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Should the Pope Excommunicate All Catholic Politicians?

IMG Auteur
Publié le 13 juillet 2014
894 mots - Temps de lecture : 2 - 3 minutes
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“If . . . taxation is compulsory, and is therefore indistinguishable from theft it follows that the State, which subsists on taxation, is a vast criminal organization far more formidable and successful than any ‘private’ Mafia in history.”

–Murray Rothbard, “The Nature of the State”

“There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.”

 –H. L. Mencken

Pope Francis recently excommunicated (i.e., kicked out of the Catholic Church) all members of the Italian Mafia, denouncing their “evil ways” as an affront to God.  If he was consistent, however, he would similarly condemn and excommunicate all Catholic politicians and their networks of big-government worshipping Catholic political activists, among the most prominent of which are his fellow Jesuits.  Politics is many orders of magnitude more evil and immoral than the Mafia or any other “private” criminal gang.

Pope Francis would realize this truth by a careful consideration of the part of Catholic doctrine known as the Seven Deadly Sins.  According to the Church’s teachings, all sin has its root causes in these seven deadliest sins, all of which, I will argue, are defining characteristics of the politics and politicians whose causes are championed by Jesuits like Pope Francis with their “social justice” agenda.  (As F.A. Hayek pointed out in The Mirage of Social Justice, the phrase itself is nonsensical – only individuals can act in a just or unjust manner—and is essentially a euphemism for socialism).

Politicians are natural criminals, as H.L. Mencken observed in the above quotation.  (Ron Paul is the only exception that I can think of during my lifetime). In order to finance their campaigns for election they must promise to steal money from those who have earned it and give it to others who have no moral right to it.  They are inveterate liars, as everyone knows, since they all make campaign promises that they know they could never keep.  The most successful among them are those who are the least hindered by strong moral principles opposed to lying and stealing and confiscating their fellow citizens’ property.  That is why F.A Hayek titled a chapter of The Road to Serfdom “Why the Worst Get on Top.”

There are one or two exceptions every couple of generations, but in general politicians personify the Seven Deadly Sins of Catholic doctrine.  Self pride trumps humility as the most successful politicians tend to be extremely egotistical with inflated self images (sometimes etched in stone on mountain sides and in bronze statues littering cities all around the world). 

Envy poisons the heart of every crusader for “social justice,” the lame euphemism for income redistribution via welfare statism, which long ago replaced “government ownership of the means of production” as the definition of socialism.

Wrath is what one experiences if one even criticizes the ruling political class.  In some societies this means lost employment, character assassination, and censorship, whereas in others, such as the twentieth-century socialist states, it meant the mass murder of dissenters by the millions (see Death by Government by Rudolph Rummel).

Sloth has long been associated with government bureaucrats and bureaucracies because of absence of market feedback mechanisms.  A slothful business owner will pay a price for his laziness in terms of lower profits or bankruptcy; no such penalties exist in governments, where budgets only increase year after year after year.  In fact, it is quite routine to reward government bureaucracies with larger budgets for their failures.  The worse the public schools become, the more money they get; the more the war on drugs fails, the more money the Drug Enforcement Administration gets; etc.

Greed for power to dominate others is why politicians become politicians in the first place, not to mention the riches attached to being a “public servant” who can use his political connections to enrich himself and his family through inside information among other means.

Gluttony is on display daily with internet, newspaper, and televised images of “state dinners,” the palatial buildings that politicians build for themselves to “work” in, their lavish spending of taxpayer dollars on international travel, nightly feasts, cocktail parties, staff entourages, and more.

The antics of politicians like Bill Clinton periodically remind us of the Sodom-and-Gomorrah lifestyle of so many politicians who are not unfamiliar with the deadly sin of lust, although the bigger sin is their lust to dominate other people and societies and their use of coercion and force to achieve these ends.

Murray Rothbard pointed out in his essay on “Just War” that the American Revolution and the South during the Civil War” were the ony two just (defensive) wars in American history that are consistent with the kind of Catholic just war theory initiated by St. Thomas Aquinas.  All other wars and military interventions in foreign countries have been aggressive wars pursued for economic gain on behalf of “the elite” who control government.  All politicians and others who have supported these wars are therefore accomplices in mass murder in one way or another.

Theft, intimidation, threats, censorship, imprisonment, and murder are all defining characteristics of the state and statists.  It is fine that Pope Francis has excommunicated the Mafia, but he actually supports and promotes far more sin and evil in the world with his Jesuit-inspired views of welfare statism and his incoherent and uneducated denunciations of peaceful exchange among consenting adults through the benefit of the international division of labor (i.e., capitalism).

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If Karen was divulging anything that might remotely cause the Jesuits or Zionist Jews running the planet any grief she would be dead. The more theories out there the more the truth gets hidden.
Karen is controlled opposition.
Evaluer :   1  1Note :   0
For Prijr
You ask "So Jesuits have Jewish names? Are they trying to make the Jews look bad?"
Eric Jon Phelps explains that the Jesuits use Papal Court Jews. like the Rothschild bankers, Netanyahu and other jews as their Zionists agents and are a convenient scapegoat when the public gets f*kdover. Jesuit agent and son of an illegitimate Rothschild, Adolf Hitler scapegoated the jewish bankers for their WW1 defeat when the Rothschilds were the bankers for the Jesuits that safeguarded and invested their stolen Vatican gold when they were expelled from Europe in the 1800s. There are many rabbi protests for the scapegoating and misrepresentation of the Jews by the Zionist agents of the Jesuits but you will never see these protests because the Jesuits control the media and education. The Jesuits use groups against other groups including Catholics, blacks, Muslims and of course Jews. The last thing they want is to be fingered as the top of the pyramid manipulating mass perception and shifting blame to minority groups.

You say "Karen Hudes also talks about aliens in one of her youtube videos"
Karen discusses the vast evidence supporting a non-human species that are likely leading the Jesuits and their secret societies. These are large headed Nephilim, whose existance is supported by skull remains dug up in Peru and Rome. She points out that it's not an essential part of her beliefs and they are not aliens, but a similar species to humans whose existence has been suppressed by the Jesuit-controlled education and media institutions. Karen Hudes provides evidence as a 22 yr veteran of the World Bank that there is a super entity that owns nearly half of the global corporations and income. This all started when the Jesuits stole the Vatican's gold and entrusted it to the Rothschilds who invested it with the Rockefellers, Morgan's ect into a vast world-controlling super-entity.

It's not hard to believe there is a super intelligent, but callous species at the top, in light of the disregard shown by all the wars, depressions, vast suffering and death brought on humanity since 1913 when the Fed was instituted by the Jesuits and their army of agents. This information is her chief contribution. This history was no accident and was promoted by a callous, unfeeling and cruel master that can only be described as inhumane and power hungry. Don't dismiss Karen because she has the courage to propose a possible explanation for the cruel history humanity has had to endure.

Evaluer :   1  1Note :   0

You state, "he [the Jesuit Pope Francis] would similarly condemn and excommunicate all Catholic politicians and their networks of big-government worshipping Catholic political activists, among the most prominent of which are his fellow Jesuits". I'm suprised you are critical of "Big Government" Jesuits and you teach at Loyola. The Jesuits have a long history of silencing their critics.

The Jesuits have taken great pains to cover up their sordid history of manipulation and if you read Vatican Assassins by Protestant historian Eric Jon Phelps you will find out that Jesuit leadership orchestrated the assassinations of Lincoln, Kennedy and House Banking chairman Louis McFadden among others. They plotted the sinking of the Titanic in order to remove opposition to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 from several of it's politically powerful passengers.

According to Phelps, they plotted the Fed in order to fund WW1 using IRS tax money and funded WW2 using stolen American bank gold between 1928 and 1932 and causing the 30s depression that few realize. In fact House Banking chairman Louis McFadden called for the arrest of the Jesuit-created Fed for treason and theft of Americas gold in 1934. His fellow house members were scared shitless because they knew the Jesuit were master assassins. They killed McFadden in 1937 on their third attempt.

They were also able to suppress their plot to assassinate Lincoln as few realize the Vatican delegation was banned from 1867 thru 1983 for their role in plotting the civil war and Lincoln's assassination. They plotted the Jeckyl Island Federal Reserve conspiracy to take over America's money and have been controlling America from behind the curtain for the past century. The Jesuit General is the power behind the throne, masquerading as a religious order and controling the White Pope. Four have tried to expel the Jesuit cancer and were poisoned in 1773, 1939, 1958 and 1978. The Jesuits were originally formed in 1540 to fight the Protestant Reformation and return the Pope to the economic and spiritual dominance he enjoyed in the dark ages. In the 1800s the Jesuit religious fanatics were taken over by illuminati and Masonic secret societies, but world domination goals remained the same.

Another youtube revealer of this criminal organization is former World Bank attorney Karen Hudes who states that the Jesuits stole the Vatican's gold and with their Rothschild bankers now own nearly half of global corporations and income. They own the Federal Reserve through their banker agents, the media, education, Hollywood. politicians at all levels through bribery and death threats and have even managed to suppress by infiltration the declaration that the Catholic Church is the Antichrist made a century ago by Protestant churchs. Thanks to youtube the history of this hidden scourge is finally getting out despite their efforts to suppress their sordid history and enormous hidden power to try to rule the world.

Evaluer :   1  2Note :   -1
So Jesuits have Jewish names? Are they trying to make the Jews look bad? Or do the Jews not care that the Jesuits are using them? Are the dual citizenship Israelis in the USA government Jesuits or Jews? Or is it a mutually shared organized criminal enterprise?
Karen Hudes also talks about aliens in one of her youtube videos so i do not put too much faith in what she has to say but feel free to believe what you will.
"and rule by the strongest clan."

No difference to what we have now. You have seen what they are arming the police with? It is NOT to protect and serve the people. But, to protect them and serve them (the strongest clan)
Why do you think they want to do away with the 2nd amendment? It AIN'T for the children, it ain't to save lives. Its to make it easier for them when they start the second civil war.
Evaluer :   3  1Note :   2
DiLorenzo makes the case for politicians as thieves when coercive taxation is in place. Unfortunately he would say the same even if we had no taxation. You see, DiLorenzo is that specie of thinker who believes in no government at all -- which, history shows, leads to unending mayhem, and rule by the strongest clan.

Then DiLorenzo goes from semi-sane to inane with the following quote from Rothbard which he agrees with: "Murray Rothbard pointed out in his essay on “Just War” that the American Revolution and the South during the Civil War” were the only two just (defensive) wars in American history that are consistent with the kind of Catholic just war theory initiated by St. Thomas Aquinas."

So the South defending the slavery of human beings was a "just war"???????????????????
Evaluer :   1  5Note :   -4
Jim C? you certainly are the flower of Leftist bumperstickerism, since your ability to cogitate the slightest nuance is apparently nonexistent. The author isn't calling for no gov't, especially since there never has existed a period no gov't. The author is merely pointing out the nature of the human condition; which at the core is man's desire to exercise power over man.
Evaluer :   3  2Note :   1
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If Karen was divulging anything that might remotely cause the Jesuits or Zionist Jews running the planet any grief she would be dead. The more theories out there the more the truth gets hidden. Karen is controlled opposition. Lire la suite
prljr - 17/07/2014 à 18:35 GMT
Note :  1  1
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