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Cours Or & Argent

Why Are We At War in Yemen?

IMG Auteur
Publié le 12 août 2013
627 mots - Temps de lecture : 1 - 2 minutes
( 29 votes, 4,4/5 ) , 48 commentaires
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Rubrique : Or et Argent

Most Americans are probably unaware that over the past two weeks the US has launched at least eight drone attacks in Yemen, in which dozens have been killed. It is the largest US escalation of attacks on Yemen in more than a decade. The US claims that everyone killed was a "suspected militant," but Yemeni citizens have for a long time been outraged over the number of civilians killed in such strikes. The media has reported that of all those killed in these recent US strikes, only one of the dead was on the terrorist "most wanted" list.

This significant escalation of US attacks on Yemen coincides with Yemeni President Hadi's meeting with President Obama in Washington earlier this month. Hadi was installed into power with the help of the US government after a 2011 coup against its long-time ruler, President Saleh. It is in his interest to have the US behind him, as his popularity is very low in Yemen and he faces the constant threat of another coup.

In Washington, President Obama praised the cooperation of President Hadi in fighting the Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. This was just before the US Administration announced that a huge unspecified threat was forcing the closure of nearly two dozen embassies in the area, including in Yemen. According to the Administration, the embassy closings were prompted by an NSA-intercepted conference call at which some 20 al-Qaeda leaders discussed attacking the West. Many remain skeptical about this dramatic claim, which was made just as some in Congress were urging greater scrutiny of NSA domestic spying programs.

The US has been involved in Yemen for some time, and the US presence in Yemen is much greater than we are led to believe. As the Wall Street Journal reported last week:

"At the heart of the U.S.-Yemeni cooperation is a joint command center in Yemen, where officials from the two countries evaluate intelligence gathered by America and other allies, such as Saudi Arabia, say U.S. and Yemeni officials. There, they decide when and how to launch missile strikes against the highly secretive list of alleged al Qaeda operatives approved by the White House for targeted killing, these people say."

Far from solving the problem of extremists in Yemen, however, this US presence in the country seems to be creating more extremism. According to professor Gregory Johnson of Princeton University, an expert on Yemen, the civilian "collateral damage" from US drone strikes on al-Qaeda members actually attracts more al-Qaeda recruits:

"There are strikes that kill civilians. There are strikes that kill women and children. And when you kill people in Yemen, these are people who have families. They have clans. And they have tribes. And what we're seeing is that the United States might target a particular individual because they see him as a member of al-Qaeda. But what's happening on the ground is that he's being defended as a tribesman."

The US government is clearly at war in Yemen. It is claimed they are fighting al-Qaeda, but the drone strikes are creating as many or more al-Qaeda members as they are eliminating. Resentment over civilian casualties is building up the danger of blowback, which is a legitimate threat to us that is unfortunately largely ignored. Also, the US is sending mixed signals by attacking al-Qaeda in Yemen while supporting al-Qaeda linked rebels fighting in Syria.

This cycle of intervention producing problems that require more intervention to "solve" impoverishes us and makes us more, not less, vulnerable. Can anyone claim this old approach is successful? Has it produced one bit of stability in the region? Does it have one success story? There is an alternative. It is called non-interventionism. We should try it. First step would be pulling out of Yemen.

Données et statistiques pour les pays mentionnés : Yemen | Tous
Cours de l'or et de l'argent pour les pays mentionnés : Yemen | Tous
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Here is my final word for this topic: many here call whatever they disagree with "hate" --typical Orwellian Newspeak, while issuing personal insult after personal insult. Their comments are in the record.

I critique Kunstler because he repeatedly advocates going back to a world made by hand, his own words -- notwithstanding the millions that would die from lack of food or medical attention.

I critique DiLorenzo because he never attacks the South for Slavery -- only Lincoln for ending it. He hates Lincoln so much for his big government efforts to win the war that he appears blind to the atrocity of slavery. He belongs to the Lew Rockwell group which advocates the complete abolishment of the state. Such an abolition would, as with Kunstler, condemn millions to, at best, a third world existence similar to the one in Somalia.

I critique Ron Paul for his foolish statements about America being responsible for the 9/11 terrorist's because, as Paul has said often, "we have bases in other countries, so what else can we expect." I critique him the many racist's articles that have appeared under his banner for which he has never adequately explained. I also critique him for denigrating Israel, a nation who has repeatedly suffered from attacks by her neighbors.

I critique Doug Casey, a self-admitted anarchist, for urging investors to move to some sort of Galt-like community he is organizing in, of all places, Argentina -- that land of financial turmoil, murder, and disappearances.

My critiques may have been harsh, but the ideas of those I critique, if implemented, would detrimentally affect millions. Should I be expelled from this site for such I'll respond to their articles wherever I can find them.

As for personal insult, I don't believe I have ever INITIATED any personal attack against a commentator -- though I have and will respond in kind. The big boys -- Kunstler, Paul, DiLorenzo, Casey, can take care of themselves -- and could care less about a lone voice crying in the wilderness.
Evaluer :   9  3Note :   6
You still don't get it do you. While you throw the word "critique" around you miss it’s meaning completely, being able to comment on a posted subject is not the same as "critiquing" an author. If you want to slam someone for their beliefs, do it elsewhere. In these forums, go ahead and read posts made by OTE, Dom, or many others, you'll find one common thread. Commenters restrict their posts to the subject at hand, not the author. You seem to be incapable of distinguishing the difference.

"I critique Kunstler because he repeatedly advocates going back to a world made by hand, his own words -- notwithstanding the millions that would die from lack of food or medical attention. "

No you don't. You drag up something that JHK has said at some point and never address, post a contrary point, what he says in the article. You lambast him for voting for Obama even when Obama isn't in the topic. You slam him for this even though he has admitted he was wrong. You sthate that you voted for Ron Paul yet you slam him every chance you get. What's wrong with you that you don't see the hypocrisy of this? At least JHK has the balls to admit he was wrong. Have you got any balls? Admit you were wrong and leave JHK alone already. You slam JHK for his leaning towards a "world made by hand" yet you have prepared for exactly that, you and he are one and the same except he as the balls, again, to sthate what he believes is going to happen. You just silently prepare for it. Has he ragged on the medical advances humans have made? If so please post where. What I've seen is that he is happy that these advances have happened.

"I critique DiLorenzo because he never attacks the South for Slavery -- only Lincoln for ending it. He hates Lincoln so much for his big government efforts to win the war that he appears blind to the atrocity of slavery. He belongs to the Lew Rockwell group which advocates the complete abolishment of the sthate. Such an abolition would, as with Kunstler, condemn millions to, at best, a third world existence similar to the one in Somalia."

What's wrong with you? If DiLorenzo wanted to write about how bad the south was because of slavery he would. Get it through your cement head that he is writing about Lincoln and not the south. Both these things are very different and distinct subjects. Lambasting him simply because he doesn't write about the south is like accusing a lawyer of being a hypocrite because one day they may be defending one client and the other trying to get money out of someone for another client. They are two distinctly different things. Who cares what group he belongs to. Does he ever bring the "group" into one of his articles? No. You do! He writes about Lincoln, I'm sure there are many who also write about the south, do you attack them because they don't write equally critical content about Lincoln?

"I critique Ron Paul for his foolish sthatements about America being responsible for the 9/11 terrorist's because, as Paul has said often, "we have bases in other countries, so what else can we expect." I critique him the many racist's articles that have appeared under his banner for which he has never adequately explained. I also critique him for denigrating Israel, a nation who has repeatedly suffered from attacks by her neighbors."

Let’s take this particular post from Dr. Paul. Where does he say anything about who was responsible for 911? Where did he make a racist remark? Where did he say one thing about Israel? Give your head a shake, your continually dragging things into a thread that no one has mentioned. Why can't you simply address the subject being discussed? If you want to expose someone as clueless ten do so by posting a valid argument that will negate what the person has said, IN THAT PARTICULAR ARTICLE. You mention “." I critique him the many racist's articles that have appeared under his banner for which he has never adequately explained.” Without his explanation you have made an assumption that he is racist. If he were to explain his point and it were obvious that he is indeed racist I too would condemn him for it but he hasn’t.

"I critique Doug Casey, a self-admitted anarchists, for urging investors to move to some sort of Galt-like community he is organizing in, of all places, Argentina -- that land of financial turmoil, murder, and disappearances."

I believe you envy Mr. Casey. If he is so wrong then why is he so wealthy that he can afford to start a community in Argentina? Do you really believe that you smearing him every chance you get will hurt his finances? You've become nothing more than 'that idiot' that is always hurling insults at those who have done more with their lives than you have. If it was full of such turmoil then why are smart people moving there? Have you set foot in the country in the last 5 years? If not then where are you getting the information that there is so much turmoil, the same talking heads that you oppose as a prepper?

"My critiques may have been harsh, but the ideas of those I critique, if implemented, would detrimentally affect millions. Should I be expelled from this site for such I'll respond to their articles wherever I can find them."

What an arrogant assumption. You have not presented one item for discussion that can be taken as an attempt to address the suffering of millions. All you've done is whine, made some farting like noises and thrown dirt in the air. Where is your master plan? If you deride someone for their beliefs then have the decency to post an alternative. Anything less is a cowardly act. If you were expelled many would breathe a sigh of relief, that's all.

"As for personal insult, I don't believe I have ever INITIATED any personal attack against a commenthator -- though I have and will respond in kind. The big boys -- Kunstler, Paul, DiLorenzo, Casey, can take care of themselves -- and could care less about a lone voice crying in the wilderness."

Wrong, very wrong. In every example above you have done exactly that. You drag up things that the authors may have said a very long time ago and now accuse them of still believing these things or acting upon them. You have a very inflated opinion of yourself, as if everything you believe is correct. You’re getting a god complex like Vox.

Evaluer :   7  4Note :   3
They're on the move with screams and insults -- Hart/Verboten/Iesos/prljr! Is it the WALKING DEAD or ATTACK OF THE CLONES?
Evaluer :   7  1Note :   6
Wait was that an attempt at humor? You failed. Where's the ok to the admins?
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
Hey Jim C, keep hitting that Report Abuse link. Just keep right on working towards you either being kicked off the site or simply having your privileges being taken away. Keep it up... go on hit that link.... you know you wanna.
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
Verboten you have no Hart -- or are you Hart???? Either way 'both' of you can't rationally defend Ron Paul and so resort to personal attack and the ABUSE BUTTON.
Evaluer :   7  1Note :   6
Whoa, hang on now, should I call you Jim C or FreedomFirst, I saw the post you made when you were still logged in as FreedomFirst and wish I would have posted a comment fast enough so that you couldn't delete it, ah well lets stick with Jim, its shorter, you seem to completely forget Jim why you take so much abuse. Let me refresh your memory, it's because you can't rationally discuss the subject so you resort to childish attacks against the people posting here. You see you never come up with anything relevant to the subject matter, you just carry on with your lame attempts to slander the authors. So how then can you with a clear conscience accuse someone else of doing the same to you? Let him with no sin cast the first stone.

As for Hart and I being the same person, was his explanation that far over your head, are you that computer illiterate? I too give the admins here the right to answer Jim C's queries as to whether or not Hart and I are the same but not the right to divulge location or ISP details. If this will finally shut you up I welcome it.
Evaluer :   7  2Note :   5
You began with "Whoa...." Now where have I heard "whoa" before? Oh, yes, Hart began an article with that some time back: "Whoa... Now you’re saying that Lincolns continuation of...."

And you still say you are not the same? How words give us away!
Evaluer :   7  1Note :   6
That's the best you can throw at me? Whoa? A word used by many for many reasons. You missed your calling inspector. Um.. but where is the ok to the admins I asked for below? Lets put this to an end, allow the admins to determine who is who and who isn't who. Your not afraid are you Jim C?
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
But no one else, in the thousands of articles here, begins a comment with "whoa" but you and Hart. And if admin gave a damn they would've stopped clone logins out long ago.

In truth what matters is the quality of the argument, not personal insult.
Evaluer :   8  1Note :   7
Alright Jimmy, show me where you made a quality argument. For everyone you might have I can easily list hundreds where you do nothing but slander an author, the archives are full of them.

And why have you not responded to the request Verboten made, to allow the admins to tell us how many logins you have? You keep trying to deflect and dance around the matter with weak distraction and accusation.
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
What a bunch of horse shit. You started this whole thing Jim C. I agree with the other guys, give your permission for the admins to tell us who has multiple log in's or shut up. All you do is start trouble Jim C. You have on one or two occasions actually added something to a discussion but the other 99.99% of all your posts are nothing more than a feeble attempt to convince people reading the article that the contributor is not worth trusting. You take an approach that is slightly evolved from the full frontal assault that school bullies use but just as obvious. I truly would like to see the admins remove your account(s). Yes I read the post by Hart, I to have received e-mail telling me there was a response to one of my posts and it reads exactly as Hart posted. I believe you and at least FreedomFirst are the same person. What a dishonest thing to do Jim C. I had lost most of my respect for you based on the things you say about contributors but now, your comments have no more value.
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
Now the usual suspects are coming out of the woodwork! Are you, too, a Hart clone?
Evaluer :   8  1Note :   7
Oh you got me, me Hart, Vox, Verboten, OTE, Dom, Tom, Dick, and Harry are all the same. What an ignorant little man you are. Or should I maybe have said --- Whoa, you got me. I only posted because my daughter likes this site and she commented to me how the moron on 24hgold was at it again. I come on here and what do I find, a bunch of trash, all started by you.

You'll get no more response from me, you are not worth it. But know this, it's a good thing I don't allow my 8 year old to post here, she has a few things to say to you that her mother won't allow her to post. Good bye ignorant little man.
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
Hats off to Jim C and Vox, few times have I seen such jackass's stalking a forum. You guys go about berating those who put their ideas out there while never ever mustering the same amount of bravery yet you whine and snivel every time you come under fire for making stupid posts or using vulgar language. If you have such a hate for JHK and Ron Paul go start ihatejhk.com or ihateronpaul.com and keep your trash off of this site.
Evaluer :   1  1Note :   0
LMAO... Well done Jim, you caught yourself and deleted the post. But ... umm.. I have an e-mail that shows your comment as:

"Frankly it is you who have spewed the hate in my and VOX's direction -- lacking the ability to respond to the critiques"

Oh what a slippery slope you are on.
Evaluer :   1  1Note :   0
I'm sorry FreedomFirst, are you answering on Jim C's behalf or are you another of Jim's logins. Ooops Jim, looks like you gave yourself away that time. I have not posted against FreedomFirst for I have never had reason to do so, this being the case FreedomFirst = Jim C.

Well done Jim, you just gave yourself away. You get the golf clap for moron of the day.
Evaluer :   6  2Note :   4
VOX has already commented on your numerous logins as well as your tendency to respond to critiques with hate speech.
Evaluer :   1  9Note :   -8
I'm sorry Jim C but why did you delete the post wherein you screwed up and showed that FreedomFirst and Jim C are one and the same?

As for Vox's assumption that I have multiple logins, please feel free to contact the admins and ask them about this. I give them permission to divulge whether or not I have multiple logins but not my location. And I understand if you don't know how they can achieve this, it's very easy as every post is logged against an IP and MAC address. The IP can be the same for a number of people but each computer has a different network card MAC address and this will distinguish between multiple logins vs. multiple users.

By the way here's what FreedomFirst posted when he thought he was still logged in as Jim C (if you're going to be an ass you need to have a better memory) and then after noticing his mistake he deleted the post:

The following anwer has just been posted by "FreedomFirst" to your commentary of Why Are We At War in Yemen? :

"Frankly it is you who have spewed the hate in my and VOX's direction -- lacking the ability to respond to the critiques."

Should you wish to reply, you can just click here.

With our best regards

Yes I know there is a spelling mistake, anwer instead of answer but anyone who has ever received one of these messages will be able to go back and see that this is what 24hgold.com uses to alert commenters of an answer being made to their post.

Evaluer :   6  1Note :   5
I love it when you and your friends get flustered. I only wish 24hr Gold would post a new DiLorenzo article attacking Lincoln. It's been way too long.
Evaluer :   7  3Note :   4
Flustered? Please do tell how you deduced that? If anything I have shown that I have nothing to hide and as such have no reason to be flustered, what about you Freedo... err I mean Jim C or is it Lovetochat? Dang it's getting hard to keep up with your multiple personalities. What are you hiding besides a need for more education?

A Dilorenzo article, ouh how I wish he would post again, every time he does you get that much closer to blowing a gasket. Every time your posts become that much more desperate. I love to watch as you squirm.

Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
It's DiLorenzo --at least give your hero the courtesy of a correct spelling.
Evaluer :   7  2Note :   5
Still trying to deflect and reject requests to show how many logins you actually have I see.

Your starting to look like a very guilty little cyber creep.
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
WHOA,You telling me Jim C knows how to create multiple logins!WHOA
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
Let's go one step further and charge the Administration here to expel from this site all those who have initiated personal insult against commentators. Go back and check you articles and recall what a complete idiot you've been -- and let's hope Admin will as well.

Evaluer :   7  2Note :   5
Whoa whoa whoa, what a jolly good idea, a great way to get rid of you. But... You still haven't answered the request, allow the admins to tell us who has multiple logins. You see it's not just about getting rid of you (having you turfed for blatantly spewing hate against the authors) it's also about exposing you as a creep and a fraud.
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
Hey Jim, why don't you post here giving the admins the ok to tell me if Jim C, Lovetochat, and FreedomFirst are one and the same. Come on now, what have you got to hide? Show us how brave and honest you are. Then also give me permission to post the answer here so everyone will be able to tell who the real jackass is.
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
People read your articles and know who the jackass is. So, you're okay with Admin expelling you for personal insult if they find it? Be honest now.
Evaluer :   7  1Note :   6
I love you're trembling now, doing everything possible in an effort to take the focus off of you having a number of log ins and posting in support of yourself. If the admins kicked people for insulting others you would have made about 350 less posts.

And hey Hart, is Iesos one of us, there seem to be so many of us I can't recall them all. Sorry that you got dragged into this Iesos but you know what Jim C is like.

Let’s look at a small sampling of Jims recent and not so fabulous comments:

"Typical mindless response from you - attacking the individual rather than the content. But I understand: the fallacy of Peak Oil is something you and the back to nature radical environmentalists don't wish to hear. " http://www.24hgold.com/english/news-gold-silver-the-global-race-for-shale-development-is-on.aspx?article=4415063372G10020&redirect=false&contributor=Marin+Katusa

This was a response to Hart for telling a contributor that looking like a punk wasn't to his advantage.

"DiLorenzo has no credibility when it comes to individual rights. His constant defense of Southern secession with slavery a case in point. The only group that slanders Lincoln and defends the old South more are the Neo-Confederates." http://www.24hgold.com/english/news-gold-silver-dead-things-to-memorialize.aspx?article=4389134960G10020&redirect=false&contributor=Tom+DiLorenzo

Slandering DiLorenzo when he couldn't come up with any defense of Lincoln. This is a very typical comment, directed at the contributor rather than the subject.

"I don't know what to make of Casey. He's a self-admitted anarchist and yet wishes to be King for a Day -- only long enough, he says, to reduce government. So he'd become a dictator to eliminate dictatorship? I recall something about power corrupting absolutely." http://www.24hgold.com/english/profile_of_Jim_C.aspx?tab=0&comAdh=83295880F8350

Another example of attacking the contributor rather than discussing the subject.

There are literally hundreds more. So now Jim, please explain how your insulting and slandering contributors is any different than someone insulting you for being a moron?

So how come you haven't posted to allow the admins to tell us how many log ins you have? I'm going to have to bang my gavel and declare you guilty, Jim C, Lovetochat, and FreedomFirst, three log ins we know to be one and the same individual. You, a creepy little stalker.
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
Ok I've stayed out of this for as long as I could. Yes Jim. Lets have the admins kick out everyone who has posted insults against other commenters as well as authors. You dumb ass, you never thought this thru did you, are you ready to lose the ability to post hate against JHK, Ron Paul, and DiLorenzo because if people were tossed out for insulting others you would be long gone. Can you really stand to see them post and you not be able to put up your hate when they do? Ya I didn't think you could stand that so shut up with the question. Instead focus on how you might become less of an ass.
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
Has it ever occurred to you guys that in these forums, comments on the subjects presented are intended to be for discussion of the subject itself rather than a running assault on the author?

Think about it for one second. If all that is posted is criticisms of the authors and no discussion of the subject matter expressed by the author then why the hell should there even be a comments section.

If it means that we no longer have to endure Jim C's repeated attempts to discredit individuals rather than see honest discourse then please admin's, remove the ability to post comments. Jim C has for far to long abused the comments feature to keep his hate campaign running. And that's all he has done, spewed hate.

Jim C has been pulling the same stunt for so long with out ever being taken to task for it other than the comments I post against him and those of a few others. This has become a 24/7 Jim C hate club. Vox, you wouldn't stand for 24/7 Jesus on here but you have no qualms about 24/7 Jim C hate. How sad, not to mention the disgusting language you so easily use every time you get challenged. So one of your comments got deleted. Is it any wonder this happens when you consider how many of your comments are nothing more than egotistical, arrogance filled, and often foul self centered opinions?

Disgusting! Then you threaten to abuse the "Abuse" button. How grown up of you. How mature. How so like the Vox you have shown us. And you would pass yourself off as an educated person.

And before you sling mud in my direction, it wasn't me that reported Jim C's posts, I take far more enjoyment abusing the abuser.
Evaluer :   1  3Note :   -2
Well Vox, you sure have been a busy little varmint haven't you? Reporting every post as abuse. Hey everyone, guess who the lame duck at 24hgold.com is.

Oh and Vox, please report this one as well. Maybe once you've been ignorant enough times they might just ban you from the site.
Evaluer :   1  1Note :   0
Has it ever occurred to you guys that in these forums, comments on the subjects presented are intended to be for discussion of the subject itself rather than a running assault on the author?

Think about it for one second. If all that is posted is criticisms of the authors and no discussion of the subject matter expressed by the author then why the hell should there even be a comments section.

If it means that we no longer have to endure Jim C's repeated attempts to discredit individuals rather than see honest discourse then please admin's, remove the ability to post comments. Jim C has for far to long abused the comments feature to keep his hate campaign running. And that's all he has done, spewed hate.

Jim C has been pulling the same stunt for so long with out ever being taken to task for it other than the comments I post against him and those of a few others. This has become a 24/7 Jim C hate club. Vox, you wouldn't stand for 24/7 Jesus on here but you have no qualms about 24/7 Jim C hate. How sad, not to mention the disgusting language you so easily use every time you get challenged. So one of your comments got deleted. Is it any wonder this happens when you consider how many of your comments are nothing more than egotistical, arrogance filled, and often foul self centered opinions?

Disgusting! Then you threaten to abuse the "Abuse" button. How grown up of you. How mature. How so like the Vox you have shown us. And you would pass yourself off as an educated person.

And before you sling mud in my direction, it wasn't me that reported Jim C's posts, I take far more enjoyment abusing the abuser.
Evaluer :   1  1Note :   0
Well Vox, you sure have been a busy little varmint haven't you? Reporting every post as abuse. Hey everyone, guess who the lame duck at 24hgold.com is.

Oh and Vox, please report this one as well. Maybe once you've been ignorant enough times they might just ban you from the site.
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1

Lets see how they deal with that!
Evaluer :   1  1Note :   0
Has it ever occurred to you guys that in these forums, comments on the subjects presented are intended to be for discussion of the subject itself rather than a running assault on the author?

Think about it for one second. If all that is posted is criticisms of the authors and no discussion of the subject matter expressed by the author then why the hell should there even be a comments section.

If it means that we no longer have to endure Jim C's repeated attempts to discredit individuals rather than see honest discourse then please admin's, remove the ability to post comments. Jim C has for far to long abused the comments feature to keep his hate campaign running. And that's all he has done, spewed hate.

Jim C has been pulling the same stunt for so long with out ever being taken to task for it other than the comments I post against him and those of a few others. This has become a 24/7 Jim C hate club. Vox, you wouldn't stand for 24/7 Jesus on here but you have no qualms about 24/7 Jim C hate. How sad, not to mention the disgusting language you so easily use every time you get challenged. So one of your comments got deleted. Is it any wonder this happens when you consider how many of your comments are nothing more than egotistical, arrogance filled, and often foul self centered opinions?

Disgusting! Then you threaten to abuse the "Abuse" button. How grown up of you. How mature. How so like the Vox you have shown us. And you would pass yourself off as an educated person.

And before you sling mud in my direction, it wasn't me that reported Jim C's posts, I take far more enjoyment abusing the abuser.
Evaluer :   6  3Note :   3
Jim C's. latest deleted comment:

Apparently certain individuals don't like to have their favorites critiqued and automatically hit the 'abuse button.'

If Admin doesn't take the time to curb the abuse of the 'abuse button' then anything and everything might and will be so tagged.

Once again, Ron Paul is no friend of America. It is a fact, not opinion, that he accused American of being responsible for the terrorist threat of 9/11. It is my opinion that such a comment labels him incompetent to deal with any foreign policy issue.

Anyone with a differing opinion is free to voice it.
Evaluer :   2  12Note :   -10
Wow, Vox has started the Jim C fan club. What a lovely couple you make.

Evaluer :   5  4Note :   1
Wow, Vox has started the Jim C fan club. What a lovely couple you make.
Evaluer :   1  1Note :   0
Wow, Vox has started the Jim C fan club. What a lovely couple you make.
Evaluer :   1  2Note :   -1
Wow, Vox has started the Jim C fan club. What a lovely couple you make.
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
Apparently certain individuals don't like to have their favorites critiqued and automatically hit the 'abuse button.'

If Admin doesn't take the time to curb the abuse of the 'abuse button' then anything and everything might and will be so tagged.

Once again, Ron Paul is no friend of America. It is a fact, not opinion, that he accused American of being responsible for the terrorist threat of 9/11. It is my opinion that such a comment labels him incompetent to deal with any foreign policy issue.

Anyone with a differing opinion is free to voice it.
Evaluer :   7  -3Note :   10
I read both your comments and neither one was abusive. I hope the administrators read anyone's comments before deleting them. I suspect who is doing this and it just shows he has no answers to your valid critiques. And you're right, if the administrators just automatically delete without evaluation then their article comment section will be dead in the water.

Keep it up.
Evaluer :   2  7Note :   -5
Jim, i read your comment that got pulled. i did not agree with your point of view and kind of wondered where you got it into your head that Paul would nuke those who would attack America after his non-interventionist policy comes into effect. That being said, there was nothing in your comment that violated the comment policy and it most certainly should not have been yanked. i had the same thing happen to a comment of mine last week. It had to be one of the most vanilla comments i have ever posted. It getting yanked perplexed me and so i contacted the authorities about it, seeking clarification. The MOTHERFUCKERS did not bother to get back to me. Nor quite obviously did they review my comment, for if they had, it most assuredly would have been reinstated. i mean, there was absolutely nothing in it that came close to violating their policy.... If the MOTHERFUCKERS do not do something to correct the situation, i am going to start hitting the report abuse button for every single comment posted, for what is going on is garbage and that might be the only way to get the ASSHOLES to take action.
Evaluer :   1  9Note :   -8
^^^^Very mature is our Vox. Some day he may even learn words other than those the other kids who hang at the 711 use.
Evaluer :   5  3Note :   2
Well done Vox, you learned a new word and even got to use it twice plus you got to shout it. You must make your mother so proud.
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
Ron Paul is no friend of America and certainly not one to pontificate on foreign policy as he does in this article.

His past pronouncements, during last year's Republican Presidential Primary, accusing the United States of being responsible for the terrorists attack of 9/11 will forever damn him as a marginal and highly flawed personality in the political arena. How anything he says, beyond the economical, can be taken seriously is a mystery best solved by psychological investigation.

Ron Paul should stick to economics and leave foreign policy to those who have American's best interests at heart.
Evaluer :   7  0Note :   7
When it comes to economics, protecting our financial system, Ron Paul has some expertise and excellent advice. When it comes to advice about physically protecting America from foreign threats, Ron Paul flounders dismally. His foreign policies are contradictory. On the one hand, as he states in this article, he is against attacking known terrorists with drones in Yemen, or any terrorists anywhere for that matter -- for fear of the collateral damage to, perhaps, dozens of innocents -- yet he has stated that he would without hesitation launch a worldwide nuclear strike should America be attacked in kind, an attack that would kill untold millions of said innocents.

You see, by attacking otherwise unassailable terrorists with drones, Ron Paul believes that we actually increase their recruitment. By that logic no crime whatsoever should be punished -- it only fosters resentment and retaliation.

More than likely Ron Paul is a kindly old fellow, a nice old gramps who wouldn't hurt the proverbial fly --- but no one would entrust said gramps to protect our nation from enemies.

Evaluer :   6  4Note :   2
Dernier commentaire publié pour cet article
You still don't get it do you. While you throw the word "critique" around you miss it’s meaning completely, being able to comment on a posted subject is not the same as "critiquing" an author. If you want to slam someone for their beliefs, do it elsewher  Lire la suite
Hart - 13/08/2013 à 22:23 GMT
Note :  7  4
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