", "woman", "child", "freedom", "law", "God", "money", "truth", "good", "evil", "beauty", "art", etc. It is impossible for any individual or civilization to conclusively define these things, but we have either given up the attempt to come to some consensus about what they mean, or we have expanded them so much as to become void of meaning. Violence and sex fill that void, since society actively corrodes all other constructive endeavors. A civilization that expects no more of its population, especially its males, than to get a job and pay taxes is barbaric. Scratch that, barbarism at least has a naive charm and simplicity. A barbaric civilization is simply insane.

Perhaps I am over-excited, but Loughner may prove to be a John the Baptist of the coming age, one that will baptize all in blood. For me, at least, the assassination attempt had initially been a random act of insanity, but the reaction it seems to be provoking among the nation as a whole points to a deeper significance.
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
John O:

You seem to be saying that, for some reasons, reasonable definitions cannot be ascribed to concepts; that, in effect, nothing can really be known. That I think is the very root of the problem in our society that you seem to sense -- and perhaps Kunstler himself. If so, you both are claiming that very knowledge you deny.

If we can't agree that Kunstler's use of the word 'despotic' in referring to fast food employment is objectively wrong, perhaps even morally wrong- especially in the context of socialist states which he himself writes about -- than no meaningfull debate is possible.
Evaluer :   6  -3Note :   9
Jim C.:

I am saying that a society that no longer thinks pursuit of such truth as central to a meaningful existence is beyond salvation. The paradox is that a society that believes no definite conclusions can be made about ultimate truth is correct. And yet, as you point out, this is itself a declaration of an ultimate truth that denies ultimate truth. This is the Platonic paradox. We cannot find refuge either in relativism or absolutism.

I think there is more than a passing resemblance between these philosophical attitudes and the opposition between anarchy and despotism, or liberty and order. The pragmatic solution is some middle point. A "mixed republic" in politics, and a moral humanism in philosophy.

As for Kunstler's use of the word "despotic" in reference to working at a fast-food joint, I would pick perhaps a different word, but I still think there is an element of truth to this. Although I am not a Thoreau-style anarchist, I think there is far more dignity in shoveling manure on a farm for pennies a day than there is in shoveling fat-laden saltburgers with a fake grin to the mass customer. Stores like McDonald's utilize mass production, and the front-line worker, as well as piles of people up to the top, are cogs in that machine. It is not McDonald's fault or any single individual's, but there is something dehumanizing about it that resembles a socialist fairy tale. One must not merely perform one's job, but one must do so with a certain 'happiness' or be sacked for disloyalty. It is not enough to show that one is willing and capable to do a job, but to show a degree of commitment and loyalty from the beginning. Fast food is just a routine example, not an outlier.

Schumpeter pointed out the similarities between big business and socialism and how one morphs into the other. If he was right, then Kunstler may be more right than you give him credit for.
Jim C.

You hit the nail on the head guy. Kunstler is the same, old, tired partisan he's always been. Never misses a chance to smear a conservative and never looks at the faults of his favorites, progressives, Israel, AIPAC and in reality...Socialism with a capital S.

Jim is a colorful writer, kinda like Michael Savage is a fantastic story teller. Both will tell you a hundred truths in order to get you to believe a real whopper!

Evaluer :   0  2Note :   -2
Mr. Kunstler:

Your article is almost as incoherent as Jared's ramblings. What does Boehner's crying or not crying have to do with anything? You said Jared apparently does not have connections with the far right or the Tea Party. You neglected to mentioned that he DOES appear to have connections with the far left. His reading list included the classics of a managed society: works by Hitler, Marx, and Plato -- blueprints for socialist states.

And what did you mean by saying that young men today have no choice other than to be hired to flip burgers for a "...despotic fast food chain." Despotic? What is despotic about a fast food chain? Depostism resides in socialist states where governments rule individual lives by force or threat of same. You do not seem to know the difference between free and slave states. As well, drawing an inference about our younger generation from one individual out of 300 million is questionable reasoning at best.

I hear in your tone Jimmy Carter speaking of some unspecified 'malaise.'
Evaluer :   6  -3Note :   9
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Jim C.: I am saying that a society that no longer thinks pursuit of such truth as central to a meaningful existence is beyond salvation. The paradox is that a society that believes no definite conclusions can be made about ultimate truth is correct. And  Lire la suite
John O. - 17/01/2011 à 11:56 GMT
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